Easy to Love You - Page 5/56

I nodded my understanding. He knew that once I got in there I wasn’t going to be leaving for a while and he needed to check on her for himself, just like I did. Mason and I were a lot alike.

A few minutes went by and Mr. Cahill cleared his throat, “So, the detective said that there was another car involved in the accident but they took off before the cops arrived. Witnesses described the car and by the sounds of it, Mason said it could have been Brittany’s car.”

The news hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t respond for a few minutes, trying to work it all out in my head. Could she have been the cause of the accident? I prayed for her f**king sake she wasn’t.

Cooper spoke up, “They’re going to pull the video from the highway cameras and figure out exactly what happened.”

“In the meantime, the detective wants us to contact him when Kenzie wakes up so that he can ask her a few questions.” Jackson said.

Mason stormed back into the room but didn’t look at me. He walked over to the table, grabbed his keys and left again. Hailey ran out behind him.

Everyone stared out of the door they just left through. Fuck this shit! I’m going in next so that I can get back to my little man.

I marched up to the nurses’ station, told them who I was and they informed me what room she was in. I walked in and tried to brace myself for what I was about to see. Taking a deep breath, I pushed into CC’s room.

My beautiful girl lay there. Wires, tubes, bandages and all other kinds of shit covered her body. FUCK! I fought back the tears; I put my fist to my mouth and bit down hard. I should have stopped at the house and picked her up, then none of this would be happening right now. She wouldn’t be lying here in this sterile, freezing room and our baby boy wouldn’t be by himself right now. As I stood back at the door, frozen, a nurse walked in. She went to CC and checked her vitals. She glanced at me, smiled and left the room.

I took tiny steps and inched closer to her. When I finally reached the bed, I grabbed her hand. The second our hands connected, her heart rate spiked slightly; I let go and it went back down. Interesting, at least I knew she felt me here. I knew she couldn’t hear me but I needed to tell her about our boy.

I ran the back of my fingers along the side of her face that didn’t have stitches. “Hey baby,” Her heart rate spiked up a little again. “I got to meet our baby boy. He’s perfect, CC. I wish to God you could see him, he looks so much like you.”

A doctor strolled in; she nodded to me and made her way to the opposite side of the bed, introducing herself. “I’m Dr. Stopper, I delivered MacKenzie’s baby this afternoon. I’m just here to check on her incisions.”

I stepped back and gave the woman some room to do what she needed. She pulled the blankets back and lifted CC’s hospital gown. Her body was covered in bruises, the worst being from the seat belt. Even with all those bruises, and everything else, she was still beautiful. She looked like an angel.

“She really is lucky. And so is that baby boy. Not many people survive something like that. Did you pick a name?” Dr. Stopper asked me.

“No, we didn’t know what we were having,” I took a deep breath. “We have a few names picked out but I don’t want to name him without her.” I stepped forward and grabbed her hand again. Just like before, her heart rate spiked just a little.

Dr. Stopper looked over at the monitor and then back at me, “It’s clear she knows you’re here with her. That’s a good sign.”

I offered her a small smile; it was all I could manage.

“Your son should be moved down here sometime tomorrow. Maybe that will help MacKenzie wake up; mothers sense their babies even in situations like this.” She pulled the blankets back up and left the room.

Without breaking my connection with CC, I pulled over a chair, sat down and brought my head to rest where our hands were connected; I was exhausted from all of today’s chaos. I closed my eyes and sent a silent prayer that everything would be okay in time.

“Hunter,” my mom rubbed my head, “wake up sweetheart.”

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. “How long have I been out? I need to get back to my son.”

“Relax sweetheart, it’s only been a little while. Everyone is doing just fine.”

Looking down at CC, she was still the same way she was before I closed my eyes. “Can you stay here with her? I want to go check on the baby.”

“Of course.”

I kissed the top of CC’s head and left to go check on my son. When I arrived the room was empty, I started to panic, where would they have taken him?

I ran back down to the nurses’ station but right before I reached it, Lynn strolled out of the last room on the right with the incubator behind her.

“Looking for someone?” she asked me with a smile.

I sighed in relief, “Sorry I took so long. Is he ok?”

She looked down at him, all bundled up in blankets, “Yes yes, we just ran some routine blood work. If that comes back clear you can bring him downstairs tomorrow.”

I nodded my head, “Great. I think he needs his mom just as much as she needs him.”

“I agree.”

We wheeled my little man back into the NICU and I spent a few hours with him, holding him, feeding him, and bonding with him. Making memories that would last a lifetime. The only thing keeping this from being a perfect moment was CC, and I hated that she wasn’t here.


I’d spent all night holding my little man. Lynn had taken him to get checked out one final time before we could move him down with CC, so I ran down to grab something to eat while I had the chance. On my way down to the cafeteria I called and checked in with my mom.

She picked up on the first ring, “Hey, Mom. Just wanted to let you know, they’re moving our little man down to the maternity floor with CC in a few hours.”

She sniffled, and I knew something was wrong. “That’s great news, Hunter. Jaylinn and I will be by this afternoon. There are some things around here that I need to take care of before we can make it up there.”

“Ma, what’s going on?”

Sighing, “Nothing you need to worry about. Go get yourself something to eat and get back to that boy of yours. I’ll see you soon.”

“Alright Ma, but when you come up here you need to tell me about it.” I was going to find out one way or another.

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

I called Mrs. Cahill to let her know what was going on as well, “Hunter? Is everything ok?”