Tess of the dUrbervilles - Page 178/283

Clare was relieved at this change, for the effect on her of what had

happened was beginning to be a trouble to him only less than the

woe of the disclosure itself. He waited patiently, apathetically,

till the violence of her grief had worn itself out, and her rush of

weeping had lessened to a catching gasp at intervals.

"Angel," she said suddenly, in her natural tones, the insane, dry

voice of terror having left her now. "Angel, am I too wicked for

you and me to live together?" "I have not been able to think what we can do."

"I shan't ask you to let me live with you, Angel, because I have

no right to! I shall not write to mother and sisters to say we be

married, as I said I would do; and I shan't finish the good-hussif'

I cut out and meant to make while we were in lodgings."

"Shan't you?"

"No, I shan't do anything, unless you order me to; and if you go away

from me I shall not follow 'ee; and if you never speak to me any more

I shall not ask why, unless you tell me I may."

"And if I order you to do anything?"

"I will obey you like your wretched slave, even if it is to lie down

and die." "You are very good. But it strikes me that there is a want of

harmony between your present mood of self-sacrifice and your past

mood of self-preservation." These were the first words of antagonism.

To fling elaborate

sarcasms at Tess, however, was much like flinging them at a dog or

cat. The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated, and

she only received them as inimical sounds which meant that anger

ruled. She remained mute, not knowing that he was smothering his

affection for her. She hardly observed that a tear descended slowly

upon his cheek, a tear so large that it magnified the pores of the

skin over which it rolled, like the object lens of a microscope.

Meanwhile reillumination as to the terrible and total change that her

confession had wrought in his life, in his universe, returned to him,

and he tried desperately to advance among the new conditions in which

he stood. Some consequent action was necessary; yet what?

"Tess," he said, as gently as he could speak, "I cannot stay--in this

room--just now. I will walk out a little way."

He quietly left the room, and the two glasses of wine that he had

poured out for their supper--one for her, one for him--remained on

the table untasted. This was what their agape had come to. At

tea, two or three hours earlier, they had, in the freakishness of

affection, drunk from one cup.