Romancing a Stalker - Page 32/57

He went back inside and fixed breakfast. He decided scrambled eggs; bacon a muffin and coffee would be good for a change. He hadn't had a breakfast like that since before he escaped from Wakefield Prison. It would be a little nicer atmosphere to eat a breakfast like that without 4 or 5 guards standing by watching every bite he took.

Those were unpleasant thoughts and he hated them so he began to think of more pleasant things like Lacey and their date that night. After breakfast he would choose a suit to wear to the opera house. The real Jock Farmington had some expensive suits hanging in his closet and Arflin wouldn't have any trouble dressing for success. He was sure Lacey would ask him questions about his job, his past and his future plans. He wanted to make sure he gave her all the right answers.

Another thought went through his mind. Suppose Lacey and he found out they were right for each other. Could he spend the rest of his life in Australia as Jock Farmington? He knew the $12,000 Australian dollars wouldn't last forever. He would need to find a real job. Before his arrest in England Arflin only held part time jobs at grocery stores and he worked at a horse farm for a short time as a stable boy. These were questions he would seek answers to when and if the occasion arose.

Arflin went through the closet and found a suit he thought would be just right to wear to the symphony that night. He checked to make sure all the buttons were on the jacket and it didn't need pressing. He really wanted to make a big impression on Lacey.

"What's happening to me all of a sudden?" He said, as he looked at himself in the full mirror in the hall.

He was beginning to feel remorse about all the horrendous acts he committed in the past. He wished he were a life as a normal citizen, but he realized this would be impossible. He knew it was just a matter of time before the long arm of the law caught up with him, but still he wanted Lacey to be a part of his life till then. Maybe if I had met Lacey earlier in my life I would never have committed those murders, he thought to himself as he continued getting ready for his date with Lacey.

William Arflin had now met someone who might have possibly changed his life forever. Personally I feel William Arflin is a doomed man and it is just too late to start over for him.