Dark Legacy - Page 52/83

“If you don’t show me, little rebel, I am going to have to wake you up.”

“Mmm.” She wouldn’t mind him waking her up. She let the various ways he could do it play through her head. She didn’t have a lot of experience, but she read books. Tons of them, and there were many books that had erotic relationships, ones that intrigued her.

His hand came down hard on her bottom, startling her out of her fantasy. His palm rubbed and heat spread through her center. She pressed closer to him. “All right. Before you get too comfortable, I’ll show you.” She pushed the image into his head.

He was behind her, hands on her hips, taking his time, controlling her completely. She couldn’t move or she’d fall. He held her up with one arm, forcing her body over his forearm, so her head was down and her bottom up in the air. He teased her, first with his hands and then with his cock, making her plead for him, making her so needy and hungry for him she had gone mindless. She wanted mindless. She wanted sexy. She wanted him to make her feel out of control.

At once he spun her around, his hands hard on her body, the sheer strength and speed making her heart clench hard and fear pound through her body straight to her sex. Excitement and trepidation mixed together. She knew he could read her emotions and that he monitored them, but she hoped he would realize this was what she wanted, this mixture of emotions.

His arm was an iron band around her waist as his other hand slowly pushed her head down so she hung over his arm. She should have known Dragomir would take creative license. She found her upper body hanging over a padded bench. Her breasts swayed in the air and her hair spilled to the soft cloud. She stared through the layers of cloud to the lake far beneath her, her heart pounding. The position left her feeling very exposed and vulnerable.

Biting her lip, she started to pull up. Instantly his hand came down hard in warning on her bottom, a stinging pain that morphed into heat as he rubbed her buttocks. Then his hand was between her legs, fingers sliding over her clit, circling, tugging and then moving away. Her breath came out in a ragged burst. He repeated the entire sequence, started with a swat on her other cheek. His fingers were relentless, moving in her. Around her. Then his tongue with there, lapping at the cream spilling from her body.

She couldn’t catch her breath. There was no way to know what he would do next. Hit her bottom with his hand? Devour her with his tongue? Use his teeth? His fingers? She closed her eyes and gave herself up to the wicked, sinful sensations he created. She hadn’t known anyone could feel so much or so intensely.

The tension in her built and built until she knew the tsunami was going to overwhelm her. She would get close, so close, right on the edge, and his fingers went away. He took his mouth from her. She couldn’t help the whimper escaping, or pushing back with her hips, trying to reach his hands. His mouth. His cock. She craved his cock. She needed his touch. Oh. God. His mouth. She absolutely needed his mouth. She’d take anything from him, but he had to do something. She moaned and bit out his name between her teeth.

His hands came back, but not on her sex. He was under her, his mouth on her left breast, pulling strongly, sending waves of fire sizzling and crackling through her veins. His finger and thumb were on her right nipple, tugging, rolling, dancing in a kind of rhythm with the pull of his mouth. So hot. So incredible. She could barely think with the sensations pouring through her.

It didn’t stop. His mouth was on her breasts, but she felt his hands moving on her bottom again, that quick hard swat, the rub that spread the heat, the sensation of his finger pushing into her tight folds. His mouth. Tongue devouring her. Teeth scraping along her clit. Then there was his mouth at her breasts. The twin sensations took her right up fast.

She screamed in frustration when everything stopped. Only her harsh breathing could be heard, a loud ragged dragging of air into burning lungs. He caught her hair and pulled her head up; at once his cock pushed into her mouth. Grateful for something, anything to distract her, she closed her mouth around him and she suckled hard. Her tongue danced and stroked. He held her head still, following the images in her head, his hips pushing into her.

“That’s it, sívamet, take me all the way.”

His voice was harsh with need. The sound encouraged her and she poured herself into the task of making certain he felt as much urgency as she did. She tried to reach his cock with her hands, but found she couldn’t move them. Somehow they were pinned under the bench. His mouth was at her breast, pulling strong, teeth tugging on her breasts, his cock pushing into her mouth. Then she felt his mouth at her sex, tongue and teeth driving her right back up.

The tsunami hit hard, sweeping her over the edge, her entire body feeling the ripples, her breasts, her mouth, her thighs, and her sex all rippling with the powerful quake. It seemed to go on and on. She opened her mouth to scream, but his cock was there, demanding she keep suckling. She couldn’t catch her breath, especially when she felt him, the broad, flared head pushing slowly into her entrance, forcing the invasion when her tight muscles tried to prevent him. She was slick, dripping with her need of him, and nothing could prevent her greedy body from not only accepting him, but pulling him deeper. It didn’t matter that she was tight, her muscles gave way.

Then he was everywhere. Dragomir behind her, pounding into her. Below her, his mouth on her breasts. In front of her, filling her mouth with heat and fire. With the addictive taste of him. It was too much, overloading her. She came and came. Over and over. One orgasm ran into the next.

Honey. You have to stop. I can’t. Not again. But that was a lie. Her body tipped over the edge again, gripping and milking his cock, determined to take him with her. She didn’t want him to stop, but if he didn’t she’d lose her mind. The pleasure was too intense.

The grip in her hair tightened until there was a bite of pain. Reluctantly she lifted her eyes to his. His hips surged forward, burying his cock in her scorching-hot channel. Burying his cock in the heated depths of her mouth. Look at me. See me. I’m in you. Surrounding you. Yours. Always yours in every way. I will bring you pleasure beyond your imagination. I will keep you safe. You will have the things you want in life because I love you that much and I can give them to you.

She felt the swelling of his cock in her sheath, pushing at the tight walls, creating a friction that sent fire coursing through her. In her mouth, his cock matched, pulsing and throbbing, and then she felt the hot release jetting into her, deep, so deep it splashed along the walls of her sheath, triggering another hard orgasm. In her mouth he erupted as well, pouring down her throat, giving her that taste that was only his, only for her.

She lay over the bench, unable to move, completely worn-out. He was behind her, his hands on her hips, his cock still buried deep, gliding gently, soothingly. She found she could move her hands and she put them out in front of her, stretching while she licked at her lips, feeling as if they were coated with him.

“Why do you always taste so good?”

His hand rubbed her bottom and then he slowly, with obvious reluctance, pulled out of her. “I taste the way you imagine me to taste. Let me help you sit up.”

She didn’t want to move. “You took creative license. Big-time.”

“I put my own stamp on it. I gave you those sensations, each of them, and chose where I would be and where you would feel me. It can make our sex life interesting.”

“If it gets any more interesting than that, I won’t live through it. That was crazy sexy.” She felt his hands on her waist and she let him lift her onto his lap. She looped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. “I think you wore me out.”

“You’re Carpathian. Breathe, sívamet.”

“How did we not fall through the cloud to the lake below?” She stared down. Through the cloud’s thin layer, she could see the that little sliver of moon shining invitingly on the lake’s surface. It didn’t seem possible that such a short time had passed. She was certain they had been having sex all night, but everything was the same. The lake. The moon. The children. Only she was different.

She lifted her face to look up at him. To trace those beloved scars on his face. He’d given her so much. Nothing had prepared her for this night. Canoeing on the lake. Dancing up to the stars. Sex in the clouds. Wild, crazy sex that shook her to her core. Not because it was wild and crazy – and it had been – but because she felt love in every touch. Every stroke. Hard, gentle, brutal, exquisite, it had been a beautiful declaration of love. For her. She knew it. She felt it in her heart. He’d filled her with him. Surrounded her with him. He meant what he said when he’d told her he was in her.