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Daniel whispered words in Italian to her, and even though she spoke no Italian, his tone told her that they were terms of endearment, a thought that warmed her even more. Knowing that he used the language his mother had taught him and which he associated with family and love, made her feel closer to him.

There was nothing else to do but to surrender to his touch, to let him sweep her up and carry her to heights she’d not been to before, to feel her body float as if it were as light as a cloud. To feel the waves crash into her as if she stood in the wake of a storm, to feel them rise to hurricane strength and yet to feel no fear, only anticipation as it reached its peak and then sweep through her body with more energy than an atom bomb.

Sabrina felt him explode with her, could see in his eyes the second he reached his climax, which seemed as powerful as hers. It was more than she could take. She felt the wetness in her eyes before she understood what was happening.

Only when she felt his lips kiss her eyes did she know he was kissing away her tears. Never had she felt so vulnerable and at the same time so safe. If she could hold on to this one moment and take it with her once he was gone, she knew she would be okay despite everything.

Later, she curled up beside him and felt his strong arms cradle her as if he never wanted to let her go.

“It’s a shame we have to go back to San Francisco tomorrow,” she lamented.

Daniel put his hand under her chin and pulled her face up to look at her. “Would you like us to stay longer?”

“I would love to, but I know you’ll have to be back in the city for business.”

“I can do everything I need to do from here. I’ll tell the innkeeper tomorrow morning that we’ll extend our stay.”

Sabrina kissed him hard. She knew she’d have to call in sick, but she didn’t care. Everybody was busy with the big new client anyway, and nobody took any notice of her, except for the person she didn’t want to be noticed by: Hannigan. A few days away from the office was just what she needed. And she wanted to spend as much time with Daniel as she could.

“Thank you. I love it here.”

He beamed. “I love it here too,” he said and suggestively let his finger slide through her triangle of curls and dip into her moist core.

“Do you ever think of anything else?” she teased him.

“Sure. I also think of this.” Daniel took her breast into his hand and kneaded it. “Or of this.” He lowered his head to take her nipple into his mouth, sucking gently.

She had to laugh, and he joined in. He could be as playful as he was sensual and as passionate as he was tender.

Already she felt his cock rise from its short rest and found herself in need of a taste. She freed herself from his embrace.

“Where are you going?” He sounded disappointed as if even the shortest of separations was painful.

“Nowhere.” She reversed her position on the bed so her head was on the same height as his growing erection.

“Mmm,” he murmured appreciatively and pulled her thighs toward him so his face was right in between them, his mouth hovering at the entrance to her body.

With his erection coming to full height, her tongue flicked out and licked his shaft before working its way down to his balls. At the same time, she felt him dip his tongue into her. If she wanted to make him come before he turned her mind and body to mush with the things he did with his tongue, she would have to use all her skill.

As Sabrina fondled his balls and felt the soft sac tighten, she placed her lips around the head of his cock and slowly slid down, taking him inside her as deep as she could. For an instant, she felt him pause. Good, he was paying attention.

She loved his taste, just like the first night she’d tasted him. This time, she wanted more though. The first night, Daniel had stopped her, but he wouldn’t get a chance this time. Her mouth was firmly locked onto his cock where it would stay until she was done with him.

She felt his tongue playing with her clit and had to stop her own actions for a brief moment to collect her strength. But then she continued with vigor. She took him deeper, sucked him harder and used her tongue to moisten his velvet skin. When she felt his breathing become choppy, she added her hand to the mix, first playing with his balls and then wrapping her fingers around his erection as she moved up and down it with her mouth.

She knew Daniel was close when she felt him lick her more frantically. He almost threw her off her course when he inserted a finger into her while continuing to suck her clit. But she wouldn’t be deterred. Again she sucked him harder, squeezed her hand around him tighter until she finally felt a pulsating movement within him.