Shades of Deception - Page 52/118

Love always,


She sent the e-mail to him, closed her laptop and started to make plans for their pending nuptial.

Every other day, Tawney was sending erotic e-mails to Jamal. The fact that he never replied did not faze her at all; she figured he was too busy to answer.

The last thing she wanted to do was throw him off course when it came to making business deals and opted to cool it with the messages.

After his return, they would have plenty of time to tease and write notes to each other.

In two weeks, she would return to work and could not wait to tell her colleagues that she had met someone and accepted his marriage proposal but would not mention his name or her new business partnership until she was ready to leave.

It was Monday. Tawney was ready to return to work. She woke up feeling excited and arrived on the job earlier than usual.

There was a note on her desk, requesting that she come to management's office at once.

On her way to the executive suite, there were unfamiliar faces in the conference room.

When she entered the office, her boss, whose name was Thea, greeted her with a vigorous handshake and said, "A company has just bought Tech World, Inc. and renamed it Info Limited, and Mr. Chip Washington is now the new C.E.O."

Before Tawney could declare that she was the C.E.O. and part owner of Info Limited, she received a layoff notice.

Tawney sat there in a state of alarm and asked, "Who acquired the company?"

Thea answered, "A multi-national conglomerate located in Seattle, Washington bought-out the firm."

She then asked in a confused state, "Was Jamal part of that conglomerate?"

Thea looked as though she misunderstood the question and asked, "Who is Jamal?"

"He was the consultant who took over my job while I was on leave," answered Tawney.

"Oh yes, now I remember. No, he had nothing to do with the takeover. Besides, he only worked here for four months. There was so much confusion with the buyout and the terminations that I completely forgot about him," answered Thea.

"Didn't he have a tech business of his own?" Tawney asked.

"I am not sure. You would have to ask Human Resources since they hired him," said Thea and went on to say, how much she enjoyed working with Tawney and how disappointed she was that the new owners did not wish to keep her on.

Thea stated that she would write a glowing letter of recommendation for her and said, "If it is any comfort, half the staff was fired. When a business goes through an acquisition, there are always cutbacks. You can never take it personally. It is just business."