Shadow Rites - Page 78/117

Was sick.

Jane went silent, thinking hard human thoughts. Beast did not listen. Jane was beta.

Leo dropped to knees beside Edmund. Held out wrist to Grégoire sword. Small pale vampire flicked point of steel over Leo skin in fast, killing strike with steel killing-claw. But cut only wrist. Sword pointed back at Beast. Good smell of vampire blood filled small space. Leo dribbled blood into Edmund mouth. Dribbled blood over stake wound. Smeared blood onto wound with fingers and stuck finger into wound.

Mosquitoes flew into space between small human-dead-places. Bats flew in. Leo made Grégoire cut wrist again and fed Edmund. Beast wanted to taste Leo blood, but Grégoire sword was pointed at Beast. Big steel killing claw. Was good hunter.

I don’t have my gobag, Jane thought.

Beast sent Jane vision of Jane waking up in mud, smell of catfish all over her.

Not funny. And not happening in front of Leo and Grégoire. Let’s get home.

Using darkness to hide movements, Beast slowly gathered self and shifted all weight to paws. Leaped from ground. Landed on top of rounded human-dead-place. Below, Grégoire and Leo were shouting but not in Jane language. Beast leaped to next roof and next and many more than five. Vampires followed, calling to Jane. Am not Jane! Am Beast! Stupid foolish vampires. Did not feed Beast! screamed into night.

Gathered big-cat power and leaped over three small human-dead-places at one time, and then over wall. Landed in limb of tree over street. Jumped to top of car Jane called limo and then onto truck going past. Settled onto truck top, claws spread and belly down for balance.

Jumped to more trucks, moving downstream near big flowing river. Smelled water from river, strong and fast. Jumped to street into darkest shadows and padded slowly to Jane house. Wards were up, bright and silver and green, and, in Jane eyes, red. Walked to front door and stood up on hind legs. Extruded claw, rang bell. Heard Angie Baby and Little Evan and smelled wolf. Alex opened door.

Beast leaped inside. Landed on wolf back. Sank claws into white wolf. Bit down on wolf haunches. Wolf yelped, growled, and rolled over, trapping Beast. Beast chuffed with laughter and bit wolf. Play bite. Did not taste blood. Wolf rolled again, making dog sounds of laughter and joy. Wolf was heavy. Beast scratched and bit and rolled from under wolf. Wolf coat was thick, good weapon against big-cat killing teeth.

Played with wolf for long time, dodging Angie Baby and EJ, who squealed and ran, feet making thumping noises on wooden floor. Until Beast and wolf were panting and lying, looking at each other. Wolf tongue hanging out of mouth, dripping drool to floor. Stupid wolf. Thought for a moment. Beast likes stupid wolf.

I like him too, Jane thought. How weird is my life?

Alex said, “If you two are finished roughhousing, I need to get the kids to bed and tell you what I discovered. Get out of the way, Kit-Kit. Jeez. It’s a zoo in here.” The boy went upstairs, tugging witch kits with each hand. Beast looked away from wolf and rested head on paws, heated belly on wooden floor. Panting. Wolf still panting too. Kit-Kit sat at wolf mouth near drool and curled up on wolf paws. Closed eyes. Went to sleep.

Beast sighed heavy breath and closed eyes. Vampire blood is good blood.

* * *

“Wake up, you two,” Alex said. I need to update you.”

Beast opened eyes. Wolf opened one eye. Like Leo raised one eyebrow.

“Jane, are you alert enough to listen?”

I/we nodded Beast’s head. Was stupid human movement.

“Okay,” Alex said. “I’m not sure where I left Jane on the search for Reach. I tracked the cell he used to City Grounds Coffee Bar on West Dickens Avenue in Chicago. It was behind the counter where the staff put it because they assumed a customer would be back for it. No cameras on the doors, no vid of Reach. Coffee bar is near Oz Park, not too far from the lake, so lots of ways in and out. Dead end.” Alex toed wolf. “Wake up, dog. I’m talking here.”

Is not dog. Is wolf.

Wolf snorted and showed killing teeth to Alex.

Beast saw cell phone was glowing. Jane thought, Alex is on speakerphone. Stand up and see who’s on the other end.

Beast stood and looked at cell. Was picture of man.

Captain America, Jane thought. So Eli’s on speaker. We’re good. Beast lay down again.

Alex said, “I’ve been studying about the Mings, trying to find what Ming of Mearkanis being alive might mean to the current political situation, the Witch Conclave, and the arrival of the European Vamps. I have a feeling that whoever is behind all this had no idea she would be found, and her discovery is throwing a monkey wrench into the plans.”

“Roger that,” Eli said.

“I’ve been looking at how the Mings got to this continent, and according to Reach’s database, there’s no record of the twin Ming sisters first arriving in the Americas. At some point they were owned by a Creole family of vamps by the name of Bondaille. Other than that, the records never existed or have been lost.

“There’s no record of how Ming Zhane rose to Blood Master of Clan Glass. Ming Zoya became Blood Master of Clan Mearkanis, and that one is well documented.”

Alex’s words have no blood, Beast thought.

Boring, Jane agreed.

Wolf snuffled and rolled over to lie on back, belly in air, eyes on Kit-Kit, pawing at little cat. Beast wondered if wolf meat was good to eat. Jane thought, Only if you want to turn me into a werewolf. I survived two bites and have no desire to risk it again. And his name is Brute.

Like name Wolf better, Beast thought. Wolf is Wolf like Beast is Beast.