Echoes of Scotland Street - Page 27/37

I smiled gratefully. “After watching her strut in and then run out of here on the longest legs I’ve ever seen, I really needed to hear that. Thank you.”

Stu threw his head back in deep, bellowing laughter, startling his next customer as she walked in the door.

*   *   *

I was sitting out on the balcony of my flat, my feet up on a stool, my sketch pad balanced on my knees, and I was using charcoals to draw the street below me. In my usual style, I utilized colors that reflected the way I saw the street and its energy, rather than the colors visible to my eyes.

It was close to the back of eight o’clock and I knew I’d be losing the light in an hour or so. I wanted to finish it tonight because I’d be hanging out with Cole tomorrow upon his return from Germany.

The sound of the front door to the flat slamming made me frown. Rae had told me she was hanging out with Simon and Tony tonight.

“Did you forget something?” I yelled, looking into the sitting room, awaiting her appearance.

I nearly fell off my seat when Cole walked into the room.

Delighted to see him, I forgot all about my drawing. I dumped it on the stool and hurried inside to greet him. “You’re early.” I grinned and launched myself at him.

Cole wrapped his arms around me and I inhaled him, ridiculously glad to see him even though he’d only been gone for two nights.

I was surprised then when he suddenly stopped hugging me, gripped me by the elbows, and pushed me back. My stomach flipped at the sight of his scowl.

“Was there something you forgot to tell me on the phone last night?”

Confused, I shook my head.

This pissed him off more than he already was. “Think,” he bit out.

“I’m thinking,” I snapped back, jerking my arms from his grip. “Hello to you too!”

“Don’t,” he warned. “I had to find out from Stu that my so-called friend accosted my girlfriend, rather than hearing that shit from the person who should have told me . . . aka my girlfriend.”

“Dammit,” I huffed, cursing Stu for telling Cole about Tamara. I hadn’t wanted to make a big deal out of it, because in the end it wasn’t a big deal. “Cole, it was nothing.”

Cole crossed his arms over his chest and I watched his biceps flex. My stomach flipped again—and this flip was much nicer than the previous one. “She verbally attacked you and got in your face about our relationship. Something that has absolutely f**k all to do with her. Something she’s now very aware of since I called her half an hour ago and told her to stay out of my life permanently. No one does that to you, especially when I’m not there to protect you.”

“Good.” I was relieved. More than that I was gratified Cole was taking our relationship so seriously. “Thank you.”

“You don’t get it.”

Why he was still angry with me? “Clearly not.”

Suddenly I was pulled into his body as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight to him. He looked down at me, surprisingly intense. “It hasn’t been easy to get you to this point, Shannon. I don’t need someone coming in and messing with your head and filling it with nonsense about me all over again. And the fact that you hid it from me . . . Well, that tells me you let her get to you. You’re letting her mess with your head. You’re shutting me out again.”

I grinned and then laughed at the immediate annoyance and confusion that sparked in Cole’s expressive eyes. His hold loosened and I fisted my hands in his shirt to stop him from stepping away from me. “You’re wrong. I didn’t tell you because it really was no big deal. Don’t get me wrong. At first what with her being all hot and leggy, I was a little worried she might be right. However, that thought was fleeting. She doesn’t know either of us well enough to form an opinion. I’m starting to realize my own worth again, Cole. And you’re an honest guy. If you wanted to be with Tamara, you would be.” I bit my lip, smiling suggestively as I pressed my h*ps into his body. “Fortunately for me you have a blind spot when it comes to a short redhead with plenty of attitude and an insatiable libido.”

Cole’s lips twitched. “An insatiable libido?”

“You have no idea.” I smoothed my hands over his hard chest, feeling the tingling sensation grow between my legs. “And fortunately for you I have a blind spot when it comes to a tall, hot tattooist who jumps to conclusions.”

I let out a little squeal of delight as Cole lifted me into the air. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands clinging to his neck as he kissed me. A long, slow, sweet, deep, hot kiss.

I melted into him.

“Now, that is the way to say hello,” I murmured.

His hooded eyes were filled with something . . . something I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but it was utterly arresting. I stilled in his hold. “You keep surprising me, Shannon MacLeod.”

“That’s a good thing, right?” I rubbed my nose against his and he nodded, turning his face to catch my lips in another breath-stealing kiss.

When we came up for air, Cole panted, “I have a surprise for you too.”

Anticipation rushed through me. “I can feel your surprise.”

He shook with laughter. “Not that.”

“Ooh, present?” I said, and he laughed even harder at my childish excitement.

Lowering himself to the sofa, he arranged me so I was sitting comfortably on his lap—well, as comfortably as I could with his erection digging into me. I sat patiently as he smoothed his hands down my hair. “Life drawing class wasn’t my favorite, but I can’t get the idea of drawing you na**d out of my mind.”

For some reason I found the idea of modeling for Cole both stimulating and embarrassing. “You can draw me if you want to.”

He nodded, eyes hot. “I want to. I wonder how long I’ll last before I give in to temptation.”

I squirmed, my skin heating at the thought of all the ways I could tease Cole while he drew me. “I’m definitely modeling for you,” I murmured thickly.

Cole swelled against the apex of my thighs. Hmm, he really liked that idea.

He groaned and pulled my head toward him for a quick kiss. “Before I make love to you I want to give you your surprise.”


“I know it’s your birthday tomorrow.”

Taken completely off guard, I jerked back. “How? I didn’t tell anyone.”

“I know.” He frowned. “And that’s really annoying, Shortcake. Luckily you work for me, so I have your birth date on file.”

“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.” I shrugged, feeling an unpleasant ache in my chest ruin all my sexy, glowy feelings.

Cole sighed. “Because your family hasn’t contacted you?”

I lowered my gaze and nodded. “It’s my first birthday without Logan. Without any of them. It was the one day a year my parents actually acted like they gave a crap.”

He lifted my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. His eyes roiled with passion and tenderness. “They don’t get to take your birthday away from you. If they don’t want that piece of you, then I’ll have it. Gladly.”

“Cole . . . ,” I whispered, folding into him. Some of the ugliness in my chest started to dissipate.

He hugged me tight. “I know you’re trying to put together as many different pieces as you can for your portfolio, so I’m taking you somewhere where you can work on your art.”

I pulled back, my pulse picking up speed. “Where?”

“Joss and Braden own a private villa in Lake Como. They’re letting us stay there in two weeks for seven nights. I’ve already cleared the time off for us with Stu.”

Shocked, I stared at him openmouthed for a few seconds before I squeaked, “You’re taking me to Italy for my birthday?”

Cole gave me that boyish, cocky grin of his. “Yes.”

“You can’t do that.”

He raised an eyebrow at me. “I think I can.”

“No.” I shook my head adamantly. “No one has ever taken me anywhere, let alone a man who’s only been dating me for two months.”

“Well, it’s happening.” He laughed.



“I can’t let you take me to Italy, Cole,” I argued.

Impatience crackled in his gaze. “Why the f**k not?”

“Because . . . because . . .” I slumped on his lap. “I know I said I know my own worth now, but part of that was just bravado, okay? Don’t get me wrong. I’m trying to get there . . . but it’s been a while since anyone was good to me and I . . .” I gasped for breath, completely taken aback by how overwhelmed I was by his gift. “I don’t know if I can cope.”

Fierceness flashed in Cole’s gaze and I abruptly found myself in the air as he stood up. “You can cope. You’d better,” he declared, carrying me into my bedroom. “Because I don’t intend to stop anytime soon.”

“I know what will help,” I whispered frantically.


“Sex. Sex will definitely calm me down.”

Cole grinned wickedly seconds before he threw me onto the bed. “Not the way I plan on doing it.”


I t was surreal.

I’d never imagined I would ever be surrounded by so much beauty.

Yet there it was all around me.

The lake glistened under the unbending sun, finding pockets of shade only in the shadows cast by the surrounding mountains. Villas and hotels dotted the edges of the lake and mountainsides in bursts of white, yellows, rusts, and red in the tiles of the roofs. Cypress trees framed stunning, luxury homes on the lakeside, and the lush greens and simple, romantic Italian architecture created this Eden of peace and tranquility. Ferries crossed the lake, as did speedboats and Jet Skis in lazy leisure under the heat of the sun.

Sweat and suntan lotion shimmered on my skin, and I found a slight relief from the hot, late-July sun as a small breeze from the lake whispered over me.

The villa Joss and Braden owned on Lake Como was by the water in Menaggio. It was a four-bedroom villa with its own private pool. It wasn’t until we arrived at it that I fully grasped how loaded the Carmichaels were. And how differently the other half lived . . .

I smiled out at the water.

For a while I was getting a taste of it.

Water splashed and I looked to my left as Cole climbed out of the pool. It was an understatement to say I enjoyed the way droplets of water rolled down his rock-hard abs. We’d been here only two days and already Cole’s skin was turning a gorgeous golden brown. He smiled over at me as he dried himself off with a towel. “If you can tear yourself away from that painting, we could jump on a ferry. See the rest of the lake.”

I bit my lip, wanting to do nothing more, but I was anxious to get work done. “I only have a few days to put together a couple of pieces.”

“Why don’t you put together the bare bones and when we get home you can fill in the rest with that gorgeous imagination of yours?” He stopped where I’d set up my easel and stool. “It looks wonderful.”

“Thank you.” My eyes traveled up his stomach, taking their time until they reached his face. A small smug smile played on his lips. “Shut up.”

He laughed. “I didn’t say anything.”

“You know you’re good-looking and you’re using it to distract me.”

Cole scratched his brow, appearing to struggle not to laugh again. “All I did was ask you if you wanted to take a break.”

“And then you put those in my face.” I pointed the end of my paintbrush at his abs.

“Welcome to my world,” he said, his voice suddenly gruff. “That bikini . . .”

I glanced down at the white bikini I was wearing. It was a hot bikini. I’d spent the last two weeks shopping for clothes for this holiday and that included a couple of skimpy bikinis. I knew Cole would look good in Saran Wrap, so I was determined to feel sexy at his side.

I felt sexy in this bikini.

It was my turn to smile smugly.

Chuckling, Cole slid his hand across the back of my bare neck and gently squeezed. My hair was piled haphazardly on top of my head. Its length and thickness were a bit of a bother in warm weather. “Come exploring with me?” he said, pressing a sweet kiss to my mouth.

There really was no way to say no to that.

*   *   *

“Okay, we’re doing this every day,” I said, closing my eyes beneath my sunglasses against the breeze that blew over us. The ferry slowly made its way across the lake. The relief the lake breeze brought from the heat was beyond delightful.

“And you wanted to stay at the villa and paint,” Cole teased.

I opened my eyes to look at his smiling, handsome face. I imagined his green eyes were laughing at me underneath his Ray-Ban shades. “I still can’t believe you brought me to Italy for my birthday.” I gestured across the water. “We can see the Alps.”


I shrugged, looking away, pretending to peruse the massive villa near the town of Bellagio, which was our destination. “Nothing . . . I just . . . It’s a big deal for a couple who have only been dating a few months and yet . . .” I trailed off on another shrug.

“And yet?” Cole prompted.

I glanced back at him, my heart quickening. “It feels like some kind of dream and yet at the same time . . .” The blood beneath my cheeks grew hot despite the breeze. “I don’t remember anything ever feeling more real.”