Till We Have Faces - Page 48/48

Two figures, reflections, their feet to Psyche's feet and mine, stood head downward in the water. But whose were they? Two Psyches, the one clothed, the other naked? Yes, both Psyches, both beautiful (if that mattered now) beyond all imagining, yet not exactly the same.

"You also are Psyche," came a great voice. I looked up then, and it's strange that I dared. But I saw no god, no pillared court. I was in the palace gardens, my foolish book in my hand.

The vision to the eye had, I think, faded one moment before the oracle to the ear. For the words were still sounding.

That was four days ago. They found me lying on the grass, and I had no speech for many hours. The old body will not stand many more such seeings; perhaps (but who can tell?) the soul will not need them. I have got the truth out of Arnom; he thinks I am very near my death now. It's strange he should weep, and my women too. What have I ever done to please them? I ought to have had Daaran here and learned to love him and taught him, if I could, to love them.

I ended my first book with the words no answer. I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice? Only words, words; to be led out to battle against other words. Long did I hate you, long did I fear you. I might  -

(I, Arnom, priest of Aphrodite, saved this roll and put it in the temple. From the markingsafter the word might, we think the Queen's head must have fallen forward on them as shedied and we cannot read them. This book was all written by Queen Orual of Glome, whowas the most wise, just, valiant, fortunate and merciful of all the princes known in ourparts of the world. If any stranger who intends the journey to Greece finds this book lethim take it to Greece with him, for that is what she seems mostly to have desired. ThePriest who comes after me has it in charge to give up the book to any stranger who willtake an oath to bring it into Greece?)