Music of the Soul - Page 31/40

“You’re willing to do that?”

“I’ll do anything for you.”

She brought her lips to mine for a frantic kiss. “Thank you, Jake. You’ve made me so happy.”

“You make me happy every day, Angel.” I kissed her again before pulling away. “What do you say we finish this show, so I can take you back to the bus and show you just how much I love you?”

She laughed. “I’d like nothing more.”

Chapter Twelve

With my Atlanta Braves cap pulled low over my eyes, I hunkered down in my chair in the waiting room of ARMC or the Atlanta Reproductive Medicine Center. It was thirty minutes after closing, and the place was pretty much a ghost town, except for a few patients straggling out from their appointments. Each time someone came out to the front desk, I tensed, fearful they would recognize me. Abby, who sat beside me, would squeeze my hand reassuringly. As I cut my eyes over to her, I couldn’t help snickering at her disguise.

Her beautiful blonde hair was hidden underneath a jet-black wig. Her usually long hair was only chin length. Tortoise shell glasses were perched on her nose, and her usually sparkling blue eyes were hidden under dark contacts. Of course, the disguise had been my idea. She hadn’t given two shits about whether or not we were spotted a fertility clinic. “A lot of our fans suffer from this too, Jake,” she had reasoned. But the prideful side of me didn’t want to see our faces splashed all over the tabloids—our private agony on a grocery newsstand as people checked out with their milk and bread.

The ARMC’s Perimeter location had become a familiar fixture in our lives since I’d finally decided not to be a selfish prick and consent to having a baby. Usually you had to go a whole year of not getting pregnant before you were referred to a fertility clinic. But because of Abby’s surgery, we were a special case, and we got to cut the line.

She had been through a whole gamut of below-the-waist tests that I didn’t begin to understand. I was sure that more people had seen her vag in the last two months than in the entire time she’d been on this earth. As modest as she usually was, she didn’t seem to care her hoo-hah was on display for various specialists. For me, it helped that our doctor was a female, as were the technicians.

“Mr. and Mrs. Moore?” the nurse called.

It took Abby smacking my arm for me to move. For a minute, I didn’t recognize the name. And then I remembered I was even more of a bastard because I had us under an assumed name—my mother’s maiden name.

I scrambled out of the seat to follow Abby and the nurse down the hall. Once we were closed into the room, the nurse took my blood pressure and temperature. All the while, she and Abby chattered to each other while I remained silent. When a plastic cup was thrust into my hands, I totally froze. Even though there were words and sentences coming out of the nurse’s mouth, I couldn’t hear anything. I didn’t nod in acknowledgment or reply. My gaze bounced back and forth between her and Abby. While Abby nodded along, I remained rooted to the floor, unblinking and unmoving.

When the door closed behind the nurse, my throat constricted. The walls of the room seemed to close in on me. I stared dumbly down at the container in my hand before glancing down at my junk. If my dick could have talked, it would have probably said, Not on your f**king life am I about to get it up in this room for you to jack off into a cup! Have you lost your pride, dude?

“Jake?” Abby questioned. When I glanced up at her, she wore a concerned expression. “Baby, are you okay?”

“Fine,” I croaked.

“You look a little green.”

That’s probably because I feel like I’m going to puke. “I’m fine,” I reassured her.

“You know I can tell when you’re lying, right?”

I gulped. “Seriously?”

She nodded as she closed the gap between us. “It’s okay to be freaked out about this, Jake. When it all comes down to it, I’m freaked out too.”

“You are?”

“How could I not be? We’re in a reproductive clinic under assumed names with me in a disguise.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

She swept the wig off, her blonde hair tumbling over her shoulders. After she tossed it on the examining table, she looked back at me and smiled. “But in the end, it’s just you and me, babe. It’s still the two of us making a life, even if the conception is a little different than what we planned.”

“I know,” I murmured, staring at the plastic cup in my hands.

“Jake, look at me,” Abby commanded.

When I glanced up at her, she smiled. “I wanted to do something to make this easier on you.” Her hands came to her top. With wide-eyes and my mouth gaping open, I watched as she pulled it off. “Abby?” I croaked. I couldn’t believe she was stripping down.

“We’re in this together, Jake. Did you really think I was just going to make you do this on your own?”

“Well, um, maybe?”

She tsked at me. As I gazed at her checked bra, I realized it was familiar. Licking my lips, I could barely wait for her to strip down. As she shimmied the skirt off her hips and down her thighs, I couldn’t help smiling.

She grinned back at me. “Recognize this lingerie?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I chose it for a reason.”

“Besides the fact that I love you in it?”

“Mmm, hmm.” She tossed her skirt onto the table with her sweater. “You know, we did something like this once before, remember? Me in this lingerie with you touching yourself.”

“Um, it was a little different since we were both on the phone and weren’t in the same room together.”

“It’s still kinda the same thing.”

“If you say so,” I murmured, as I eyed her garters. “Fuck, Angel, you’re so damn sexy.”

She gave me a wicked grin as her fingers came to the button of my jeans. After she unbuttoned and unzipped me, she slid my pants and boxers down to my knees. Although I was enjoying the sights, my dick still wasn’t with the program. I couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed when Abby glanced down and saw. “It’s okay,” she whispered, her breath warmed against my cheek. “I’ll take care of that.”

I moaned when her hands came to grip my dick. As her hands worked up and down me, my c**k slowly started to rise to the glorious occasion. I exhaled the breath I’d been holding. “Touch me, Jake,” Abby murmured. With her free hand, she brought my palm to her breast. As I squeezed her flesh over her bra, she continued working my growing length.