The Mistake - Page 17/95

I release her nipple with a wet sound and place my hands on her thighs. They tremble beneath my fingers, making me chuckle. “You okay?”

She nods wordlessly.

Satisfied that she’s still on board, I spread her legs wider, slide lower to the floor, and bring my mouth to her pussy.

Instant hard-on.

Fuck, I love going down on a girl. The first time I did it I was fifteen, and it turned me on so frickin’ much I came in my pants. I’m not so quick on the trigger anymore, but I can’t deny that the feel of Grace’s slick, warm pussy beneath my tongue gets my dick harder than nobody’s business.

I lick her clit in a slow, teasing stroke that makes her moan. She falls back on her elbows, and I peer up to find that she’s closed her eyes. Her lips are parted, her pulse visibly throbbing at the center of her throat, and that’s all the encouragement I need to keep going.

My tongue travels down her slit to her opening. She’s soaking wet. Hell. Maybe I should be worried about repeating the old coming-in-my-pants fiasco, because my balls draw up so tight they damn near disappear.

I clench my ass cheeks to control the wild tingling at the base of my spine and focus on making her feel good. I lick my way back to the swollen bud that’s begging for my attention, gently flicking my tongue against it, kissing and sucking and gauging her every response to find out what she likes. Slow and soft, I determine. Her moans are more desperate and her hips rock harder when I tease her.

Except teasing her is teasing me, and now my dick is pressed up painfully against my fly. Damn thing will probably bear the impression of my zipper by the time we’re through.

I ease the tip of my index finger inside her, and I’m immediately rewarded by a throaty cry.

“Good?” I murmur, gazing up at her.

Her eyelids are droopy. “Mmm-hmmm.”

Satisfaction streaks through me, egging me on, making me even more determined to send her toppling over the edge. I resume my task. Sweet, languid strokes to her clit while my finger inches deeper and deeper, until it’s finally lodged inside her. She’s tight. Really tight. And wet. God. Really wet.

And if she doesn’t come soon, my pants are about to get wet too, because I’m so close to exploding that—

“I’m coming,” she moans.

And hell yes, she is. Her clit pulses against my tongue as her pussy squeezes my finger like a steel glove. She’s not a screamer. Not much of a moaner either, but the breathy sounds that leave her mouth are hotter than any porn star noises I’ve ever heard.

I ride out the orgasm with her, stroking her inner channel and sucking on her clit as she shudders quietly on the bed. Several seconds later, she starts to laugh, squirming as she tries to move out of my grasp.

“Too sensitive,” she chokes out.

I lift my head with a grin. “Sorry.”

“Oh my God, you are not allowed to say that right now. Not after…” She sucks in a breath. “That was…amazing.” She’s slow to sit up, her eyes hazy with pleasure. “I have no idea what else to say. Thank you?”

Laughter bubbles in my throat. “You’re welcome?”

My legs feel unusually weak as I stand up. I’m still ridiculously hard, but the alarm clock on the night table reveals I have exactly eleven minutes to trek over to the library. Under any other circumstances, I wouldn’t care about being late, but this is the last study group before tomorrow’s marketing final, and I can’t afford to miss it. I’m already going into the exam with a D in the course, so failing the class is both a scary possibility and an outcome I refuse to let happen. The course is a prerequisite for my degree, and I have no desire to retake it next year.

“I need to go or I’ll be late for study group.” I meet her eyes. “Can I get your number?”

“Oh. Um…”

Her hesitation sparks a pang of anxiety. One of the rare times I ask for a girl’s number and she’s uncertain about doling it out? After I rocked her world?

Jesus. Is my game slipping?

I raise a brow, my voice taking on a note of challenge. “Unless you don’t want to give it to me?”

“No. I mean, yes, I do.” She bites her bottom lip. “Do you want it now?”

I force a laugh that I hope sounds flirty rather than nervous. “Now would be good.” I grab my phone from my back pocket and open a new contact page. “Hit me.”

She rattles off a series of numbers. So fast I have to make her stop and repeat it. I type in her name and press enter, then tuck the phone away. “Maybe we can hang out again sometime? We could watch the next Die Hard in the lineup…”

“Yeah, sure. That sounds great.”

Seriously? Another “yeah, sure”?

What the hell does it take to get an “I’D LOVE TO!” from this chick?

“Okay. Cool.” I gulp. “I guess I’ll call you, then.”

She doesn’t say anything, and in the ensuing silence, I’m overcome with a wave of discomfort.

Then I dip down and do the stupidest thing ever. Which says a lot, because I’ve dabbled in my share of stupidity over the years.

I kiss her forehead.

Not her lips. Not her cheek. Her fucking forehead.

Real smooth, bro.

She looks up at me in amusement, but I don’t give her the chance to comment on my dumbass move.

“I’ll call you,” I mumble.

And for the second time in three days, I leave Grace’s dorm feeling like a jackass.