Winning Appeal (Lawyers in Love 4) - Page 26/30

“We all knew what you were doing, Braden,” Cam said. “Who sneaks off to a pool house during a formal dinner just to hang out?”

“At least we were inside a building,” he answered defensively.

“We were just kissing! We’re single adults, who have known each other for years, and we’re dating. Deal with it,” I demanded irritably.

“She’s right!” Jess said, coming over to join Lily and putting her arm around me. “And for the record, honey, the two of you make an adorable couple.”

“I think you make a nice couple too,” Cam added. Braden and Adam both turned to look at him. “Just sayin’.”

“I’m thrilled that you’re dating,” Braden said, “but you still can’t be all over each other in public at a fundraiser.”

“Uh, Braden…” Adam broke in.

“We were inside a pool house,” Braden replied testily, glancing at his wife.

“I’m sorry, man. I know we should have been more careful,” Mark said, sounding miserable. Oh great, now he felt guilty about kissing me in public. If Braden had his way, Mark and I would go join the Amish.

“The picture was romantic, not scandalous,” Lily piped up.

“Where is this picture?” I asked. “I’d like to see it myself.”

“Here, I’ll show you honey,” Jess said, going over to a laptop sitting on a desk. She and I both went over to take a look.

She went to the website of The Philly Beat and pulled up a photo of Mark and me standing under the sparkling lights. Our costumes really did make it look like we had stepped out of the 1920’s. My arms were around his neck, and his were around my waist, but one hand was on my bottom holding me up against him. That gave me a little thrill and I felt a flutter in my lower belly. I had to get a copy of that.

“I like it,” I said, not caring what anyone else thought.

“So do I,” Mark, who had walked up beside me agreed. I looked up, surprised, and saw him staring down at me with the hint of a smile playing on his lips. We gazed at each other and shared a moment that made me feel like someone had lit a fire inside me.

“Okay, time to stop falling in love and order some food,” Braden announced. “Let’s try that new Israeli place. Where’s the paper?” Then suddenly, something sunk in, the paper.

“Wait, Mark, The Philly Beat! That paparazzo was from the same tabloid as the reporter who was killed. He may have overheard our conversation.” I saw by the look on his face that he acknowledged that these coincidences were piling up a little too quickly.

“You know something about that case?” Gabrielle asked. Mark and I exchanged looks, and with a subtle nod, he told me he was onboard.

“There’s something we want to tell you about…” I began.

6:30 PM

Mark and I took turns telling the story. When we finished, everyone sat quietly for a second and then we all looked at Gabrielle, who was positively glowing.

“No,” Braden told his wife firmly.

“No what?” she asked innocently.

“No to whatever crazy plan you’re coming up with. This woman isn’t a close friend of theirs. She and Beth went to high school together, but they didn’t hang out together, and Mark…” Braden glanced at Mark… “only met her once. Right?”

“Yeah!” Mark insisted.

“This is the chick from Thanksgiving?” Adam laughed. “The one who called you ‘Mike’ and kept talking about Facebook?”

“The very same,” Mark answered giving him an annoyed look.

“And you want to help this woman?” Lily asked, dubiously.

“Gerard took advantage of a teenager to steal a great painting just so he could hang it in his own study. Look, Caitlin isn’t a great friend of mine, but that’s just wrong, and he shouldn’t get away with it.” She nodded, understanding my point.

“If that dead reporter is connected to this, Caitlin could be in danger,” Jess pointed out. “Even if she is annoying, that shouldn’t be a death sentence. If it were, Adam would be a goner.” Adam shot her a sarcastic smile.

“Which is why we should tell the cops,” Braden put in, giving her a stern look. “I can’t believe you two climbed through a window,” he growled at Mark and me.

“I can’t believe Gabrielle wasn’t involved,” Cam added.

“Me neither,” Gab agreed sounding disappointed.

“I hate to point this out Braden,” Adam said, “but the Philadelphia police may have more urgent matters than a hearsay report that a nutty party girl, who broke into a house, thinks somebody stole her painting ten years ago.”

“Yeah, there’s no solid evidence that any of this is connected to the dead woman, or that there’s even been a crime committed,” Lily added, “well, other than Caitlin’s breaking and entering of course.”

“I think that in good conscience, we should at least try to see if maybe we could get a little something for them to investigate,” I argued. “Mark said that if he invited us in, and I recognized the painting, it might help.” Braden shot Mark a deadly look and Mark winced a little.

“How would we get him to do that?” Lily asked, knitting her brows.

“The guy is arrogant. He might actually do it for kicks. So, I was thinking maybe we could try at the mystery weekend.”

“That perfect!” Gabbed said, clapping her hands together and practically leaping out of her seat. “We’ll butter him up and make him feel all cocky and see if we can get him to invite us into the study. That’s all we have to do. Beth has a degree in art history and she’s a senator’s daughter. People would take her seriously if she backed Caitlin up.”

“That’s all we would have to do?” Jess asked, looking like she didn’t believe her. Considering Gabrielle’s track record, I couldn’t say that I blamed her.

“Fire up the Mystery Machine and pack the Scooby snacks,” Adam said with a grin, “the gang is back in action.”

“I’m not wearing the schoolboy outfit again,” Mark said, looking beaten. “I mean it. I won’t do it.”

“Not schoolboys, honey,” Jess consoled, “famous detectives.”

“I want to be Hercule Poirot,” Cam piped up.

“I think you enjoy this stuff,” Braden said, giving him a suspicious look and Cameron laughed tellingly, earning him a suspicious glance from Jess too.