The Voice in the Fog - Page 89/93

"I believe it best for me to leave to-night, sir."

"Nothing of the sort. Come out into the cooler, and we'll have a peg.

It won't hurt either of us, after all this racket."

* * * * * * Half after nine. Crawford laid down his cue. From his pocket he took

a bottle and gravely handed it to Haggerty.

"Smell of the cork, carefully," Crawford advised.

Haggerty did so. "Th' stuff they put th' maharajah t' sleep with!"

Then Forbes emptied his pockets.

"Th' emeralds!" shouted Haggerty.

Suddenly he stiffened. "I'm wise. I know. It's your man Mason, an'

you've bunked me int' letting him have all this time for his get-away!"