The Daylight War - Page 37/192

Hayes nodded. ‘I apologize for any insult to you and Miss Tanner. It was unintentional, and I assure you,’ he glanced at Franq, ‘my aide will be properly reprimanded.’

The Tender spread his hands. ‘I want us to be friends, as well. Neither the count nor I wish to make an enemy of you, Mr Bales. Thamos’ brother the duke commanded he come south, secure the border, and protect its people. My own mandate from Shepherd Pether is much the same. I am to minister to these people as your own Jona would have in his absence – a matter I have little sway over.’

‘Is that your entire mandate?’ Arlen asked.

Hayes shook his head. ‘There is one more matter. You.’

‘Me,’ Arlen said.

‘You are not the first would-be Deliverer in Angiers,’ Hayes said. ‘Tales of His return crop up every few years, especially in the hamlets. The Tenders of the Creator investigate every one for validity. I myself have investigated a dozen in my tenure – every one a fraud.’

Arlen smiled. ‘Add one more to the list, because I ent Him.’

Hayes leaned forward. ‘Perhaps, but neither are you a simple Messenger from the hamlets, no matter what you claim. You’re quick to say what you’re not, but you have yet to say what you are. You use demon magic; who is to say you are not corespawn yourself?’

Silence fell on the room, and Renna bristled. The other men leaned in to hear every nuance of Arlen’s reply even as Hayes sat back. Jasin produced a small notebook and a tiny pencil. Tales were money to Jongleurs, and heralds most of all, though they had an audience of one.

‘Saw me stand in the sun just this morning,’ Arlen said. ‘Can corespawn do that?’

Hayes shrugged. ‘There’s a first time for everything.’

‘And the thousands of demons I’ve killed, including what you witnessed last night?’ Arlen asked. ‘Those just a ruse to gain men’s trust?’

‘You tell me,’ Hayes said.

‘Doesn’t need to tell you anything,’ Renna snapped. All eyes turned suddenly to her.

‘Excuse me, young lady,’ Hayes said, his tone reproachful, ‘but—’

‘Arlen din’t want to come tonight,’ Renna cut him off. ‘Said this would happen. Said you’d try to use him, or accuse him. Said we’d be better off talking to a wall. I was the one told him to be neighbourly.’ She stood. ‘Regrettin’ that decision now, and don’t see any reason we need to stay for this kind of talk. Enjoy your pheasant.’

She strode for the door, and Arlen shrugged apologetically at the Tender, a grin on his face as he moved to follow.

The sun was setting outside, the streets of the Hollow bustling with activity. Squads of Cutters were forming in the Corelings’ Graveyard, preparing for their nightly patrols, and vendors continued their brisk business, selling food, drink, and other items with no apparent plans to pack up for the day. Even the workers digging the foundation to the new Holy House continued to work. Renna knew the greatward kept them all safe through the night, but it hadn’t truly dawned on her just what that meant. Freedom, night and day. In Hollow County, humans were not forced to live on the demons’ schedule.

‘Won’t it be too dark to keep working soon?’ Renna asked.

Arlen shook his head. ‘Magic’s about to rise. There’ll be light enough for all before long.’

Renna wondered at that, watching for the telltale signs of the rise, wisps of smoky light drifting up from the ground, visible only to her and Arlen’s warded eyes.

But there was no sign of magic’s fog on the greatward. Instead, the entire street grew warm underfoot, and began to glow. She thought she was imagining it at first, but it soon grew too bright to ignore. So bright that it was apparent everyone could see the light, warded eyes or no. The casual air of the people on the streets towards the growing dark now made sense. It was not as clear as day, but more than bright enough to see and work by.

‘It’s beautiful,’ Renna said. She could see the edge of the greatward not far off. The magic there rose normally, but flowed towards the greatward in the same way it flowed towards Arlen when he called it. She could feel the ward tugging at her own personal magic, as well. That growing core of power that had been born when she first tasted demon meat was drawn like a lodestone towards an iron pot. Her footsteps felt heavy, and she felt weaker and slightly dizzy.

‘Used to feel … off on the greatward,’ Arlen said, as if reading her mind. ‘Like I was walking through water, or had been out in the sun too long.’

‘Used to?’ Renna asked.

‘Everything’s different now,’ Arlen said. ‘Greatward draws so much power, and tapping into it’s as easy as breathing.’ He drew a deep breath, and his wards flared to life, brighter than she had ever seen them. He blew it back out, and they died away again. ‘I can even let the excess back into the ward if I don’t need it, strengthening the forbidding.’ He looked at Renna. ‘Powerful here, Ren. More’n I ever dreamed. Don’t even need to kill for it. Can’t say it’ll be enough, but come new moon, whatever the Core sees fit to spew at us will be in for the fight of its life.’

He turned to another great building, this one situated on the other side of the cobbles. It was the only warded structure Renna had seen in the Hollow, its symbols large and strong, etched deep into the wood.

‘Hospit,’ Arlen said. ‘Need to see Mistress Vika before she goes off to Angiers, and perhaps I can ease her burden before she goes. Time I’m done in there, she won’t have so much as a kid with a sniffle.’

‘Sure that’s a good idea?’ Renna asked. ‘Liable to start this Deliverer business right back up.’

‘That’s happening like or not,’ Arlen said. ‘I ent the Deliverer, but I’m done hiding what I can do. We stirred up a hornets’ nest, killing that mind demon, and unless I miss my guess, the stinging starts on new moon. Need everyone on their feet.’

Renna scowled.

‘What?’ Arlen caught the look. Renna crossed her arms, turning away.

A moment later she felt Arlen’s arms around her, squeezing gently. ‘Something’s botherin’ you, Ren, just say it. I learned a lot from that demon, but reading minds ent a trick I’m ready to try.’

Renna sighed. ‘Don’t like you healing.’

Arlen stiffened. ‘What? Why? I should leave folk laid up? Crippled? Dying?’

Renna wanted nothing more than to stay in his arms, but she shook them off, rounding to face him. ‘Ent that. Just think it ent safe. You call me reckless, but you near kill yourself every time you heal. Too stubborn to know when to stop. So ay. I’d rather some nit broke his leg heal the old-fashioned way than have you pass out tryin’ to fix it.’

She expected him to shout at her, but Arlen only nodded. ‘Still getting the hang of it. But I got the greatward to draw on, and I’ll be careful, Ren. I promise.’


The Earring
333 AR Summer29 Dawns Before Waning

‘Ah! Aaaaah!’

Inevera fell into her breath as the cries of the Northern whore emanated from her earring.

The ring seemed a simple silver bauble, but it was etched with tiny wards and powered by a half pebble of demon bone at its centre. The other half of that pebble rode in the ring’s mate, which she had given to Jardir on their wedding day, its true nature unknown even to him.