After the Storm - Page 26/141

Margaret, startled by the hurried, half-incoherent summons of the

waiter, came flying into the library. The moment her eyes rested

upon Irene, who still insensible upon the sofa, she screamed out, in

terror-"Oh, she's dead! she's dead!" and stood still as if suddenly

paralyzed; then, wringing her hands, she broke out in a wild,

sobbing tone-"My poor, poor child! Oh, she is dead, dead!"

"No, Margaret," said Mr. Delancy, as calmly as he could speak, "she

is not dead; it is only a fainting fit. Bring some water, quickly."

Water was brought and dashed into the face of Irene; but there came

no sign of returning consciousness.

"Hadn't you better take her up to her room, Mr. Emerson?" suggested


"Yes," he replied; and, lifting the insensible form of his bride in

his arms, the unhappy man bore her to her chamber. Then, sitting

down beside the bed upon which he had placed her, he kissed her pale

cheeks and, laying his face to hers, sobbed and moaned, in the

abandonment of his grief, like a distressed child weeping in despair

for some lost treasure.

"Come," said Margaret, who was an old family domestic, drawing

Hartley from the bedside, "leave her alone with me for a little


And the husband and father retired from the room. When they

returned, at the call of Margaret, they found Irene in bed, her

white, unconscious face scarcely relieved against the snowy pillow

on which her head was resting.

"She is alive," said Margaret, in a low and excited voice; "I can

feel her heart beat."

"Thank God!" ejaculated Emerson, bending again over the motionless

form and gazing anxiously down upon the face of his bride.

But there was no utterance of thankfulness in the heart of Mr.

Delancy. For her to come back again to conscious life was, he felt,

but a return to wretchedness. If the true prayer of his heart could

have found voice, it would have been for death, and not for life.

In silence, fear and suspense they waited an hour before the doctor

arrived. Little change in Irene took place during that time, except

that her respiration became clearer and the pulsations of her heart

distinct and regular. The application of warm stimulants was

immediately ordered, and their good effects soon became apparent.

"All will come right in a little while," said Dr. Edmundson,

encouragingly. "It seems to be only a fainting fit of unusual


Hartley drew Mr. Delancy aside.

"It will be best that I should be alone with her when she recovers,"

said he.

"You may be right in that," said Mr. Delancy, after a moment's


"I am sure that I am," was returned.

"You think she will recover soon?" said Mr. Delancy, approaching the


"Yes, at any moment. She is breathing deeper, and her heart beats

with a fuller impulse."