Let Me Love You - Page 50/54

I can’t wait another minute. Would it make any sense to? The way she’s staring at me with those pretty blue eyes, I know she can’t wait anymore either.

I have her pressed against the side of the truck, my hands on her waist, edging her shirt up. “Fuck,” It’s clinging to her body and being a little impatient, I rip it off. It makes a slapping sound as it hits the dirt. With my legs positioned just right I reach down and lift her up so she can wrap her legs around my waist.

She makes a moaning sound, a plea maybe, and I want it to be my name she’s screaming, right then. With the urges ripping through me, ready to finally make her mine, my mouth is everywhere, I can’t get enough. The wind picks up, the skies open up and she jumps in my arms as thunder cracks.

“I got you.” I whisper in her ear. I wrap my arms around her, protecting her. I will forever protect her. I can barely see through the pouring rain but there’s just something about this moment that keeps me here. I know once I get her inside there is nothing that will keep me from finally taking her virginity. But here, right now, in this storm, we’re both so f**king bare. We’re at the mercy of the storm.

Jaylinn is watching me, waiting for me to move. I hold her here, wanting her to see this is the last moment that we have before it’s gone. Before everything changes.

I mouth the words I love you, barely above a whisper. She smiles and tangles her hands in my wet hair, grasping at it. My eyes dart from her eyes to her lips, and lower. When she sighs, my eyes find hers again. “What are you waiting for?”

“Nothing.” I say, smirking. “I’m just enjoying the view.”

Jaylinn takes one hand from my hair and reaches for the clasp on her bra. She has it off in a second. “You’re at second base, now what?”

Ah, my girl wants to play baseball, I never turn down a game. I lift her up a little more and get a good grip on her ass. I get her tits right where I want them. In my face.

I don’t waste another second before I take her right nipple in my mouth, sucking the water off them. Jay moans at the sensation, her body shudders. She uses both hands to press me into her. Her legs tighten and we slump against my truck, she slips from the rain and I have to stop what I’m doing to catch her.

Her eyes go wide in panic as I laugh. “I’ll always catch you.”

I hope she sees the meaning behind those words and how true that statement is. She needs to know that before we go any further.

She laughs, the sound turning me on even more than I already am. Jaylinn reaches around me for a better grip but her hands slide right off from the rain. Giving up, she fists my shirt between her fingers and starts to tug. I help her out and move my legs again to support us both, and then pull my shirt over my head, throwing it near hers.

We are now both bare from the waist up. At this rate we’ll both be na**d before we make it to the door. Thank you for this secluded area, I am not going to share her with the world. If she keeps looking at me with those sweet innocent eyes we will be naked. I’m okay with that because she understands that I’ll catch her. I can feel it in the way she’s kissing me, slow and full of passion. We’re inhaling the future.

The rain picks up again, as do our kisses. I’m not holding back. I’m giving it all to her.

With a firmer grip on her this time, I push back away from my truck and turn around as I start walking towards the cabin. Her mouth never leaves mine and there are moments that we stop, over and over again, feeling, kissing, and taking what we need all the way to the house.

Eventually we make it to the front door where I fumble with the keys. Once I get the door open and step inside I slip and fall. My wet shoes have no traction on a freshly polished hardwood floor but thankfully I twist just in time so she lands on my chest.

Jaylinn starts laughing uncontrollably. “Only us, Coop. We’re about to have sex, it’s pouring and we just slipped on the floor.”

“I don’t see a problem with that.” I say, rolling her over so I’m hovering over her.

“Yeah,” she gives me a coy smile, “I don’t see one either come to think of it.”

“Well,” my hands move to her h*ps and the waistband of her jeans. “We’re already half naked, and we’re on the floor.”

She helps me by wiggling out of her wet jeans and then goes to work on mine. That’s when it hits me that this can’t happen on the floor. It needs to be in the bed. I didn’t wait this f**king long to take her on the floor.

I stand before she can get my pants off. She’s only in her panties right now as I reach down for her hand. “There’s a bed waiting for us.”

“Yeah, I bet there is.” She says, taking my hand.

As we move into the bedroom, my mind goes a little crazy.

I’m not taking her virginity. I’ve been hung up on that for a while, thinking that I don’t deserve it. But she’s giving it to me, I’m not taking it. There’s the difference, it’s one I didn’t see for a long time.

As I lay her on the bed, I look down at her body, spread out before me against a sea of white.

I smile, wondering how’d I get so lucky?

After removing my jeans, I lay down on her, careful to keep my weight off her.

That’s when she gives me a little squeal. “Wait,” and she pushes back on my shoulders wiggling away up to the headboard.

“For what?”

Her eyes are excited, and glance around the room. “I forgot something in the truck.”

“Are you kidding me right now?”

Jaylinn rolls her eyes. “It won’t hurt to wait just a second. God knows I’ve been waiting long enough. I’ll be right back.”

I growl and flop back against the bed, breathing heavily. She jumps up, wraps the sheet around her and runs outside for what she forgot.

She’s gone for just a second, her bare feet squeaking as she runs around the corner and into the bathroom. She disappears into the bathroom with her bag and I don’t think much about it. For the first ten minutes as least.

After that, I’m starting to get a little nervous and impatient while she’s in there. What the f**k could be taking that long?

Those thoughts are lost when she emerges from the bathroom in barely anything, but exactly something Jay would wear for me. It’s a pin striped halter top looking thing with ties in the front that has a matching garter belt and white stockings.

“Why do you have a bat in your hand?” I smile but it’s weak. She has a bat in her hand. “Where did you even get that?