Let Me Love You - Page 53/54

She has no idea how true those words are for me right now.


Our week at the cabin was wonderful and exactly what we needed. No distractions, just Cooper and me. We only left the cabin once the whole time and that was to go to the grocery store, the rest of the time was spent na**d and in bed together.

Cooper and I talked a lot that week. I told him that I told my mom about that night and Cooper told me that he told Mason. He struggled telling me because he knew he broke his promise to me. I never realized how bad that night weighed on him until he explained it to me. I hate the fact that Mason knows, I feel like he’s going to look at me differently now. Cooper assured me that he wouldn’t and my secret is safe with him.

I broke down and confessed to Cooper that while we were apart I was still having the nightmares almost every night. He said that I needed to talk to someone other than him or my mom, I needed a professional’s help. After some sexual persuasion I agreed. The man knows how to run my bases and he was holding my homerun until I agreed. It was a no brainer.

“Baby,” Cooper nuzzles my neck. “Where’d you go?”

I lean my head on his, “Just thinking.”

Cooper continues to kiss and bite my neck, awaking this new desire in me. I can’t get enough of him, he’s all I want, all I need. When we’re like this the rest of the world fades away and everything is perfect.

Cooper trails his fingers up my bare thigh.

I reach up and run my fingers from his temples to his jaw, “I love you.”

Cooper slips off the couch and settles between my legs. He runs his hands on the inside of my thighs and I moan. Every time he puts his hands on me like this, like he can’t get enough, it makes me crazy.

When he gets to my center he detours and runs his hands up my h*ps to the top of my panties. Cooper leans forward and kisses the top of my right thigh as he slips his fingers in the waistband. I lift my h*ps letting him slip my panties off.

“I love you in my jersey.” Cooper says before placing a kiss on my pu**y.

He bites the inside of my thigh. Cooper’s phone rings, groaning, he pulls away from me to answer it.


He sits back and pulls me on his lap so my legs are draped over his.

“Yeah we’ll be there soon.”

He hangs up the phone and tosses it on the seat next to him. We’re expected to show up for a BBQ at Mason and Hailey’s, one last get together before Mason and Cooper’s baseball season gets underway.

“They wanted to know where we were.” Cooper explains.

I rest my head on his shoulder, “I guess we should get going.”

Cooper runs his hand up my bare leg, goose bumps being left behind. “You ready?”

“Yeah, let’s do this.” I kiss Cooper on his lips before climbing off his lap.

When we arrive at Mason and Hailey’s everyone is there, we were the last to show up. I was putting off coming until the last minute because I wasn’t ready to share Cooper with anyone yet.

We walk up to the door; Cooper kisses me leaving me breathless before opening the door. “Everything is going to be okay. You don’t need to talk to Hunter today if you don’t want to.”

I nod and muster up a smile, “I know. I’ll be fine.”

The second we walk into the house all my fears melt away. This is my family, they love and support me, support us. Everyone is in the living room; my mom is holding Olivia while she drinks her bottle. Mason and Hailey are sitting side by side holding hands on the couch. Hunter and Jackson are on the floor playing with Alex and Ryder. MacKenzie and Chloe are standing off to the side talking, and Andrew and Elle are each holding one of the twins.

“Oh, look who decided to show up.” MacKenzie jokes.

Cooper put his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to his side. “Sorry we’re late.”

Hailey pipes up, “No you aren’t.”

I glance over at her and she’s smiling. I wink at her, she knows the real reason why we’re late. This morning we got home and Cooper pulled me right into his bedroom where we spent a few hours making love.

Cooper chuckles and whispers in my ear, “No we aren’t, are we?”

I blush, thinking of the way I feel when Cooper is inside of me, full and complete. I shake my head and look away.

MacKenzie walks over and links her arm in mine, “I’m stealing her for a little bit.” She tells her brother.

Cooper kisses the side of my head and removes his arm. MacKenzie, followed by Chloe and Hailey, leads the way out to the back deck. It’s a little chilly for early April but with the sun shining down on us it’s comfortable.

The girls’ questions come like rapid fire. Are we finally together now? What did we do for the week? How was the sex? Am I ready for Cooper to leave for weeks at a time?

I smile, taking a deep breath and gave them the run down. We’re together; we’ve talked and are taking it one day at a time. I kept the sex part clean and just gave the basics. What we shared was something I want to keep between me and Cooper.

“I’m not ready for Cooper to leave me again.” I smile as my eyes fill with tears.

“Girl, I’m not ready for Mason to leave either.” Hailey says as the tears stream down her face. “He’s going to miss so much while he’s away.”

I reach over and hug Hailey. I thought I had it bad with finally being a couple with Cooper and then him leaving me again but nothing compares to what Hailey is dealing with.

MacKenzie and Chloe stand up and come over to wrap their arms around Hailey and me. They both promise to be there for us anytime we need.

Hunter, Mason, Cooper and Jackson all walk out and see us hugging and crying.

“Christ and I thought it was just Hailey’s hormones that were all messed up.” I hear Mason say.

The four of us break our hug and turn to glare at Mason.

Cooper bumps his shoulder with Mason, “If looks could kill you’d be dead right now.”

All of us are wrapped in each of our loved ones’ arms just sitting back relaxing and talking about nothing really important. Hunter is the only one really not talking, he’s just watching me. He wants to talk, I’m sure he wants to know what’s going on with Cooper and I but there is something in his eyes that isn’t quite right.

Cooper leans up and whispers, “You still going to talk to him?”

I look over to Hunter who’s watching me and I nod my head. I turn in Cooper’s arms and place a kiss on his cheek. “It’s now or never.”