Music of the Heart - Page 46/79

I rolled my eyes. “Cause this is my baby sister’s Sweet Sixteen we’re playing, and we’re not going to look like a bunch of rocker hoods.”

AJ tilted his head at me. “But I thought we were rocker hoods?”

With a laugh, I replied, “Not tonight. We’re going to blend in with the normal stiffs aka the elite of Atlanta.”

Rhys shuddered next to me. “I thought I had escaped all the high-society bullshit when I left home. I swear, if someone tries to ‘present’ their daughter to me as a suitable marriage candidate, I’m outta here.”

I thumped his back. “I think you’re fine, man. Sorry for inducing some flashbacks of your horrible youth spent in the country clubs and finest social circles of Savannah.”

Rhys scowled. “Okay, so I’m a douchebag for whining about growing up rich, but dude, high-society people are as cutthroat as ghetto people sometimes.”

“Whatever,” I murmured as my phone buzzed at my side. One glance at the ID, and I was grinning like a fool.

“Dawww, iz Abby messaging her hunny-bunny,” AJ teased.

I flipped him off as I started reading. Hey baby, I’m ready. Want me to come down and meet you guys?

Sure. I’ll be in the lobby. Can’t wait to see u.

Be there in 5.

The last two weeks had been a dizzying flurry of different tour stops and cities. But one thing remained consistent and true, and that was my feelings for Abby. Any downtime I had, I spent with her via text messaging, calls, Facetiming, or Skype. It was long-distance dating in the 21st century at its finest.

“You guys ready? I gotta go meet Abby.”

“As ready as I’ll ever be to go play to a room with a bunch of screaming, horny teenage girls, most of them if I even look at, I could get arrested,” AJ replied with a grin.

“You’re a douche,” I muttered as I exited the bathroom.

Leaving the guys behind, I strode through the elaborately decorated ballroom. I wanted to get to the lobby and Abby. She had flown in earlier in the day. After meeting up with Lily and the kids at the airport, Brayden had brought Abby back to the hotel. I’d been rehearsing, so I hadn’t gotten to see her yet. Although I felt like a giant pu**y, Brayden had talked me into sending Abby with Lily to the hotel spa to get her hair and makeup done. Of course any doubts about whether I had balls left or not was short lived when Abby’s excited squeal came over the phone when she got my gift.

Craning my neck, I peered through the crowd of people. Like out of a movie, it parted, and there she stood. For a minute, I couldn’t breathe at the sight of her. She looked so f**king beautiful that she took my breath away. Her long blonde hair cascaded in curly waves over her shoulders, and she was wearing more makeup than usual.

When she caught sight of me, her face lit up, and she started running as best she could in the sexy-as-hell heels she was wearing. “Jake!” she cried before throwing herself into my waiting arms. I spun her around before sitting her back on her feet. Her blue eyes twinkled as she took me in. “Look at you!” she exclaimed as she ran her hand down the front of my suit. “You look amazing!”

“I look like a real gentleman, don’t I?”

She grinned. “I think even my dad would approve of you tonight.”

Part of her comment stung, but I covered up my feelings by giving her a cocky smirk. “Yeah, well, what would he have to say about his daughter’s attire tonight?”

She glanced down at her dress. “You like it?”

Considering it had flimsy little straps, showed off her fabulous rack and was almost backless, hell yes, I liked it. “I love it. You look absolutely breathtaking tonight.”

Abby’s cheeks warmed with my compliments. She leaned up to kiss my lips. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

AJ strolled up to us. At Abby’s attire, his eyes widened. “Oh my God, Angel! That is just like the dress Sookie wore in the Season Two finale of True Blood!”

Abby rolled her eyes. “AJ, you’ve got a True Blood fetish.”

He grinned. “Dude, it’s basically vamp  p**n !”

She laughed. “You’re impossible.”

“Yeah, well, you’re beautiful and sexy in that dress.”

With a beaming smile, Abby smacked his arm playfully before giving him a hug. “Thank you. You guys are all looking so handsome in your suits,” she replied.

I took Abby’s hand in mine. “I want to introduce you to someone.”


Surrounded by a group of her friends, Allison talked and laughed. When I tapped her on the shoulder, she whirled around, causing her dark hair to fly around her shoulders. “Jake!” she cried before launching herself at me. I hugged her tight. Regardless of how I felt about my dad and step-mother, Allison had always been my baby sister to love and protect.

“You look beautiful,” I murmured into her ear.


“I can’t believe you’ve gone and grown up on me.” I pulled away and grinned down at her. “Just promise me you’ll keep being my sweet, innocent little Allison.”

She giggled. “I’ll try.”

Turning back to Abby, I said, “I wanted you to meet my girlfriend. This is Abby Renard.”

At the word “girlfriend”, Allison’s dark eyes almost bulged out of her head. “Wow, it’s awesome to meet you,” she gushed, shaking Abby’s hand.

“It’s great finally meeting you too. Jake talks about you all the time.”

Allison beamed with pleasure. “He’s amazing, isn’t he?”

Abby grinned. “Oh yes, he is. But we better not say too much. He already has a big enough ego about him.”

“Hey now,” I argued to which Abby nudged me playfully.

Brayden came up behind me. “Okay, man, it’s time.”

“Excuse me ladies, but my adoring public beckons, so I’ll see you later.”

Abby and Allison waved to me as I headed to the stage with Brayden. The plan was for us to play the first thirty minutes of the party, and then the DJ would take over. AJ disappeared behind the drum set while the rest of us suited up with our guitars.

Taking the microphone from the stand, I gazed out into the crowded ballroom. “Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Allison’s Sweet Sixteen Party.” A symphony of high-pitched, hormonally fueled teenage girl shrieks filled the room along with some hearty screams from the males. “As her big brother, I couldn’t be prouder of her at this moment.” Meeting Allison’s gaze, I smiled. “I hope all your dreams come true, and that you stay forever young.”