Trying Not to Love You - Page 20/61

The rest of the week went by, and I did not hear from or see Dominic. Hailey was trying to keep me busy, but his lack of trying stung a little. I had hoped I would have heard back from the library by now, but nothing yet. By the end of the week, I needed to go out and have a little fun.

Hunter called Friday afternoon and asked what we had planned for the weekend. We made plans to hang at his house since he did not have to work. I hung up and told Hailey to pack a bag. Hunter would be here in a half hour. As we were on our way out, we ran into Dominic in the hallway. I looked up at him, but he looked down at the ground and walked away.

When we got into Hunter's truck, I was immediately hit with the scent of his cologne. I was not the only one that noticed. Hailey said, "Damn Hunter, you have a hot date or something?"

"Ha-ha, smartass, no, but we are going out tonight." Hunter said, casting a glance over to me.

"What? Where?" I asked.

"The bar where I work."

"I didn't know that is where you worked. We didn't pack anything to wear." I looked behind me at Hailey. "Let's run back in."

We ran back in. I grabbed my black mini, lime green and black tank top and my black pumps. I also grabbed the white dress that Hailey loved, and my white heels, and threw everything in a bag. Hailey had a bag with our makeup, hairspray, straightener and everything else we would need to get ready. Five minutes later, we were walking back out to the truck just as Brittany opened the door to our dorm, crying. Hailey mumbled, "Bitch," under her breath as she pushed me past her.

When we arrived at Hunter's, we took over his room so we could start getting ready. I jumped in the shower while Hailey started pre-gaming. I loved Hunter's bathroom; it was huge. There were three showerheads that sprayed your entire body and the shower itself was big enough to have five people stand in it.

When I finally pulled myself out of the shower, I walked out into the bedroom in just a towel. Hunter stopped mid-sentence when he noticed me. Smiling to myself, I walked over to the bag by his leg, grabbed my black thong, black bra, mini and tank top and walked back into the bathroom to change.

When I came back out, Hailey went in to take a shower. I started blow drying my hair so it would be ready to straighten when she got out. Hunter was watching me intently the whole time.

"Does it always take you guys this long to get ready?" He asked from where he was perched on the bed.

"Perfection takes time." I answered and winked at him.

An hour later, we were ready to hit the bar with Hunter. When we pulled up, the parking lot was packed. There was a line at the door, but Hunter went right past it. He walked up to the bouncer and did the guy handshake he did with my brothers all the time.

"CC, Hailey, this is my boy Zeke. He does my tattoos."

Zeke was your typical bad boy: tall, dark hair, brown eyes, covered in tattoos and piercings.

"So this is CC, huh?" Zeke asked Hunter.

"Yeah, this is her." He looked at me and winked.

Zeke grabbed my hand, lifted it to his mouth, placed a kiss on it and then did the same to Hailey. That is all it took and I knew Hailey was done for.

I was right. She looked at me with a dreamy look in her eyes. Shaking my head, I looked over at Hunter. He nodded his head for me to walk in first.

We made it to the bar and Hailey asked Hunter, "Does he do piercings too?"

"Yeah, he does it all." Hunter answered.

Hailey looked at me and before she could even ask, I said to Hunter "Can you take us to go see him this weekend?"

"Yeah, I can get him to hook you up." He looked at the door and then back at me.

When he noticed me smiling innocently, his eyes widened. "What?" I asked.

He squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them. I could see the battle he was having with himself. "Nothing."

Hunter smiled his pantie-dropping smile at the bartender, and she came over. "Hey hot stuff, what can I get ya?"

"I'll take my normal." He looked at me and winked, then looked back at the bartender. "And a Sex on the Beach and a Cosmo."

"You got it." She turned away to make our drinks.

I started to blush thinking about actually ha**ng s*x with Hunter on the beach. I should not be thinking that way with all the shit I was dealing with Dominic about, but I could not help it. I glanced over at Hailey, and she just smiled at me.

After a few drinks, Hailey said, "Come dance with me." I grabbed her hand, and we walked out onto the dance floor.

We danced for a couple of songs and this ugly guy started trying to move in on us. He could not dance to save his life. I was not in the mood for this shit tonight. I looked over at Hunter, begging him with my eyes to come save us, and he just winked at me. The jackass winked! I shook my head and continued dancing with Hailey again, as the ugly ass guy tried to dance between us.

I had my back to Hunter. Someone grabbed my h*ps and pulled me to them. I tried to turn and punch this guy in the face, hoping that he would get the picture but then the hands on my h*ps gripped tighter into my skin. "You're driving me f**king crazy." I immediately relaxed when I realized it was Hunter.

I looked over my shoulder at Hunter. "Yeah, well you deserve it. Why didn't you come out here earlier?"

Hunter started grinding his h*ps into my ass. "That's why."

Thank God I was already flushed from dancing, because if not, it would be downright embarrassing. I looked to the side and saw that Hailey was dancing with Zeke. He was whispering something in her ear, and she threw her head back laughing.

"This is dangerous, you know." Hunter said just loudly enough for me to hear.

I froze for a second, and then spun around so I was facing him. I was waiting for him to pull away, but he put one arm around my waist, put his knee between my legs and he started to move to the beat again.

We danced like this for what seemed like forever. I was so lost in him that nothing else mattered to me. I forgot all about my problems with Dominic. I forgot about him caring what my brothers thought. This right here was what I wanted more than anything; I just wished he was mine forever.

Hunter moved the hand that was on my hip to my lower back, and then ever so slowly, started to move it down to my ass. I moved closer to him, if that was even possible, and buried my face in his neck. As I placed a kiss on Hunter's neck, I heard him suck in a breath. I pulled my face back and looked at him, but he was not looking at me. He was looking past me. I turned my head to see what he was looking at, and that was when I saw Dominic glaring at me.