Hemy - Page 14/38

I let out an unwanted moan as my eyes close to his touch. The feel is so familiar, yet it feels so much better than before. My body is reacting in a way it hasn’t reacted to anyone but him. It’s unstoppable. “Yes,” I admit while finally pulling away and spinning around. “You have. What do you expect? You hurt me. You broke my heart, dammit.”

He lets out a frustrated groan and runs a hand through his short beard. That sexy beard. I can’t help but to imagine it rubbing against my naked flesh. Everything about Hemy is sexier than I remember. He’s taller, thicker, full of tattoos and has long, thick, hair that I want to pull. Not to mention those piercings. It makes me wonder where else he might be pierced. He always was the wild one.

“I’m not the same person I was back then.” My eyes land on his bare chest as he takes a step toward me. “I’m different now.”

“Oh yeah?” I swallow as I reach out to trace his tattoo with my fingers before pulling away. “How so?”

He wraps his hands into the back of my hair and presses me against the wall with his body flush against mine. “I would give my last breath to be with you.” He looks into my eyes with an intensity that makes my knees go weak. “I will stop at nothing to make you mine, Onyx. I’m not letting you run away from me again, from us. You can hurt me all you want. You could stomp on me till I’m no longer breathing and it wouldn’t make a difference. I’m. Not. Going. Anywhere.”

Inside, I am going crazy. I can’t think straight and my body feels like giving out on me. I can’t give myself away though. As much as I wish I could, Hemy can never be trusted.

“Hemy,” I say firmly. “Don’t start something you’re not going to like. I’m not letting myself get crushed by you again. Things are different now. You’re not the only one that has changed. Do you get what you put me through?” I place my hands on his chest and push him away. “How many girls had their hands on you, how many nights I cried myself to sleep not knowing if you were even alive.”

“I’ll be with you every fucking night. You’ll never have to worry about that shit again.” He pounds his fist into the wall before placing both hands against it. “I’ll wake up next to you and fall asleep holding you for the rest of my fucking life. Nothing else matters anymore. I’ve learned to let go and move on.”

I suck in a burst of air and cover my face. Those are the words I longed to hear for so long in the past and they never came. Hearing those words makes my heart feel as if it’s about to burst out of my chest. The ache is so strong that I have to grip my chest.

“Onyx!” Roman pokes his head into the door and looks between me and Hemy. “What are you doing? I’ve been looking for you.” He gives me a concerned look. “Is he giving you problems?”

Hemy turns away from the wall and pops his neck. “Who the fuck are you?”

I hold my hand out and place it on Hemy’s chest. “He’s my boss,” I snap. I turn to face Roman. “No, and he was just leaving.”

Roman looks Hemy up and down one last time before turning back to me. “You have a private dance waiting in room six. Don’t keep them waiting too long.”

I nod my head and give Hemy a dirty look. “Okay. I’m almost done.”

Hemy watches with dark eyes as Roman walks away. He looks like he’s ready to kill someone. “A private dance?”

I give him a little push toward the door. “Yes. You need to go.”

He walks out the door and starts looking around at the room numbers.

“What are you doing,” I bite out. “The exit is that way.” I point over to the exit sign, but he ignores me and starts heading for room six. “Are you kidding me?” I follow behind him and we both stop in front of the door.

“It’s my turn to see you dance.” He turns to me and flashes a cocky grin. “You want to dance for me, baby?” He leans in and kisses my neck. “Because I’m not going anywhere.”

“No.” I lightly tug his hair back, causing him to growl. “The point of a private dance is for it to be private, Hemy. There’s no way my client is going to be okay with you joining.”

“Oh yeah,” he says. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” He yanks the door open and walks inside. His eyes set on the handsome guy with blonde hair wearing a business suit, holding a bottle of beer to his lips. He pulls out three hundred dollar bills and slaps it down in front of him. “I’m paying for the second dance.” Then he pulls back a chair and sets it so he’s sitting on the side of the client, but facing him. “You have a problem with that?”

The business guy looks at Hemy, a little intimidated and then down at the pile of money in front of him. “No, man. Not at all,” he slurs. “Enjoy the show.”

Now pissed, I slam the door behind me and yank Hemy’s head back by his hair before whispering, “Just remember you did this to yourself.” I push his head forward and walk over to the man in the suit.

I grab his beer from out of his hand and toss it across the room. I’m pissed. Not only at Hemy, but at this drunken idiot for agreeing to let him watch. I lift my leg, placing my heel next to him on the couch. I dig it into the leather while grabbing him by the tie and yanking his head to my breasts.

I squat so that I’m closer to his waist. I start to sway my hips to the slow rhythm while running my hands through his hair and rubbing my breasts over his lips.

I allow myself to get lost in the music playing over the speakers, doing this for a few minutes before releasing his tie, and pulling his head back by his hair. I look down at his lap and smirk. “Someone’s already hard for me.” Opening the top of my black bustier, I straddle his lap and start grinding myself against his erection.

The guy starts moaning while looking down at my breasts and licking his lips. “Oh yeah, baby. Keep rubbing against my dick.”

I don’t usually talk much with the men in private dances, but having Hemy in the room somehow makes me want to have a little fun. After all those years of me sitting by, while women touched and enjoyed him, why not give him a little taste?

“Mmm . . . you like that, big boy?” I rip his shirt open and grab onto it while arching my back and rolling my front against his. “It’s so big and hard for me.”