Hotter Than Ever - Page 49/95

It took ten minutes for Claire to describe—in great detail—the insane situation she’d found herself in, and when she finally wrapped up, Natasha sounded utterly stunned.

“Wow. So the two of them want to f**k you together?”


“And you’re attracted to both of them?”

She sighed. “Yup.”

“What are they like?” her friend asked curiously.

Claire chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. “They’re both pretty wonderful. Dylan is the more easygoing of the two. We bicker a lot, but he’s so much fun to be around, and he’s sweet and sexy and…”

She drifted off, still pondering. “Aidan is more serious, but equally awesome. Something about his intensity makes me feel…protected. Except I feel that way with Dylan too. He’s so relaxed on the surface, but I know he could kill a man without batting an eye. They both can.” She moaned. “And that turns me on, by the way! Why does that turn me on?”

“Because military men are hot,” Natasha said frankly.

“Says the lesbian.”

“Hey, just because I’m into chicks doesn’t mean I can’t find men attractive.”

“Fair enough. Besides, you’re right. They are hot. They’re so f**king hot I’m going crazy. I need your advice. Tell me what you think about all this.”

“Okay, well, this is a no-brainer. You—”

“Have to say no,” she finished.

“—have to say yes.”

Claire’s jaw dropped. “Wait, what?”

“You have to say yes. Duh.”

“How is that duh? Are you seriously encouraging me to have a threesome with them?”

“Hells to the yeah! Claire, you have two sexy dudes wanting to make you come every which way, and not only that, but they’re into making each other come every which way—do you realize how hot that is?”

“I cannot believe you’re saying this. You were supposed to talk me out of doing something crazy.”

“Why is it crazy? People have threesomes all the time.”

“Would you and Gwen want a random woman joining you in the bedroom?” Claire challenged.

“Sure, depending on who she was and if Gwen and I were both attracted to her. But neither of these guys is random. You’ve been living with them for more than a week. I say go for it. You’re entitled to have a little fun.”

“You’re a traitor,” she mumbled.

“Nope, just a woman who doesn’t think sex needs to be complicated.”

The sound of footsteps captured Claire’s attention, and a moment later, she heard male voices wafting from the other side of the apartment.

“Great, Dylan’s home,” she said gloomily. “Now they’ll gang up on me again.”

Natasha let out a delighted laugh. “Let them.”

She heard more footsteps, closer this time, then a low male chuckle that had definitely come from Aidan. She tensed, expecting a knock, but the men walked right past her door. A few seconds later, there was a loud clatter followed by a thump, as if something had been knocked over in the other room.

She frowned. “Nat, I have to go. I just heard a noise and I want to make sure everything’s okay.”

“No prob. Make sure to text me after the threesome, ’kay?”


“I’m serious. I’m going to want all the deets.”

Claire rolled her eyes and said goodbye, then left the bedroom and headed toward Aidan’s room. The door was ajar, which meant she had no problem hearing the male groan that rang out from within.

She froze in place. That hadn’t sounded like a groan of pain…at least not the kind of pain incurred by an injury.

Her pulse kicked up a gear.

Walk away, her common sense ordered.

Rather than take that very sound advice, she found herself creeping closer. It wouldn’t hurt to take a quick peek, would it? Just to make sure the boys really were okay? Because she’d definitely heard a crash. And a thump. And she’d be a bad person if she didn’t at least check to make sure that—

Jesus H. Christ.

A sense of déjà vu slammed into her as her eyes encountered a very familiar scene.

Heart thudding, she hovered just out of sight of the doorway, but in a position that allowed her to see inside Aidan’s room.

Up against the tall oak dresser, the two men were locked in a passionate embrace that sent a bolt of desire straight to her core. Claire forgot how to breathe as she watched the hottest make-out session ever unfold before her eyes. Groans of pleasure drifted into the hall, then a series of tortured expletives as the men began clawing at each other’s clothes.

Pants hit the floor. Shirts were whipped aside. Boxers disappeared.

Her entire body burned as if she’d stepped into a raging inferno.

Naked. Oh God, they were naked now, but she only had a view of Aidan’s back. And backside. Holy hell, he had the greatest ass, round and tight and sexy. Dylan must have agreed, because his hands instantly slid down to squeeze those taut bu**ocks.

They kissed again and the flash of tongue she glimpsed made her swallow a moan. She needed to walk away. Now. Right now.

But her feet stayed rooted to the hardwood.

“Suck my cock.” Dylan’s low command sent a shiver running through her.

“Ask me nicely,” came Aidan’s mocking response.