Ask Me Again (A Sample) - Page 17/38

"Do you love your boyfriend?"

"Drake, I think you're getting a little too personal. Not that it's any of your business, but I care for David a lot."

I was so glad when Weston came over to join our conversation. We talked a while about old times and the good times we use to have. After many stories, tears, and laughs had been shared, I looked at my watch and saw that it was getting late. I also noticed most of the guests had already left.

I stood up and picked up my clutch. "Wes, I really hate to leave, but I have a ten o'clock flight tomorrow morning," I said and then hugged Wes and said my goodbyes to the twins, while Drake stood silently by. Turning lastly to him with a half attempt to smile, I said, "It was good to see you, too, Drake."

"It is getting late, so I'm about to leave too," he said returning a full smile of his own. Then, in a serious tone, he added, "But, before you go, I really want to talk to you."

I noticed Alisha and Alexis looking on in rapt interest. Even Weston was smiling from ear to ear as he waited to see how I would answer.

"I promised Wes that I wouldn't stay away so long again, so maybe another time. I really do have to pack and get ready to leave tomorrow."

"I'll tell you what. Why don't I follow you back to the hotel and we can grab a drink at the bar. One drink. Then, you can call it a night." Drake was not one to take no for an answer.

"Okay, one drink," I said thinking one drink would be okay. I would hear him out and then send him on his way.

Drake and I said our goodbyes and saw ourselves out. Once we arrived at the hotel, I told him that I had a mini bar in my room that was fully stocked. "Do you want to just have drinks there?" I asked. I was tired. The emotions of the day had finally caught up with me, so I foolishly suggested that we talk in my room instead of the dimly lit bar.

"We can talk on the street, in the bar or in the room. I just want to talk to you, Alyssa."

I opened the door, and Drake followed me into the hotel room. "The bar is over there," I said nodding in the direction that hid a mini fridge behind it. "Help yourself to what's there and I'll be back shortly."

I went into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I reached inside my purse and pulled out my cell. I had several missed calls from David. I had forgotten to turn my cell back on and he was probably worried. Punching in his number, I wondered should I tell him about Drake. Then again, there wasn't anything to tell.