Two on a Tower - Page 83/147

From that day forward their life resumed its old channel in general

outward aspect.

Perhaps the most remarkable feature in their exploit was its comparative

effectiveness as an expedient for the end designed,--that of restoring

calm assiduity to the study of astronomy. Swithin took up his old

position as the lonely philosopher at the column, and Lady Constantine

lapsed back to immured existence at the house, with apparently not a

friend in the parish. The enforced narrowness of life which her limited

resources necessitated was now an additional safeguard against the

discovery of her relations with St. Cleeve. Her neighbours seldom

troubled her; as much, it must be owned, from a tacit understanding that

she was not in a position to return invitations as from any selfish

coldness engendered by her want of wealth.

At the first meeting of the secretly united pair after their short

honeymoon they were compelled to behave as strangers to each other. It

occurred in the only part of Welland which deserved the name of a village

street, and all the labourers were returning to their midday meal, with

those of their wives who assisted at outdoor work. Before the eyes of

this innocent though quite untrustworthy group, Swithin and his Viviette

could only shake hands in passing, though she contrived to say to him in

an undertone, 'My brother does not return yet for some time. He has gone

to Paris. I will be on the lawn this evening, if you can come.' It was

a fluttered smile that she bestowed on him, and there was no doubt that

every fibre of her heart vibrated afresh at meeting, with such reserve,

one who stood in his close relation to her.

The shades of night fell early now, and Swithin was at the spot of

appointment about the time that he knew her dinner would be over. It was

just where they had met at the beginning of the year, but many changes

had resulted since then. The flower-beds that had used to be so neatly

edged were now jagged and leafy; black stars appeared on the pale surface

of the gravel walks, denoting tufts of grass that grew unmolested there.

Lady Constantine's external affairs wore just that aspect which suggests

that new blood may be advantageously introduced into the line; and new

blood had been introduced, in good sooth,--with what social result

remained to be seen.

She silently entered on the scene from the same window which had given

her passage in months gone by. They met with a concerted embrace, and

St. Cleeve spoke his greeting in whispers.

'We are quite safe, dearest,' said she.