Lawful Escort - Page 16/62

Daniel felt his erection strain against his pants and wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to restrain himself, but he didn’t want this to be over too quickly. For all he knew, all he’d get was only one act of sex with her. What if she left immediately after that? No, he had to make this last for a while.

Daniel wished he’d asked Tim more questions after he’d given him the details of the booking, but it was too late now. He’d just have to go along and hope he got what he wanted. And what he wanted was Holly, underneath him, on top of him, in front of him, every which way possible. Never before had he wanted a woman with such intensity.

Daniel kneaded her neglected breast while he continued sucking and gently biting the other one before he switched and inflicted the same sweet torture on the other. She didn’t suppress her moans, and he relished her body’s response to him.

“Oh, Daniel, that’s so …” She didn’t finish her sentence, either because she ran out of breath or because her brain had turned to the same mush as his. He couldn’t think of anything else but to kiss her, touch her, be with her. All rational thoughts had gone out the window the moment she’d dropped the condom.

“Holly, tell me what you want.”

Her eyes flew open. “What I want?”

What had made him ask that? She was the escort. He shouldn’t be asking her what she wanted. It wasn’t his job to pleasure her, but the other way around. Yet, he wanted to please her. “Yes, I want to know what you like.”


“You’re doing a pretty good job turning me into putty without any instructions.” As soon as she’d said it, Sabrina wanted to take it back. How could she have said something that exposed her like this, something that made her so vulnerable?

“Yes, but imagine what I could do if you told me what you really liked.” He gave her a wicked grin.

Daniel Sinclair was definitely something else. What man hired an escort and then insisted on pleasuring her rather than letting her do the job? What the hell was wrong with him? Or had Holly completely misrepresented what her job was like? It wasn’t like her to lie about these things. No, something was wrong with this man.

Before he could sink his lips back onto her breasts, she cupped his face and pulled him up.


“Why what?”

“Why do you want to know what I like?”

“Because I think this night is going to be much more fun if we’re both satisfied. Don’t you think so?” Their gazes locked. “And besides, what man wouldn’t like to be considered the best lover a woman has ever had? So maybe you want to help me out here a little?”

Sabrina laughed. She had the feeling he didn’t really need any help to be the best lover she ever had. He was doing a damn fine job so far. But she wasn’t about to tell him that. If he wanted to try harder, she’d let him.

“Is that a yes?”

She nodded. “Do you think we could move to …?” She made a head movement toward the bedroom.

“Your wish is my command.”


Seconds later, Daniel lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom. Now the real fun would start, the slow undressing, the teasing, the seduction. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed kissing Holly, he had, more than any other woman he’d ever met. But now she lay on his bed, and there was no turning back from it.

Her bare breasts exposed to his hungry eyes, her nipples hardened, she looked up at him through her long dark lashes that guarded those tempting green eyes. She made him feel like the wolf, who wanted to devour the lamb, the very willing lamb.

Slowly, Daniel took off his jacket and threw it onto a nearby chair. He didn’t care that it would be creased tomorrow. It didn’t matter. Button after button of his shirt he eased open as she watched him silently as if fascinated by the simple action of a man undressing. When he dropped the shirt to the floor, he caught her tongue licking her lips.

He kicked off his shoes and dropped down onto the bed covering her body with his.

“Miss me?”

“I missed your lips,” she confessed.

He didn’t know why he said ridiculous things to her, but he liked the way she responded. There was a truth and a simplicity in her answers that floored him. Things seemed to be simple with her, black and white, uncomplicated. Nothing high maintenance about her. No frills, just pure woman.

It appealed to his masculinity, to his darker, animalistic side, his true passions. It awakened the side of him that for the most part was dormant. The side that lived for the hunt to satisfy his carnal desires. His need to possess a woman, one hundred percent. And for her to possess him, something he had never let a woman do, because he’d always held back, never given all of himself. Never dared.