Far from the Madding Crowd - Page 24/315

Oak cast his eyes down the field in a way implying that it was useless to attempt argument.

"Mr. Oak." she said, with luminous distinctness and common sense, " you are better off than I. I have hardly a penny in the world -- I am staying with my aunt for my bare sustenance. I am better educated than you -- and I don't love you a bit: that's my side of the case. Now yours: you are a farmer just begining; and you ought in common prudence, if you marry at all (which you should certainly not think of doing at present) to marry a woman with money, who would admiration.

"That's the very thing I had been thinking myself!"

he naively said.

Farmer Oak had one-and-a-half Christian characteristics too many to succeed with Bathsheba: his humility, and a superfluous moiety of honesty. Bathsheba was decidedly disconcerted, "Well, then, why did you come and disturb me?"

she said, almost angrily, if not quite, an enlarging red spot rising in each cheek.

"I can't do what I think would be -- would be -- -- "


"No: wise."

"You have made an admission now, Mr. Oak." she exclaimed, with even more hauteur, and rocking her head disdainfully. "After that, do you think I could marry you? Not if I know it."

He broke in passionately. "But don't mistake me like that! Because I am open enough to own what every man in my shoes would have thought of, you make your colours come up your face, and get crabbed with me. That about your not being good enough for me is nonsense. You speak like a lady -- all the parish notice it, and your uncle at Weatherbury is, I have heerd, a large farmer -- much larger than ever I shall be. May I call in the evening, or will you walk along with me o' Sundays? I don't want you to make-up your mind at once, if you'd rather not."

"No -- no -- I cannot. Don't press me any more -don't. I don't love you -- so 'twould be ridiculous," he said, with a laugh.

No man likes to see his emotions the sport of a merry-go-round of skittishness. "Very well." said Oak, firmly, with the bearing of one who was going to give "

his days and nights to Ecclesiastes for ever. "Then I'll ask you no more."