The Deal - Page 69/115

“What are you thinking about, Wellsy?” I voice the question not just for her sake, but mine. I need a distraction. ASAP.

Her gaze stays glued to the lazy movement of my hand. “I’m thinking about you.”

Oh hell. Not that kind of distraction.

My strokes get faster as my hand takes on a life of its own. There’s a naked woman on my bed and I can’t fuck her. I can’t, because tonight isn’t about me. It’s about Hannah.

“I’m thinking about how sexy you are,” she whispers. “I’m thinking about how much I want to kiss you again.”

I almost go to her and give her what she wants, but I’m terrified the spell will be broken if I do.

“What else?” I say thickly.

Her hand leaves her breast and travels over her flat belly, down the edge of her hips. God, she’s tiny. I could probably span the entire width of her waist with both my hands.

“I’m thinking about your fingers inside me.”

I’m thinking about the same damn thing, but I satisfy myself by watching her fingers. She pushes two of them into her pussy, while her other hand continues to tend to her clit. Her cheeks are even more flushed now. So are her breasts.

I realize she’s getting close, and the satisfaction that courses through me is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I’m doing this to her. I’m not touching her, but my presence is turning her on.

I pump my cock, squeezing the head on every upstroke. “I’m close,” I warn her.


“So fucking close. I don’t think I can hold off for much longer.” Then I curse under my breath, because I can see the wetness coating her fingers every time she withdraws them. I’m dying here.

“Me too.” Her eyes have gone hazy with pleasure, and she’s rocking restlessly on my bed.

We’re both making noise. I’m groaning, she’s whimpering, sighing. The air is electric and my body is on fire.

“Oh…God…” She’s panting for air now.

“Watch me,” I mumble. “Watch what you’re doing to me.”

I stroke myself faster, and she cries out, “Garrett.”

She comes with my name on her lips, and I come to the sound of it. Pleasure hurtles through me, coating my hand and my abs. The force of my release nearly knocks me off my feet, and I wildly grab the side of my desk, holding on tight as pulsing waves roar through my body.

When I crash back to Earth, I find Hannah watching me. She looks dazed and fascinated, and her breasts heave as she sucks in oxygen.

“Oh my God.” Astonishment flashes across her face. “I can’t believe…”

I blink, and suddenly there’s a naked girl in my arms. She launches herself at me, unfazed by the wetness on my stomach, which now sticks to her skin.

She wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in the center of my chest. “I came.”

I choke out a laugh. “I saw.”

“I came, and you were here, and…”

She peers up at me in awe. I always forget how short she is until we’re standing face to face and she has to crane her neck to meet my eyes.

“Let’s have sex,” she announces.

Damned if my cock doesn’t harden again. She feels it, her eyes widening as my heavy erection presses into her belly.

But clearly I’m a masochist, because I say, “No.”


It’s official. I’ve gone insane.

“What do you mean, no?” she demands.

I hold my ground even in the face of her visible disappointment. “Tonight was a big step for you, but I think that’s how we need to handle it from now on. In steps.” I swallow, and force myself to add, “Baby steps.”

An odd glimmer crosses her eyes.

“What?” I say roughly.

“Nothing. That’s just what my therapist used to advise. Baby steps.”

She goes quiet for a long moment, and then the most brilliant smile fills her face and lights up the room. It’s the first time Hannah has smiled at me like that, a smile that truly reaches her eyes, and it makes my heart clench in the strangest way.

“You’re a pretty good guy, Garrett. You know that?”

A good guy? I wish. Fuck, if she could read my mind and see all the dirty images flashing inside it, if she knew all the wicked things I want to do to her, she’d probably recant that statement.

“I have my moments,” I answer with a shrug.

Her smile widens, and my chest cracks wide open.

I know in that moment that I’m in trouble.

I agreed to help her not just because I’m her friend, but because I’m a man. And when a woman asks you to have sex with her and give her an orgasm, you don’t think about it. You say hell yes.

Well, she got the orgasm. She did. And I know I’m going to get the sex. I will.

But right now, all I want is for this girl to smile at me again.



“Stop right there!” a sharp voice booms as I hurry toward my bedroom. “Where do you think you’re going, young lady?”

I spin around, startled to find Allie lying on the couch in our common area, balancing one of her icky juice cups on her knee. In my haste, I hadn’t even noticed her.

“What are you doing home?” I ask in surprise. “I thought you have econ on Wednesdays.”

“It got cancelled because the prof has Ebola.”

I gasp. “Holy shit! Are you serious?”