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“Would you like to try it on? I’d like to do a fitting.”

“I’d love to.”

Helen carefully removed the dress from the mannequin. I looked around for a place to change, but realized quickly she expected me to do it in front of her.

I undressed self-consciously. “Should I leave my bra on?”

“The dress is backless, so I went ahead and sewed in cups. We’ll see if you need to adjust them at all.”

Helen helped me into the dress. The satin felt cold against my skin, but any complaints were lost when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. “Wow.”

“You may give Levi a heart attack.”

“I may give myself one. This looks incredible.” I ran my fingers over the delicate straps.

“I am so glad you like it.” Helen beamed. “It’s tradition that the queen and princess each have a lady in waiting as well as maids. The lady in waiting must be a Pteron. My lady in waiting is my sister-in-law. Is it safe to assume that you’d like Hailey to take the position?”

“Of course. Anyway I can have Hailey involved would be great, but what would she be doing exactly?”

“Her job is to help you in any way possible.”

“It sounds like Hailey would just be doing what she always does.”

“It’s an honor as well as a duty.”

“Then I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.”

“I assumed you’d select Hailey, so I’ve started on her dress. I didn’t know her exact measurements, but I think I’m close.” Helen pointed out a black gown. It had a red sash and a border of rubies around the neckline. “It’s tradition that the lady in waiting also wear the family stone.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“I think so too.” She smiled. “Are you ready to change? I think I heard the boys come in.”

“Levi and his father?”

“You can call him Robert. If it was up to him, you’d call him Dad.”

“But why? It’s not like he likes me.”

Helen looked at me seriously. “Of course he does. He’s thrilled with Levi’s choice. Don’t let his hard exterior fool you. The way he sees it, Levi settled down and he got a daughter. He always wanted a daughter. It just didn’t work out that way.”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what to say to that. I wasn’t sure that I believed her. Robert didn’t seem like the president of my fan club, and I certainly wasn’t the president of his.

Helen helped me out of my dress, and I got back into my black skirt and sweater while she put it up. “Let’s do another fitting next week. Maybe you can bring Hailey with you and any maids that you’d like.”

I wanted to ask her about the rules relating to the selection of maids when we were interrupted by a knock on the door. “If it isn’t my two favorite women in the world.” Levi pulled me into a hug.

“What happened to waiting for my call?”

“It’s been a few hours. I can only wait so long. Besides, my dad told me to show up for dinner.”

“Oh, we’re all having dinner tonight?” I was extra glad I’d opted for a skirt instead of jeans. The Laurents dressed formally.

Levi tightened his arms around me and whispered in my ear. “I already got him to promise to be on good behavior. This will not be like the last time.”

“I hope not.” The last Laurent family dinner I attended ended with Levi and I in a heated fight after his father suggested my education take a backseat to travel with Levi. It wasn’t what Robert said as much as how he said it. He acted like my opinion didn’t matter at all.

I followed Levi out into the hall.

“Looking lovely as usual, Allison.” Robert still insisted on calling me Allison. I usually let it go, but I was feeling daring.

“I’d prefer if you’d call me Allie, Dad.”

Levi burst out laughing. I guess I should have warned him.

Robert smiled. “Since you’ve dropped my full name, I suppose I can drop yours.” From the twinkle in his eye, I had a feeling that’s all he was waiting for.


“Is everyone ready for dinner?” Helen asked. I couldn’t believe she could keep a straight face.

“Definitely.” I followed her into the dining room, afraid that if I looked at Levi I’d start laughing.

Levi pulled out my chair before sitting down next to me. Robert poured us all a glass of wine.

“What do you think?” Robert watched as I took a sip of my wine.

“It’s nice. Velvety.”

“Do you know wine, Allie?”

What was this, a test? “Not incredibly well.”

“We’ll have to work on that, but this is actually one of our own.”

“Your estate in France still produces wine?” I knew they had a vineyard, but I guess I assumed it was no longer running.

“Yes, it’s still producing wine.” He smiled. “Maybe Levi can take you for a visit sometime soon. I took Helen right before our coronation. She enjoyed it.”

“How did you two meet?” This was the first time I’d heard Robert mention his early years with Helen.

Helen smiled at Robert over the table. “I was a freshman in college. Robert was in graduate school, and he swept me off my feet.”

“So it was a whirlwind romance?” I sipped my wine.

Robert laughed. “Not as whirlwind as I wanted it to be. It took a few months to convince her I was the one.” There was something so soft and vulnerable in the way he said it.

I unfolded my napkin and placed it on my lap. “It was worth the chase though, wasn’t it? It probably made it better.”

Levi squeezed my hand under the table. “A chase isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

The remainder of the dinner was uneventful. Helen made a delicious chicken and rice dish. I guess she’d done most of the work before I arrived. I liked it enough that I planned to get the recipe. I thought we were home free when Robert smiled at us. “Before you kids go, I have a surprise for you.”

I glanced at Levi. His face was blank.

“I’m sure you two are growing tired of sharing walls with Jared and Owen. I thought it was about time I gave you your engagement present.”

“Engagement present?” Levi asked.

Robert pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. “It’s the one on Audubon you were looking at with your mother. You know houses like that don’t stay on the market long.”