Found - Page 32/52

“The Dalys are here?” Levi’s voice was strained. He tightened his hold on my waist. “They never come.”

“Evidently, they decided it was worth it this time.” Robert gave Levi a look. “We couldn’t refuse them entrance.”

“She knows.” Levi didn’t look at me when he said it.

“I know what?”

He looked away. “What you are.”

I startled, and tried to move out of his arm. “What? You knew this whole time? You acted surprised!”

Anger boiled inside me. He was still lying to me.

“I never said I didn’t know…and I still didn’t understand how it affected us.”

“That’s great, absolutely great.” I tried to pull away from Levi again.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting away from you.”

“No,” he hissed. “You can’t.”

While we were arguing, the Dalys had moved closer. That’s when it hit me. I remembered the name from when I was with the cougars. This was another heir.

“Hello, Robert. Leviathan.” The older man spoke first. “And Allison, how lovely to finally meet you.”

The older man spoke, but it was the younger one who reached out a hand to mine. “You truly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

I gave him my hand, strangely attracted to this guy I’d just met. It wasn’t like it was with Levi, but there was no question there was something there. “Thank you. I don’t think I caught your name.”

“Cade. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

I felt a tug and suddenly my hand wasn’t in Cade’s anymore. “If you’ll excuse me, my mate and I have many others to greet tonight.”

Cade turned to Levi. “I’d like to request a dance with Allison.”

“Request denied. She won’t be dancing with anyone but me.” He pushed me partially behind him.

“But it’s customary. I am allowed one dance.” Cade took a step toward me.

“And I’m overruling that.” Levi turned, pulling me with him.

Cade raised his voice. “No. I demand my dance. You can’t break the rules.”

Levi turned around and scowled at Cade. “I just did.”

“Levi.” Robert’s voice was scratchy. “He has the right to one dance.”

Was this really over whether Cade could dance with me? Did an heir always have the right to dance with the prince’s mate?

Levi let out a low growl. Listening to the guttural noise reminded me that he wasn’t human. “Fine. One dance, but you better not upset her.”

“Don’t I get a say in who I dance with?” I knew I should probably keep my mouth shut, but I refused to just sit back and listen to them talking about me.

“No.” Levi and Cade said at once.

I searched the room for help. The tension was suffocating, and at that moment I was angry with Levi, and a mix of attracted and scared of Cade.

“Surely you wouldn’t mind giving my son one dance?” the so far pleasant senior Daly asked.

Considering he bothered to ask me, I wasn’t going to deny the request. “I suppose I could.”

Cade’s smile was only matched by Levi’s scowl.

Cade held out a hand, and I accepted it. I figured one dance couldn’t be that bad. He led me across the dance floor.

The music was slow, so slow that it was almost hard to dance to. Cade put one hand on my shoulder and the other clasped my hand. “It’s true. I didn’t believe it until I saw you.”

“What’s true?” I had a good idea what he was referring to, but playing stupid was sometimes the best option in those sorts of situations.

“That you have the power to choose. When I heard Levi found a mate, I figured it was only a matter of time before you gave him his heir. It wasn’t until my father heard that you had also dated the Blackwell heir that we knew what you were. He’d sensed the possibility over a year ago but thought he was out of his mind.”

“How did he hear? Is my dating life that public?”

He smiled. “A potential mate of a prince must realize her life is no longer hers to keep private.”

“It’s still my life.”

“I know, sweetheart.”

“Sweetheart? Do you really think it’s appropriate to call me that?”

He leaned in closer. “You will be my mate soon enough…why not start now?”

“Your mate?” That’s when I thought over his prior potential mate comment. “Do you really think I won’t remain Levi’s mate?”

“I know you feel it.” He leaned in to whisper. “It’s too incredible not to.”

“Feel what?”

“Do you always play dumb? You seem otherwise intelligent.”

“Where are you from?”

He moved in closer to me. “L.A.”

“You’re from L.A.?”

“Does that surprise you?” He moved his hand slightly lower on my back.

“You don’t talk like someone from L.A.” I couldn’t place his accent, it sounded vaguely Italian, but I wasn’t the best judge.

He laughed. “That’s because I spent most of my life in Europe. I only moved back last year after I graduated.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-three. Why, are you worried about an age difference?”

“No,” I answered quickly. “I was just wondering.”

He put a hand under my chin. “I like you, Allison. We’re going to have a great time together.”

I turned my head, forcing him to let go of my chin. “It’s Allie.” I didn’t even let Levi call me by my full name. “Don’t sound so confident. I already made my choice.

“No you haven’t, and Allie? I like the nickname.”

The song ended, and I sighed with relief.

He ran a finger down my arm. “I’m staying at the hotel for the next few days. I wouldn’t mind a visit.”

“I don’t—”

“Dance is over.” Levi grabbed my arm, partially blocking Cade from view.

“That was lovely, Allie. I look forward to spending more time with you soon.”

I nodded, not sure what to do.

“What were you talking about?” Levi handed me a glass of wine.

“What do you think?”

“You’re not actually angry with me, are you?”

I groaned. “I don’t know what to feel.” I still couldn’t believe he hadn’t told me he’d known about the enchantress stuff.