Outside In - Page 55/88

“I can bring you painkillers.”

“I know. I only get them when I’ve been straining to see too long.” He sagged back against the cushions. “I could go back to my room. All my stuff is there, and I have a shower.”

“And that solves our problem how?”

“At least it doesn’t add to it.”

We sat in silence. I felt useless with my limited computer knowledge. Besides knowing how to turn it on and off…

“Logan, what would happen if we turned the network off?”

“Nothing. You can’t just switch it off. It’s impossible.” He straightened. “I see what you’re getting at. Hmm…” Drumming his fingers on his chin, he got that distant mind-crunching look on his face. “We could disconnect each life system and operate them manually. Except…”


“We don’t know how to operate those systems manually.”

“Aren’t there instructions?”

“Even if we could access the computer, there aren’t any instructions on the network. After the damage to the Trans mission, I searched for them and found nothing. Which makes sense. If something happens to the network, you don’t want your operating instructions lost as well.”

“Would they be written down somewhere? Or on disks?”

“Ink on a wipe board would fade over time and I couldn’t find any disks with the information. Unless they’re packed away in one of those storage boxes in the Expanse.”

His words triggered another memory. “What would these instructions look like?”

“Diagrams and schematics. Mostly visual step-by-step guides. Why?”

“Like some of the symbols that show up on your computer screen?”

“They would be similar.”

The walls of the top level of Inside had been filled with diagrams. “Uh…Logan… How do you feel about heights?”

Logan didn’t have a chance to answer because Lamont’s voice squawked in my ear. “Trella, where are you?” A nervous tremble tainted her voice.

“Level four. What’s wrong?”

“I have a medical emergency and need your help,” she said with a slight quaver.

Warning signals rang in my head. “Who’s sick?”

“Emek’s appendix is about to burst.”

Which would be a medical marvel since we removed his appendix weeks ago. “Is he stable?”

“No. He won’t last two hours. I’m stunned by how fast his vitals turned critical. You have to hurry or we’ll lose him.”

Damn! “I’ll be right there.”

Logan raised his eyebrows, inviting me to explain. How do I tell him two people had forced my mother to call me so they could ambush me when I returned to the infirmary? He would insist on coming along and I couldn’t risk him.

“I need to go help Lamont,” I said instead. “Will you be okay here or do you want to return to your room?”

He considered and I almost screamed at him to think faster.

“I might as well go back. No sense tipping them off about me. It’s just a straight shot over to my room, isn’t it?” he asked.

“Yes. Head east, you’re the very last vent.” I scrambled up the ladder, but paused as a horrible thought struck me. What if my “rescue” ended badly? No one would know about the Expanse’s ceiling.

“Logan, just listen.” I explained about level eighteen at the top of the Expanse, describing the symbols on the walls and the Bubble Monsters. “If I disappear, get Anne-Jade and climb up to the near-invisible hatch. I left the safety line tied to the ladder and I doubt anyone’s noticed.”

“Wow, Trella. How long have you known about this?”

“A few weeks. I’ve been busy fetching your junk.”

He smiled. “And you didn’t inform the Committee?”

“Probably a bad decision at the time, but now I’m thrilled I kept it quiet.”

“Me, too. How long should I wait?”

“Ten hours. That’ll give me enough time to help Lamont and sleep. But if the Outsiders enter, don’t wait. I’m assuming you can contact your sister?”

“Of course. I have this sweet little device—”

“Tell me later.” I entered the air shaft. As I hurried over and down to the infirmary, I replayed Lamont’s exact words in my mind. She managed to give me quite a bit of information. Two ambushers, armed with stun guns and they waited in the exam room.

I slowed as I reached the ducts over the infirmary. Looping over the patient area, surgery and exam room, I noted how the two men had positioned themselves on either side of the door to our suite. Lamont had been strapped down on the exam table. White medical tape covered her mouth, but she had the best view of the air vent.

Potential rescue scenarios raced through my mind. I could find Anne-Jade and a bunch of ISF officers. Except they were unarmed and these two not only had stunners, but the one on the right side carried a kill-zapper. Who else could I trust? Logan might have some gadget… Zippy!

Sliding over to the vent above my room, I lowered myself down and grabbed Zippy from my bed. I hefted him up and into the shaft without too much noise. Hopefully, they’d think the few thuds meant I had returned.

I tucked Zippy under my arm so he wouldn’t rub against the metal shaft. Back at the exam room, I removed the cover with care. Lamont’s eyes widened and she gestured at the men with her head. I nodded and put a finger to my lips before lowering Zippy just enough so he cleared the shaft. Flipping the switch, I hoped he would do his silent electronic pulse thing.