Tess of the dUrbervilles - Page 280/283

"Did they sacrifice to God here?" asked she.

"No," said he. "Who to?" "I believe to the sun. That lofty stone set away by itself is in the

direction of the sun, which will presently rise behind it."

"This reminds me, dear," she said. "You remember you never would

interfere with any belief of mine before we were married? But I knew

your mind all the same, and I thought as you thought--not from any

reasons of my own, but because you thought so. Tell me now, Angel,

do you think we shall meet again after we are dead? I want to know."

He kissed her to avoid a reply at such a time. "O, Angel--I fear that means no!" said she, with a suppressed sob.

"And I wanted so to see you again--so much, so much! What--not even

you and I, Angel, who love each other so well?"

Like a greater than himself, to the critical question at the critical

time he did not answer; and they were again silent. In a minute or

two her breathing became more regular, her clasp of his hand relaxed,

and she fell asleep. The band of silver paleness along the east

horizon made even the distant parts of the Great Plain appear dark

and near; and the whole enormous landscape bore that impress of

reserve, taciturnity, and hesitation which is usual just before day.

The eastward pillars and their architraves stood up blackly against

the light, and the great flame-shaped Sun-stone beyond them; and the

Stone of Sacrifice midway. Presently the night wind died out, and

the quivering little pools in the cup-like hollows of the stones lay

still. At the same time something seemed to move on the verge of the

dip eastward--a mere dot. It was the head of a man approaching them

from the hollow beyond the Sun-stone. Clare wished they had gone

onward, but in the circumstances decided to remain quiet. The figure

came straight towards the circle of pillars in which they were.

He heard something behind him, the brush of feet. Turning, he saw

over the prostrate columns another figure; then before he was aware,

another was at hand on the right, under a trilithon, and another on

the left. The dawn shone full on the front of the man westward, and

Clare could discern from this that he was tall, and walked as if

trained. They all closed in with evident purpose. Her story then

was true! Springing to his feet, he looked around for a weapon,

loose stone, means of escape, anything. By this time the nearest

man was upon him.