Two on a Tower - Page 110/147

The conversation which arose between the Bishop and Lady Constantine was

of that lively and reproductive kind which cannot be ended during any

reasonable halt of two people going in opposite directions. He turned,

and walked with her along the laurel-screened lane that bordered the

churchyard, till their voices died away in the distance. Swithin then

aroused himself from his thoughtful regard of them, and went out of the

churchyard by another gate.

Seeing himself now to be left alone on the scene, Louis Glanville

descended from his post of observation in the arbour. He came through

the private doorway, and on to that spot among the graves where the

Bishop and St. Cleeve had conversed. On the tombstone still lay the

coral bracelet which Dr. Helmsdale had flung down there in his

indignation; for the agitated, introspective mood into which Swithin had

been thrown had banished from his mind all thought of securing the

trinket and putting it in his pocket.

Louis picked up the little red scandal-breeding thing, and while walking

on with it in his hand he observed Tabitha Lark approaching the church,

in company with the young blower whom she had gone in search of to

inspire her organ-practising within. Louis immediately put together,

with that rare diplomatic keenness of which he was proud, the little

scene he had witnessed between Tabitha and Swithin during the

confirmation, and the Bishop's stern statement as to where he had found

the bracelet. He had no longer any doubt that it belonged to her.

'Poor girl!' he said to himself, and sang in an undertone-'Tra deri, dera,

L'histoire n'est pas nouvelle!' When she drew nearer Louis called her by name. She sent the boy into the

church, and came forward, blushing at having been called by so fine a

gentleman. Louis held out the bracelet.

'Here is something I have found, or somebody else has found,' he said to

her. 'I won't state where. Put it away, and say no more about it. I

will not mention it either. Now go on into the church where you are

going, and may Heaven have mercy on your soul, my dear.' 'Thank you, sir,' said Tabitha, with some perplexity, yet inclined to be

pleased, and only recognizing in the situation the fact that Lady

Constantine's humorous brother was making her a present.

'You are much obliged to me?' 'O yes!' 'Well, Miss Lark, I've discovered a secret, you see.' 'What may that be, Mr. Glanville?' 'That you are in love.' 'I don't admit it, sir. Who told you so?' 'Nobody. Only I put two and two together. Now take my advice. Beware

of lovers! They are a bad lot, and bring young women to tears.' 'Some do, I dare say. But some don't.' 'And you think that in your particular case the latter alternative will

hold good? We generally think we shall be lucky ourselves, though all

the world before us, in the same situation, have been otherwise.' 'O yes, or we should die outright of despair.' 'Well, I don't think you will be lucky in your case.' 'Please how do you know so much, since my case has not yet arrived?'

asked Tabitha, tossing her head a little disdainfully, but less than she

might have done if he had not obtained a charter for his discourse by

giving her the bracelet.