Outside In - Page 80/88

“Unless I’m not brave? Or do I need to be smart and strong as well?”

“No. Unless we decide to keep you.”

It felt as creepy as it sounded. “Keep me?”

“On this ship. We will need…” He glanced at Bubba Boom. “Workers.”

“You mean like scrubs?” I asked.


“Why did you change your mind?”

Annoyed, he removed the X from a pocket. I had asked one question too many. Encouraged by my conversation with Bubba Boom, I rushed Ponife, hoping to surprise him.

I grabbed his wrist just as he twisted the X. The pain rolled through me. I clung to his hand for a moment longer, before dropping to the floor. Even with the deafening sound of my heart slamming in my chest, I heard Bubba Boom’s boots as he ran past me.

“You’re enjoying this. You’re a sick bastard, Ponife,” Bubba Boom said.

A thud followed a yelp. The pain stopped. Once I recovered, I glanced up. Ponife sprawled on the floor next to me. Bubba Boom crouched over him. He had my X.

We locked gazes. For a second, I thought he’d keep it, but he handed it to me.

“How do I—?”

“I’ll show you later. Put it in a safe place for now,” he said.

I tucked it into my tool belt. “Thanks. How did you knock him out?”

He showed me the used syringe. “The doctor was very helpful with finding a way to free you. I just needed to find the proper motivation. It was a difficult decision.”

“Why did you help me?”

“When I saw how you and Doctor Lamont tried so hard to save their people and treated them not as an enemy, but as a person in need, I knew you were right. They’d planned to send all of us out to die.”

“Now what?”

“You’re the boss. You tell me.”

“Can we rescue Logan, Anne-Jade, Jacy and Riley?”

He flinched a bit when I said Riley’s name. “Not Jacy. He’s been collared and Fosord holds his key. Anne-Jade isn’t in the brig. She’s been helping us…them. It’ll be dangerous to free the other two. Why do you need them?”

“Logan for his computer expertise and Riley for his knife fighting skills.”

“Knives, huh?”

“All we have besides a few noise makers. Should we look for something else?”

“No, they might work.”

“Might isn’t a reassuring word.”

“A sharp blade can cut the hoses on the Controllers’ air masks, making it hard for them to breathe. That is, if you can get close enough. So might is the best I can do.”

According to Bubba Boom, Lamont had filled the syringe with one of her narcotics. I estimated Ponife would sleep for another three hours.

Bubba Boom “escorted” me to my cell on level five. The main entrance to the brig was now guarded by two armed men. He joked with the guards, but when the guy on the left turned to open the gate, Bubba Boom moved.

Punching the man on the right, he then took the guard’s stun gun and shot them both.

“So much for being subtle,” I said as he unlocked the gate.

“No turning back now.” Bubba Boom dragged them one at a time to an empty cell and locked them inside.

We released Logan first. He rushed out and hugged me. “If I live through this, I’m having a spacious suite built just for me. I never want to be locked in a small room again!”

Riley stayed calmer than Logan. He kept his guard up as he eyed Bubba Boom. The gash over his left eye and temple had scabbed over, but black and blue bruises colored the left side of his face. His shirt was torn and bloody. I wanted to make sure he had no other injuries, but settled for a quick hug instead.

“Are you sure we can trust him?” he asked me.


He relaxed a bit. “Then let’s go.”

I stayed next to Bubba Boom and Riley. Logan followed us as we headed to the exit.

Unfortunately, Hank had beat us there.

At first Hank was confused as to why no one guarded the gate. And why Bubba Boom had three prisoners with him. Bubba Boom didn’t say a word, just waited for Hank to catch up.

When Hank put it all together, I feared for Bubba Boom’s life. Murderous rage filled Hank’s face as he drew his weapon—a kill-zapper.

He stepped close to Bubba Boom and said with a voice of steel, “You’re a traitor. You’re no son of mine.”

Hank shoved the nozzle of his weapon toward Bubba Boom’s chest. I yelled and squeezed between the kill-zapper and Bubba Boom. Pushing Bubba Boom back with my hips, I leaned forward as Hank pulled the trigger.


THE KILL-ZAPPER’S NOZZLE BURNED MY SKIN AS CURrent slammed into me. My muscles twitched with the pulses of power, but the pain seemed minor in comparison to the collar’s. I remained standing as Riley and Bubba Boom ran past me. They tackled Hank and wrestled the kill-zapper from his hands.

By the time Bubba Boom stunned Hank, the tremors in my arms and legs had ceased. Riley scooped me up in his arms intent on rushing me to Lamont.

I wriggled from his grasp. “I’m fine.”

But Riley wouldn’t let go of my arms. He stared at me a bit wild-eyed. “The kill-zapper made contact. Your shirt is burnt.”

Glancing down, I saw the scorched fabric. I pulled the material away. My skin underneath the black mark was red and blistering.

“My heart’s beating. Besides the burn, I don’t feel any pain,” I said.