Flight - Page 2/50

“Let’s go Jess.” I grabbed her arm and led her inside. Dad had already gone ahead.

The lobby felt huge, much larger than it looked from the outside. All the money my dad had poured into the updates showed. Large travertine tiles covered the floor and dark wainscoting framed the room, while a beautiful chandelier with dangling crystals helped light the space. The etched glass in the sidewall that bore the name of the hotel typified the way he had modernized the hotel without losing all its historical character. I especially loved the solid mahogany bar. I’d like to say my dad had an eye for design, but I’m sure he had nothing to do with the selections. The fact that he was even at the hotel was surprising. He usually oversaw his properties from afar.

Looking up from the bar, I locked eyes with an incredibly hot guy. At over six feet tall with brown hair and wearing a tight shirt that barely concealed his muscular arms and chest, it would have been impossible not to notice him. He smiled at me and I found myself smiling back before I snapped myself out of it. Ignoring the invitation in his smile I quickly looked away. “You swore off men,” I reminded myself.

“Do you girls want to see your room or get some lunch first?” my dad asked, relieving me of my thoughts about the guy.

“See our room,” I answered quickly. “Is that okay, Jess?”

“Yeah, sure,” she said distantly. I didn’t bother looking, assuming she had found the same distraction.

My dad laughed as he led us to the elevators. “I put you girls in a suite on the top floor.”

The elevator reached our floor and we walked toward our room. It came as no surprise, but our suite was luxurious. Jess and I each had our own room with a bathroom and we shared a large common living space complete with a kitchenette. Two French doors in the main living area opened out onto a balcony overlooking the street below.

“Wow Dad, you really didn’t need to give us this suite for the whole summer.”

“Of course I did. I’m your father. Now, why don’t you girls get yourself settled and meet me in the courtyard for lunch in about a half hour?”

“Sounds great,” I answered.

As soon as the door clicked Jess gave me a knowing smile. “So, uh, I thought you were swearing off guys.”

“I am,” I said defensively. Damn, she must have caught me eyeing him.

“Don’t try to deny it. I saw you checking out that guy and he was checking you out too by the way. Totally hot, but I’ll let you have him, his other friends were cute too.”

“Don’t even start.” My response was automatic but inside I was surprised I hadn’t even noticed his friends.

“Oh, come on, promise me that if he’s still there you’ll go talk to him,” Jess pushed.

“No way.”

“Why not?” she asked.

“Because I’m not interested, end of story.”

“Oh no, you aren’t getting off that easily.”

Thankfully, I was saved from further argument by a knock. The bellboy from outside had arrived with our bags. He unloaded them two at a time, leaving them just inside the door.

“Do you girls need anything else?” Without my dad’s presence he seemed much more interested in talking.

“I think we’re all set for now, but we might need something later.” Jess had turned on the charm.

“Oh yeah? Maybe I should give you my number then. I’m Billy by the way.”

I tuned out their conversation, grabbing one of my bags to move it into my bedroom. Shaking my head, I laughed. I had to admit the bellboy was cute; he had the blond surfer boy look going for him, but leave it to Jess to get a phone number a few minutes after arriving in a city.

I heard the door click closed moments before Jess bounded into my room.

“Oh my god, this is going to be an awesome summer.” She sprawled out on my bed.

“Hey Jess?”


“Don’t ever change, okay?” I laughed.

“Are you making fun of me?” She sat up indignantly.

“Not at all. I just know I’m going to miss you this year.”

“Aww, I’ll miss you too. But we’ll only be a train ride apart.” She was going to her dream school, NYU.

“I know.”

“And you could have gone to school in the city. You’re the one who wanted to head to Jersey.”

“Yeah, because Princeton is really settling, huh?”

“It is when you are only going there because your parents want you to.”

I brushed it off, unwilling to let her know how much the jab hurt. “Let’s go meet my dad; I’m starving.” I headed to the door before Jess could argue. I’d never told her how I’d actually wanted to go somewhere more urban for school. Either she was more perceptive than I thought, or I was more transparent.

My eyes drifted to the bar as we walked through the lobby to the restaurant. I sighed with relief, but couldn’t help but feel some disappointment as I noticed the now empty bar area.

“I guess you’re off the hook for now, but next time you won’t be so lucky,” Jess said as she noticed the expression on my face.

I didn’t even answer.

Chapter Two

As soon as we walked into the courtyard, Dad waved us over to a table. The umbrella beckoned, as I already felt myself sweating from the thick humid heat. Jess linked her arm with mine as we headed over to the table.

“Get much unpacking done?” Dad asked as soon as we were all seated.

“I did, not so much Jess.”

“Were you too distracted Jessica?” Dad asked with a wry smile.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not that old you know. You think I didn’t notice the way you and that young man were looking at each other? I happen to know he took your bags upstairs.”

Jess’s cheeks took on an uncharacteristic blush. “Oh, yeah. Billy seems pretty cool.”

“Thought so. Just be careful, he’s quite a few years older than you are.”

“Dad, stop.”

“Her father isn’t here; I have to at least try to provide some semblance of parental authority.” He leaned back in his chair.

“Because you know so much about parental authority…?” I trailed off. Dad’s glare told me I was about to cross a line.

“Speaking of parents, Allie, I had a little chat with the father of a friend of yours.” I didn’t like the expression he wore. Something bad was coming.