Two on a Tower - Page 105/147

All night the astronomer's mind was on the stretch with curiosity as to

what the Bishop could wish to say to him. A dozen conjectures entered

his brain, to be abandoned in turn as unlikely. That which finally

seemed the most plausible was that the Bishop, having become interested

in his pursuits, and entertaining friendly recollections of his father,

was going to ask if he could do anything to help him on in the profession

he had chosen. Should this be the case, thought the suddenly sanguine

youth, it would seem like an encouragement to that spirit of firmness

which had led him to reject his late uncle's offer because it involved

the renunciation of Lady Constantine.

At last he fell asleep; and when he awoke it was so late that the hour

was ready to solve what conjecture could not. After a hurried breakfast

he paced across the fields, entering the churchyard by the south gate

precisely at the appointed minute.

The inclosure was well adapted for a private interview, being bounded by

bushes of laurel and alder nearly on all sides. He looked round; the

Bishop was not there, nor any living creature save himself. Swithin sat

down upon a tombstone to await Bishop Helmsdale's arrival.

While he sat he fancied he could hear voices in conversation not far off,

and further attention convinced him that they came from Lady

Constantine's lawn, which was divided from the churchyard by a high wall

and shrubbery only. As the Bishop still delayed his coming, though the

time was nearly eleven, and as the lady whose sweet voice mingled with

those heard from the lawn was his personal property, Swithin became

exceedingly curious to learn what was going on within that screened

promenade. A way of doing so occurred to him. The key was in the church

door; he opened it, entered, and ascended to the ringers' loft in the

west tower. At the back of this was a window commanding a full view of

Viviette's garden front.

The flowers were all in gayest bloom, and the creepers on the walls of

the house were bursting into tufts of young green. A broad gravel-walk

ran from end to end of the facade, terminating in a large conservatory.

In the walk were three people pacing up and down. Lady Constantine's was

the central figure, her brother being on one side of her, and on the

other a stately form in a corded shovel-hat of glossy beaver and black

breeches. This was the Bishop. Viviette carried over her shoulder a

sunshade lined with red, which she twirled idly. They were laughing and

chatting gaily, and when the group approached the churchyard many of

their remarks entered the silence of the church tower through the

ventilator of the window.