Zane's Redemption - Page 46/113

“Yep. You have the address?”

Lauren pulled a piece of paper from her purse and handed it to her. “It’s in the Mission.”

Portia looked at the address Lauren had scribbled down. “I’ll find it.”

A shiver of anticipation skidded down her back as she opened the restroom door and walked into the hallway.

“I was about to check on you,” Oliver remarked.

“You really don’t have to treat me like a baby. I’m perfectly fine being in the restroom by myself.” Portia darted looks up and down the hallway. There were too many students around for her to simply launch into vampire speed and run. She would have to do something a little more devious.

Chapter Fifteen

Zane dropped the weights and exhaled. He was bathed in sweat from his vigorous workout. He’d tried to sleep after his conversation with Quinn, but his mind wouldn’t shut off, making it impossible for him to rest. Quinn was sleeping soundly now.

As he walked upstairs, he didn’t bother being quiet. This was his house, and if anybody didn’t like it, they could leave. Besides, Quinn was used to him being up half the day. They’d shared a place in New York for a while, and Quinn had learned to ignore Zane roaming around the apartment most of the day.

Fuck, he was in a pissy mood. The suspicion that Müller was leading a group that was breeding a new master race gnawed on him. He blamed himself. If he hadn’t failed at finding the bastard and killing him, this wouldn’t even have happened. He’d had more than sixty years to chase Müller down, only to be evaded at every turn.

Zane headed for his shower and stripped. When the warm water ran down his naked skin, he closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the tiles. It was time to admit that the reason he was really pissed was Portia. He desired her against all reason. But to take what she offered would violate so many rules, Samson would throw the book at him.

And even if he wasn’t violating Scanguards’ code of ethics by touching her, he had his own scruples to deal with.

Zane looked down at himself. Figured that his cock was hard and ready the moment his thoughts had turned to Portia. But he wouldn’t let this get any further. With a painful flick of his fingernail against the tip of his erection, he deflated the horny appendage. After soaping his body and rinsing it, he turned off the water and stepped onto the soft mat in front of the shower.

The dog’s bark made him listen up for a moment. The animal roamed around the house and the garden all day long, barking at anything from a passing truck to a bee sitting on a flower.

He shook his head and continued drying off. At least somebody in this house was having some fun. He dressed in his robe and pulled the sash tight when he heard one of the stairs creak. Was Quinn up?

Barefoot, Zane stole out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, snatching a stake from his dresser drawer on the way. If another assassin was trying to get him, he’d be prepared this time. His fingers reached the light switch, and he flipped it, cloaking the room in darkness. Let the assassin think he was asleep.

No more sounds came from the hallway. Had he imagined the sound? Maybe the old house was simply making noises by itself? Zane strained his ears as he waited, his body pressed against the wall next to the door, poised to strike.

He held his breath, not wanting to give his position away, when the doorknob turned slowly. The hinges moaned as the door eased open. The shadow moved, and Zane pounced, slinging his arm over the intruder’s head and around his neck, yanking him against his chest, his other hand holding the stake.

Finally taking a deep breath, he inhaled a fragrance he was all too familiar with. He hadn’t smelled it earlier because he’d held his breath.

Zane reached for the light switch and flipped it, bathing the room in light.

“Shit! Portia,” he breathed, releasing her from his neck hold.

She turned, her eyes instantly running over his barely clothed body. Instinctively, he tested the sash, making sure it hadn’t loosened.


He slapped his hand over her mouth, horrified that her greeting might have woken Quinn.

Zane dipped his head to her ear. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

She mumbled against his hand, but he didn’t release her.

“I’m not alone in the house. So, unless you want me to be fired as your bodyguard, keep your voice down,” he whispered through clenched teeth.

She nodded, and he dropped his hand. Portia instantly moved her head to his face. Shit, she smelled so good, he didn’t know how long he could refrain from touching her.

“I wanted to see you.” Her voice was low and seductive.