The Heat is On - Page 20/28

“You really want this?” he asked, studying her intently.

Savannah’s expression never wavered. “Yes.”

“Fine then.” From the corner of his eye Matt spotted Aidan returning from the men’s room. Just as Aidan reached the table, Matt stood up and clapped a hand on his friend’s arm. “You want to get out of here?” he asked roughly. “Savannah and I were thinking of heading back to her place.”

Surprise creased Aidan’s features. “You want me to join you?”

Matt lowered his voice. “My girl’s in the mood for some extra company.”

Aidan slanted his eyes at Savannah, looking more than a little intrigued. “You want some company, honey?”

Savannah’s cheeks turned a shade of pink. “You’d be into that?”

“I’m into a lot of things,” Aidan said with a husky laugh. He glanced at Matt, who was seconds away from wrapping his fingers around his friend’s throat and squeezing. “You cool with this?”

Matt forced a nod. “Definitely. I’m all about making Savannah happy.”

Chapter Six

Savannah’s apartment was dark when they walked in twenty minutes later. Aidan had driven over in his own car, while Matt and Savannah took the SUV. The whole ride over, Matt wondered if the gorgeous blonde beside him would call this off, but she didn’t say much during the ride, save for a few flirty remarks about how it had been ages since she’d done something this crazy.

So here he was, still calling her bluff, still riddled with doubt that she’d actually go through this. Not that the idea of a threesome freaked him out or anything. He was a healthy, red-blooded male who never had any inhibitions when it came to sex. Hell, his c**k was already semi-hard, and nobody was naked yet. If Savannah truly wanted to get it on with two men at once, he had no problem helping her live out the fantasy.

But he would have a problem if it turned out this whole three-way thing was simply a ploy to put some more distance between them. He’d never pegged Savannah as the type to play games, and he sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case now, but considering her abrupt decision to invite a third player into the mix, he had to wonder. Especially since this bright idea had come days after she’d revealed some personal, emotional details to him, which she evidently hadn’t liked sharing.

Savannah Harte was scared of relationships. He had no doubt about that anymore. He just hoped that fear wasn’t driving her right now, that it wasn’t a way for her to push him away.

When they entered her apartment, however, pushing him away was not at all what she did. Instead, she moved closer and kissed the hell out of him, her tongue sliding into his mouth. He was gasping for air when she finally pulled away, surprised by her take-charge attitude. As he watched, she turned around and stepped toward Aidan, placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned up to brush her lips over his.

White-hot agony sliced into Matt’s gut.

He knew he had no right to be upset, or even angry. He’d agreed to this stupid idea. But somehow he’d expected her to back out at the last moment. Looked like backing out wasn’t on her agenda. His stomach clenched as Savannah deepened the kiss with Aidan, who responded without any hesitation.

Despite the aching of his heart, Matt’s body reacted the way it always did when the promise of sex hung in the air. His c**k hardened, muscles tensed, skin heated. When Aidan’s hands slid down to cup Savannah’s ass, Matt’s erection twitched involuntarily. He hated that he was able to get aroused by this, that another man’s hands on Savannah could get him going. He didn’t want to share her with anybody else, but what other choice did he have? She’d made it more than clear that she wanted some variety tonight. If he’d said no, she might’ve picked up some random stranger and f**ked his brains out, and he couldn’t let that happen. At least here, he had some semblance of control. Aidan was a good buddy of his and Matt knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Savannah.

“We need a bed,” Aidan rasped against Savannah’s lips, breaking the kiss.

With a little smile, she gripped his hand and led him toward the screen separating the living area from her bedroom. She paused to grasp Matt’s hand too, her hips swaying as she led the two men toward the bed. She really wanted this, Matt realized, and conflicting emotions warred inside of him.

On one hand, he admired her confidence, how in tune she was with her sexuality. She knew what she wanted, went after it, and had no regrets. She was his perfect match, sexually at least, a rare woman who had zero reservations in the bedroom. She held the same enthusiastic outlook about sex that he normally did.

Funny, how the tables had completely turned on him.

Aidan paused at the foot of the bed, his dark eyes smoldering with heat. Matt noticed his friend’s cheeks were slightly flushed and he had that careless swagger that indicated he was probably a little buzzed from the alcohol he’d consumed tonight.

Savannah glanced from one man to the other, shooting them each a coy smile. “Come on, boys. Strip.”

Aidan grinned at Matt. “I like her.”

“So do I,” he answered roughly.

Knowing it was too damn late to back out of this now, Matt bent down to unlace his boots and kicked them aside, then unzipped his pants and let them drop to the floor. Shirt, boxers and socks came off, until he finally stood naked in front of Savannah. His c**k jutted out, begging for her attention. Aidan’s dick was at full salute too. Heat suffused Savannah’s gray eyes, darkening them to metallic silver. With methodical movements, she pulled her shirt over her head, shimmied out of her jeans and panties, and stepped closer to Aidan, fully naked. Then she slid down to her knees and wrapped both hands around his friend’s shaft.