Music of the Soul - Page 37/40

I eyed the sleeping little angels, as Abby would call them, warily before I shut the door. I hoped they would continue sleeping this peacefully on the ride home. I didn’t even want to begin to imagine what driving down the interstate with one screaming baby, least of all two, would be like. A thousand horrifying scenarios ran through my mind of me losing my shit in the car with the noise.

While there were all these maternal instincts that had kicked in for Abby the moment the twins were born, I hadn’t experienced any paternal ones. Sure, I worried about them constantly when they were in the NICU, and all I wanted was them to be healthy and happy. But I still had yet to experience some overwhelming protective vibe, and that concerned me. Basically, I was totally f**king clueless when it came to the two little lives I’d helped create.

“Ready?” Abby asked, when I slid into the driver seat.

My hand hovered over the ignition before I glanced over at her. “Um, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to take those two home with us.”

She grinned. “It’s going to be fine, Jake. We’re going to be fine, and the twins are going to be fine.”

“Deep down I know you’re right. But I can’t help feeling panicky whenever I think about the two of them and how we’re completely responsible for them.” I shook my head. “I can perform in front of fifty thousand people, and it doesn’t scare me at all. But them,” I jerked my thumb to the backseat, “they scare the hell out of me.”

She rubbed my arm. “But we won’t be all alone at first, babe. My mom and dad will be down at the barn if we need them. I mean, that’s the plan of where they’re staying, but if I know them, they’ll be crashing on the couches to be closer to us and the twins.”

“You won’t hear me complaining.”

It took us a little longer to get home considering I refused to go over the speed limit. Abby had fallen asleep when we got out of the city. I didn’t bother waking her because I knew she needed her rest. When I finally turned the SUV into the driveway, I saw several cars lining the driveway. I pulled up to the front of the house and turned the car off. I leaned over to kiss Abby’s cheek. “Wake-up, Angel. We’re home.”

Her eyelids fluttered before she opened them. “Oh no, did I fall asleep?”

“It’s okay. I didn’t mind.”

She smiled and brought her mouth to mine. “Thank you,” she murmured against my lips.

“For what?”

“For making today possible. I’ve dreamed about it for so long. Do you know what an amazing feeling it is to be bringing our son and daughter home?”

I grinned. “Pretty damn amazing.” I motioned to the door. “Let me get that for you.”

“What a gentleman,” she mused.

With a laugh, I hopped out of the door and came around the side for her. I opened the door and held out my hand to help her. “Jake, I’m not that fragile.”

“Just humor me,” I replied.

She put her hand in mine, and I helped her from the car. “Hi honey!” Laura called from the front porch.

“Hi Mom. Where’s dad?”

“Oh he’s taking Angel for a walk.” Laura hurried down the stairs. “Need some help?”

“No, we’re—” Abby began before I interrupted her.

“Can you get Jules’s carrier?”

“Sure,” Laura replied.

“I could have gotten her, Jake,” Abby protested.

“I don’t think so. Now go on and get in the house. You need to be off of your feet.”

Abby rolled her eyes. “I thought once I had the twins you would stop being so overprotective.”

I smiled and kissed her cheek. “Once you’ve recovered from the C-Section, you’re all on your own.”

She laughed. “I hope so.”

As she started up the stairs, I opened the back seat. The twins stirred, but thankfully, they didn’t start screaming. I passed Jules’s carrier over to Laura before I went around to get Jax out. As I worked to release him, he peered up at me. “Hey buddy, you have a nice nap?”

His response was to flail his hands and poke out his tongue. As I stared into his face, I couldn’t help seeing some of Abby in him. Sure, he had my dark hair, but the shape of his eyes, his nose, the dimple in his cheek—those were definitely her. Seeing a little mini-Abby made me smile.

I picked up the carrier and then started for the stairs. Rhys was standing at the bottom, grinning at me. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” I exclaimed, giving him a hug.

“Yeah, the guys and Mia and Lily wanted to surprise you. They’re all inside. Brayden’s helping Lily make lunch for you guys.”

“That’s awesome. Thanks.”

“You need any help?”

“Uh, yeah, actually I do. Can you grab the diaper bag out of the back seat?”

His brows furrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You want me to carry some purse thing?”

I laughed. “No one will revoke your man card, I promise. It’s black, so it can be unisex for the twins.”

“Fine,” he grumbled, as he made his way over to the SUV. Once he had the diaper bag, he rejoined me, and we started up the stairs.

“So where are you headed on your break?” I asked.

“As much as I’d rather be shot, I’m heading down to Savannah to see the folks.”

I grimaced as I thought of the two snobbish ass**les who were Rhys’s parents. A thought popped into my mind. “Hey man, while you’re down there, can you check in on Allison?”

“Sure. But why?”

With a sigh, I thought of how my baby sister had broken down on me when she’d come up to see the twins. She was twenty now, and she was going to school in Savannah. “Her douchebag boyfriend broke up with her, and she’s kinda down.”

Rhys held open the door for me. “Heartbroken and away from home, huh?”

I nodded. “She needs to see a familiar face.”

“Yeah, I’ll call her up while I’m down there.”

“Thanks, man, I appreciate it.”

When we got inside, Andrew was in the living room with Angel on a leash. At the sight of us, she strained, wanting to get free.

I set Jax’s carrier down on the floor next to Jules. “Wanna meet the babies, Angel?” Abby asked.

“I don’t know if that is a good idea,” Andrew said, holding firm to Angel’s leash.