Music of the Heart - Page 57/79

“Once again, you’re an ass**le!” Lily exclaimed.

“Babe, please,” Brayden protested.

“Don’t tell me you’re defending him?”

Brayden shook his head wildly back and forth. “Of course not. What he did was completely and totally uncalled for. He made Abby feel cheap and used!”

I cringed. “I realize that now.”

“You’re such an idiot!” Lily replied.

“I’m sorry, okay? I’m new to all this relationship stuff. It was a guarantee I was going to screw up.”

Lily huffed exasperatedly. “Now tell them what else happened.”

AJ’s dark eyes widened in disbelief. “There’s more?”

“Unfortunately yes.” I then explained about Bree showing up and Abby seeing her hugging me.

“Christ almighty, Jake, you sure have a gift for screwing up,” Brayden mused.

“Tell me about,” I mumbled miserably.

“You gotta make it right, dude,” AJ said.

“I’ve tried. Hell, I just spent a f**king fortune having dozens upon dozens of roses sent to her. She still won’t talk to me.”

Scratching his chin, AJ replied, “Okay, so it’s gotta be something a little more epic than just flowers.” He glanced over at Lily. “You’re a chick. What should he do?”

She rolled her eyes at him before handing Melody to Brayden. She then sat down next to me. “Jake, I’ve known you for eight years, and for most of those years, you’ve absolutely disgusted me with your treatment of women.”

“Thanks for the pep talk,” I grumbled.

She held up her hand. “Let me finish.”


“Even though you made a pretty dick move, I can tell you like Abby a lot. I mean I’ve never seen you act this way around a girl before.” I bobbed my head in agreement. “I’d venture to say that even though it’s been a whirlwind the last three weeks that you might even love her.”

I swallowed hard under her’s and the guy’s scrutiny. “I know it’s quick, but I’ve fallen in love with her for sure. And yeah, I like love her, love her.”

Lily’s eyes misted over while Brayden’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Seriously dude?”


“Have you really told her yet?” AJ asked.

“No, not yet.”

“Then you have to tell her,” Lily commanded.

“Yeah, well, I’d love to do that, but she isn’t talking to me at the moment.”

AJ shook his head. “That’s why you gotta do something f**king epic to make her see the light.”

“And just what would you suggest, Mr. Latin Lover? I bring her on stage and sing to her about how much I love her?”

AJ’s eyes bulged as Lily drew in a sharp breath. When I glanced at Brayden, he grinned. “That’s exactly what you do.”

Both AJ and Lily nodded in agreement. “Like when we usually bring a fan up, I should bring her instead?”

AJ snapped his fingers. “Hell yes!”

“That sounds amazing, but how in the hell am I going to get her to the show? She won’t answer my calls or texts or even come to the door.”

Lily grabbed my hand in hers. “You leave that part to me.”

I didn’t reply for a minute. Instead, I became lost in thought about how to make tonight the most amazing I could for Abby. And then it hit me. “Lily, will you take Abby shopping while we’re at rehearsal?”

“Do you want me to like distract her or something?”

“No, it’s just I need her wearing white like the first time I met her.”

Lily expression softened. “Oh Jake, that’s so sweet and romantic.”

I grinned. “Thank you. I’m glad I have your vote of confidence.” I then turned to Bray and AJ. “We’re going to need a little extra rehearsal time today to add in the song I want to do.”

“You’re not doing the usual?” AJ asked.

“No, this has to be completely different and special for Abby.”

Brayden cocked his head at me. “And just what song are you planning on doing?”

With a wink, I replied, “It’s a surprise I plan to reveal at rehearsal.”


Chapter Eighteen

The hem of my short, chiffon white dress swirled around my calves as I struggled to keep up with Lily. The roar of the crowd for Vindicated stung my ears as we weaved in and out of the crowded back stage of Phillips Arena. From time to time, she would glance over her shoulder at me and grin. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. After all, I owed everything to her for finally getting me to see the light.

Although I’d turned a hardened heart to Jake when he’d begged and pleaded for me to forgive him, it really only took a few words from Lily to convince me to give him another chance. She’d knocked on the door to my suite shortly after Jake had left, so naturally I’d screamed to leave me the hell alone. Instead, I heard her persistent voice outside. When I threw open the door, she gave me a hesitant smile. “You know I’m on your side in this entire situation. But I just have to say this, and when I’m done, it’s totally up to you on how to proceed.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Okay, I’m listening.”

“I’ve known Jake for eight years, and I’ve never, ever seen him act this way or feel this much about a girl before. Ever. He’s a brilliant musician, but he’s an absolute screw-up when it comes to matters of the heart. But if he was able to convince me how sorry he was and how much he deeply feels for you, you can bet it’s the real deal.” At my unresponsiveness, she sighed. “Look, Abby, I was at the same crossroads you are five years ago. I was hurt and angry about some of the really shitty things Brayden had done. He’d screwed up so many times that I didn’t think I had it in me to give him yet another chance when he begged and pleaded with me, just like Jake is doing with you. If I kept a hardened heart, I would’ve missed out on the most amazing man I could ever hope for, not to mention I wouldn’t have my two beautiful children.”

I closed my eyes for a moment before reopening them. “I’m just scared,” I admitted.

She nodded. “I know. I was too, and when it comes down to it so is Jake. But he really has a good heart Abby—one that for the first time in his life he wants to give to only one girl. And that girl is you.”