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INCIDENT REPORT # 428012 - 13

Report Entered: 11/18/2005 13:21:34

Case Title Location

Date/Time Reported 11/18/2005 13:30:00


Reporting Officer Approving Officer




Name Linda K. Frammer

Role Sex Age DOB Address

Mother F 31 07/11/1974 4100 S., Cambridge St. W.




Role Sex Age DOB Address


Narrative: On Friday November 18, 2005, Ms Linda Frammer was detained for suspect questioning for disturbing the peace claiming a missing child, (Daughter, juvenile name withheld) following a domestic dispute report, called in to 911 dispatch by neighbor, Dean Craig 14120 South Cambridge St.W., 11/18/2005 13:30:00.

Suspect was in a state of extreme distress and was screaming very loudly and making loud noises from within her place of residence causing several other citizens to stand in front of said dwelling in the street resulting in blocked traffic passage and domestic noise disturbance violation, A61 b915 5 -.

On the above time and date, I arrived upon the scene as transferred by ECC dispatch and having entered the property of the above mentioned address, found a white female, later identified as Linda Frammer, screaming out a name, she claims to be her daughter's name, in an extreme state of emotion and making verbal threats out loud, "I WILL BREAK YOU INTO A MILLION PIECES, YOU BITCH. GIVE HER BACK", although there were no other person(s) that I could ascertain in the house at the time that I entered.

There was indication of alleged foul play as the furniture was misplaced about the front room and debris was being thrown about by the alleged suspect. With a strength belying her physical size and stature, I witnessed as she lifted the end of the approximately seven foot long couch and heaved it out from in front of the room's large window, then appeared to search through the items that were previously behind the piece of furniture. I noticed at this time that there was evidence of blood on the suspects clothing, hands and face.

I announced myself to her, as she had not noticed me in the entryway, and she collapsed and ceased her actions. Since I was the only responding police officer on location I had my back to the door as I spoke with her. She seemed to immediately calm herself as I radioed ECC to request for a medical team and assisting officers and I then requested that she remain on the floor.

Frammer began crying and became somewhat unresponsive when questioned about the destruction, in response she repeated the statement, "She took my baby", several times but did not answer to my questions. When I inquired to whom she was referring, the 'she' made in her statement, she replied, "You won't believe me", and would not elaborate any further.