As Hot as It Gets - Page 13/84

“Yeah, you know, your military career. How many times you’ve saved the world, that kind of stuff.”

A chuckle slipped out. “Why, does the idea of me saving the world get you goin’?”

“What is it with your need to get me goin’?”

“Can’t help it. I want a second date, remember? That ain’t gonna happen unless I make you fall in love with me.”

Her laughter tickled his ears and made him want to jump across the table and kiss her.

“Ain’t gonna happen,” she mimicked.

“Fine. I’ll settle for making you fall in lust with me then.”

“That probably won’t happen either.”

The remark piqued his interest. Cheeky as it was, he’d detected a note of resignation in her voice, and he suddenly wondered if maybe she had some sexual hang-ups. Once the thought entered his head, he realized it might not be completely absurd. Mia was sexy as hell, but she didn’t exude sexuality, that sensual aura a lot of other women possessed. Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, granted. He totally dug the whole fresh-faced-innocence vibe.

But her comment made him curious enough to say, “You don’t experience lust often, darlin’?”

“Not really,” she confessed. “I mean, I’ve been attracted to guys before, but never in a super lusty way. You know, like I can’t wait to rip their clothes off and screw them silly.”

“Are you a virgin?” he had to ask.

“Nope. Are you?”

“If I say yes, will you be my sexual tutor and make a man outta me?”


“Fine, then no, I’m not a virgin.”


He tipped his head, still intrigued by the entire conversation. “Do you enjoy sex?”

Mia laughed again. “This is not appropriate first-date subject matter.”

“Well, seeing as there won’t be a second date—” he shot her a pointed look, “—I figure any topic is up for grabs tonight.”

“Fair enough.” She sipped her water. “Fine, I’ll answer the question. Do I enjoy sex? Not really. Honestly, I can take it or leave it.”

His eyebrows soared to his forehead. “You don’t like it at all?”

“It’s okay, I guess, but I’ve never had a sexual encounter that’s been any better than my solo sessions.” An endearing blush appeared on her cheeks. “Actually, I have more fun alone than I ever have with a guy.”

Damned if his dick didn’t take that as a challenge.

Jackson shifted in his chair, trying to ignore the semi-erection that had sprung in his pants. Mia’s candid revelations had brought way too many visuals to mind. Like the image of her lying in bed, her fingers moving between her legs as she got herself off. Or the one of him in that bed with her, licking every inch of her body and proving to her just how much fun it could be having another person around.

“What, no response?” she said with a smirk. “Let me guess—my thoughts about sex have changed your mind about that second date.”

“Not at all.”

She looked surprised. “Really? You don’t think it’s weird that I’d rather make myself come than—” She halted abruptly, her cheeks turning redder as their waiter strode up with their meals.

Jackson swallowed a laugh when he noticed the waiter’s face. The man’s expression was polite, but the flicker of amusement in his eyes said that he’d definitely overheard Mia’s last remark.

Neither of them spoke as their food was served, and after the waiter hurried off, Mia stayed silent. She stuck her fork in the tangle of linguine on her plate, then took a bite of the steaming, tomato-sauce-covered noodles.

“Ugh, that’s hot!” she burst out a second later, making a mad grab for her water.

Jackson chuckled. “That’s what you get for trying to avoid the subject.”

“I’m not avoiding. I thought we were done talking about it.”

“A man is never done talkin’ about sex, sugar.”

That got him another laugh. “Okay. What else do we have to say about it then?”

He picked up his knife and fork and cut into his massive serving of chicken Parmesan. After popping a small piece into his mouth, he chewed thoughtfully, then said, “Tell me one sexy secret nobody knows about you.”

Mia wrapped her fingers around her glass. “Hmmm. Well. How’s this? I keep a nine-inch dildo in a locked drawer beside my bed.”

His semi-erection transformed into a full-blown boner.

Breathing through the intense wave of arousal, Jackson responded in a casual voice. “Interesting. Because my sexy secret was gonna be that I have a nine-inch cock.”

“Wow. Congratulations, big boy.” His date snorted, then raised her glass to her lips.

“Oh, and it’s pierced.”

A spray of water splashed the table as Mia did an honest-to-God spit take.

Smirking, Jackson took another bite of chicken.

“You’re joking,” she finally said.

He met her narrowed green eyes. “Am I?”

Her tone grew even more suspicious. “There’s no way a small-town Texas boy like yourself has his nether regions pierced.”

“It’s a dang shame you’ll never get to find out,” he said cheerfully. “I guess you should’ve thought twice before insisting this is a one-date thing.”