Belong to You - Page 2/24

Sienna spoke to the band and we sang one of our all time favorites, Shake Your Body, by the Jackson 5. It was a 70’s boogie disco beat that people usually couldn’t help but start to dance to. When we were done, people were applauding and dancing and the band asked us to do another song.

What else can follow up a classic Jackson song but the Wild Cherry 70s hit, Play That Funky Music? Of course, we did our own version of the song, but people danced and sang along nonetheless. Even though it had been years since we performed together, no one would have guessed it. We worked together effortless, and it had been that way since that very first time in third grade. By the time we were done, the tequila had hit us with its full effect and we both laughed our way back to the bar, stumbling just a slight bit.

The bartender stopped pouring drinks as we approached and clapped his hands slowly for us, to which we responded with overzealous bows and a curtsy.

He gave us each another shot of tequila on the house and we did our swallow, salt, lime routine in expert tandem.

The handsome guy that sent us drinks in the restaurant came over with a few of his friends.

“You ladies were amazing. That was incredible.” He was smiling and it was obvious in his face that he was being sincere and it wasn’t part of his pick up line.

“Thank you, it was so much fun!” Sienna responded and I smiled. We were both on a post show high. It had been so long since I felt the familiar rush that I almost forgot what performing could do to me. We talked for a while and found out that the boys club wasn’t actually in Hawaii for a rugby tournament or an underwear commercial shoot, they were there for a bachelor party.

“Wow, that’s some bachelor party.” I said to our new friend Tyler, the guy that bought us drinks in the restaurant.

“Yeah, the best man is loaded and is throwing the whole party. We have the penthouse for the week. Some of the guys are staying and others are going back in a few days. It’s pretty sweet.” I actually felt, rather than saw, the green eyed man return. I was positive that he was standing right behind me, but I couldn’t bring myself to turn around and check. “Speak of the devil.” Tyler pointed behind me and I slowly turned, finding the green-eyed god standing ridiculously close to my back staring down at me.

“Hi again.” My words came out as a whisper. I could feel the heat radiating off his body and it was playing tricks on my brain that was swimming in tequila.

He looked down at me and smiled, but made no attempt to move. He was tall, probably a good eight inches taller than my 5’6 frame. His shoulders were broad and his dark green polo pulled slightly to contain his girth. His shirt fit his athletic frame as if it was made for him, and his jeans hung low on his narrow waist.

“Your voice is beautiful.” His voice was deep and he spoke to me in low controlled words, even though we stood so close, surrounded by what I assumed were his friends.

“Thank you. So are you.” Holy shit, did I just say that out loud? I was glad that we were outside so that he couldn’t see my face turn red; I blushed so deeply at my words that not even my tan skin could conceal my embarrassment. I was thinking it, but I didn’t mean to say it. Another dangerous side effect of the tequila shots.

He smiled and raised his eyebrows in surprise. I turned my back to him to allow myself to catch my breath. Tyler took it as an opportunity to offer to buy me a drink.

Just as I opened my mouth to respond, the green eyed man responded for me. “No thanks, I’ve got her next round.” I watched in shock as his friend took the hint and walked away smiling.

I whipped around and looked up at him, a bit unsteady on my feet from the tequila. He still hadn’t moved and was standing in my personal space. It was almost a possessive stance, the way he hovered above me and made his size known. “What if I wanted him to buy me a drink?”

“You don’t.” He said in a low voice and straight face. Was he joking or being serious?

“How do you know what I want?” I could feel the tension between us rising.

Sienna walked over oblivious and interrupted our little heated exchange. She was still giddy from our singing and her smile and happiness brought back such great memories. “What are you two chatting about all quietly over here?” She hung one arm around my neck and I was pretty sure that she was using me to maintain her balance.

“I was just telling your friend how beautiful her voice is.” He spoke to Sienna but his eyes never left me.

Sienna smiled. “Flattery will get you everywhere.” She extended her hand.

“I’m Sienna.”

The green-eyed god took her hand in his and held it; I was relieved that his focus had finally left me. “Jack. Nice to meet you Sienna.” He quickly turned his eyes back to me. “And you are…”

Sienna quickly intervened, slightly slurring as she spoke. “Her name is Jill.” I looked up at her like she was crazy and then she winked at me. She made no attempt to hide her blatant lie and I wasn’t quite sure if it was because she was drunk or if she was playing a game. I knew that she was trying to subtly remind me of our earlier conversation at dinner, encouraging me to have a nameless, unattached fling. Of course, Sienna may have tried to do subtle, but her lack of experience at subtlety made her words and actions come across as glaringly direct.

“Jill, huh?” Jack looked at me suspiciously.

I smiled. “I guess so, Jack.”

“What brings you to Honolulu, Jill?” He said with an emphasis on Jill, knowing full well it wasn’t really my name.

“Well, I’m on my honeymoon Jack!” I thought my answer was hysterical in my drunken state. Sienna must have too, considering she spit her drink out and almost choked on it, as she joined me in laughing at my statement.

For a split second, I thought Jack may have looked angry, but then he must have realized that we had been teasing. Sienna and I laughed our asses off, but Jack didn’t seem to find our joke as funny as we did. When we finally regained control of our giggling, Sienna looked up at Jack, who was clearly waiting for an explanation, smiled, then turned and went back to Jack’s friends.

I looked up at Jack and he was watching me, his face showed signs of his patience slipping. “It was supposed to be my honeymoon, but we broke up two months ago. The honeymoon was already paid for, so I decided to take Sienna and make it a vacation instead.”

Jack smiled, apparently content with my answer. He reached forward to the bar to grab two bottles of water. His fingers brushed mine as he handed me one, sending an electric jolt that made me pull my hand back. I looked up at him confused.

He leaned down to my eye level and looked me straight in the eyes, briefly searching for something. “I felt it too.”


A few hours later we were in the resort’s bar partying with the bachelor party and had made some new friends. The bachelor, Robert, turned out to be a nice guy, who apparently was totally whipped by his fiancé. He spent most of the night getting teased and harassed by his friends, most of who were all still single. Jack played host to the rowdy crowd and most of the staff seemed to have known him by name already.

Sienna was getting cozy with Tyler as the last of the bachelor party said goodnight, leaving just the four of us. The bartender told us he was getting ready to leave and asked Jack if he wanted the keys to lock up later. “Do you work here or something?” I asked confused as he accepted the keys.

“Or something.” Jack smiled, but offered no more information. He walked around to the other side of the bar and reached down pulling out a bottle of water.

“Drink.” Was all he said as he handed it to me?

“You’re pretty bossy, aren’t you?” I knew he was right, and I needed to drink water or I would regret it tomorrow, but he didn’t offer it to me, he instructed me to drink it.

“Yes.” He looked me directly in the eyes unapologetically and didn’t waiver the entire time he opened his own bottle and drank from it.

His stare made me dizzy, but I wasn’t going to back down. The arrogant ass was starting to affect me, and it was an odd combination of being pissed off and turned on at the same time. I held his stare as I opened my water bottle and drank from it.

Jack finally broke our heated gaze, and for a split second, I thought I had won our unspoken challenge. Then I watched him, as he slowly looked me up and down, his eyes taking their time as they wandered over my br**sts and down my flat stomach. When he was done and had taken himself a good long look, his eyes returned to mine again. He didn’t try to hide his visual assault; instead, he enjoyed me watching him do it. I felt a throb between my thighs and shifted my legs in response to it. He caught my body respond to him and gave me a sexy wicked smile with one eyebrow arched.

“Shit, I need to go to bed.” I needed to get away from the mesmerizing man quickly before I did something stupid.

His wicked smile grew, but he didn’t respond.

“Sienna, I’m going to go to bed, you coming?” I yelled to the other end of the bar where she was snuggled with Tyler.

“I’ll meet you up there in a little bit, Syd.”

Jack came around the bar and put his hand on the small of my back. I had to struggle to keep still, as his hand ignited my skin beneath his touch. “I’ll walk you to your room.” Jack tossed Tyler the keys.

His hand never left me as we walked and I wondered if he felt my skin burning underneath his big hand.

“So, Syd, or is it Jill, why did Sienna not want to tell me your real name?” Alcohol was like truth serum to me, insert a few shots and out comes everything you ever wanted to know. “She had a crazy idea that I should have an anonymous fling while we are here to celebrate my newly found singleness.”

“And why is that crazy?” His tone was flat and serious.

I actually thought about the question for a minute, and couldn’t come up with an answer. “Umm, I’m not sure, I guess it isn’t really that crazy, people do it all the time with one night stands.”

He didn’t say anything more as we entered the elevator. He stood close behind me, even though there was no one else in the car. I felt his warm breath on my neck and my body was sizzling from how close he was, he had to feel it too.

Stepping off the elevator to my floor, I was disappointed to lose his body next to mine. His hand returned to the small of my back as we made our way to the door of my room. “So it’s all settled then.” I was digging into my bag to find my key and looked up at him confused, sure I must have dazed out and missed some of our conversation. He continued, “I already know your name and know you have a great voice, so it can’t be totally anonymity. How about if we limit each other to 10 personal questions, that way we don’t get to know each other that well, and it will still be sort of anonymous.”

My mouth dropped open at his suggestion.

I wasn’t pretending to be shocked, I was shocked. “Are you saying you want to have sex with me this week and only get to ask and be asked 10 personal questions?”

“That’s what I’m saying.” His response was dead serious.

“You’re crazy.” I glared at him, my face confirming that I thought he was insane.

“I thought we just established that it wasn’t crazy.”

“I didn’t say it was crazy, I said you’re crazy.” I emphasized the difference.

But Jack didn’t respond to my ac-cusation with words. Instead, he reached down and lifted me up effortlessly, pinning me against the door to my room, wrapping my legs around his waist. His mouth aggressively covered mine and he licked my lips demanding them to open. Unconsciously, my lips parted and our tongues instantly collided in desperation. It wasn’t a first kiss. It was THE first kiss. We held each other tight and his mouth devoured mine harshly with a raw need raging between us. His body pressed tightly against mine and every ounce of my body was electrified from head to toe. I felt his erection hard against my stomach and knew his body was as in tune to mine as mine was to his.