The Daylight War - Page 44/192

Instantly, the snake uncoiled, snapping at the mouse, but fast as it was, Qeva was faster. Her hand was a blur as she caught the snake behind its head and lifted it from the case. It thrashed at first, but Qeva’s grip was firm, and she cooed at it, stroking its head until it calmed.

‘We can force the asp to reveal its fangs by applying pressure to the base of its skull.’ She pressed with her thumb, and two curved fangs, previously flat against the roof of its mouth, extended. There was a tiny glass bottle on the table, its mouth covered with a thin membrane. Qeva pressed the fangs through this.

‘The poison sacs are on either side of its head, here and here.’ She pointed. ‘Squeezing will empty them into our vial.’ She did so, and a few drops fell into the glass. Qeva then dropped the snake back into the glass box, where it immediately coiled and stared at the mouse, head bobbing slowly from side to side. The mouse stared back, frozen in place save for its nose, which followed the dance of the snake’s head precisely. At last, the snake struck, biting but once before retreating into its stone hollow, leaving the mouse to thrash in the sand. In moments it stiffened and lay still.

‘Even milked of its poison, the bare residue on its fangs was more than enough to kill,’ Qeva said as the snake slithered from the hollow to claim its prize, its jaw unhitching to swallow the mouse whole. ‘The asp will feed, and sleep, and by this time tomorrow, its poison sacs will be full again.’ She held up the tiny bottle, which held perhaps three teardrops’ worth of venom. ‘This is enough to kill everyone in this room. Who can tell me how the antidote is prepared?’

Several girls raised their hands, but none faster than Inevera.

Inevera and the other girls knelt in a ring around the pile of pillows, their backs straight and their eyes attentive. In addition to the nie’dama’ting, there were several dal’ting girls in black headwraps, sent to study in the dama’ting palace before going to the great harem.

Qeva stripped off her white robe, even her hood and veil. Beneath, she wore diaphanous leggings that flowed like lavender smoke about her calves and thighs, ending in anklets tinkling with golden bells above her bare feet, the toenails painted to match the lavender cloth. Her top, too, was transparent, loose around her firm breasts, leaving her smooth midriff bare save for a golden chain that secured her black velvet hora pouch and a small vial. Dozens of golden bracelets jingled at her wrists. Her sex was uncovered, shaved smooth like the rest of her save for her eyebrows and thick black hair, which fell in lustrous ringlets, bound in gold. Only her face remained covered, her silk veil an opaque purple that accented the diaphanous lavender. Her body shone from scented oil.

In the back of the room, a trio of aging eunuchs began to play a steady rhythm on zurna, tombak, and kanun. Qeva beckoned, and Khavel approached. The muscular eunuch was clad, as usual, in nothing save his golden shackles and a silken loincloth that hung like a flag from his great, stiffened member. Like many of the girls, Inevera felt her eyes drawn to it like metal to a lodestone. She shifted uncomfortably.

The dama’ting laughed. ‘As you can see, already Khavel is prepared for his duty. But a man should always be tantalized to the point of madness before being allowed to sheathe his spear.’ She took Khavel’s arm and pivoted, using the eunuch’s own weight to throw him onto the pillows.

Then she began to dance. Her hips swayed in time to the music, even as she beat a complementary rhythm on the tiny brass cymbals attached to her thumbs and forefingers. The golden bells on her ankles and the bracelets on her wrists added to the spell as she gyrated around the bed of pillows, her feet as quick and sure as they were at sharusahk. Indeed, many of the movements she made were the same as those practised each morning in the hours before sunrise.

Khavel stared at her, mesmerized like the mouse before the tunnel asp. His loincloth was taut, seemingly about to tear, and his great muscles were no different, tense and defined, veins pulsing with the pounding of his blood.

It went on until Inevera began to feel dizzy. The room was hot, filled with sweet incense smoke, and she began to sway to the music and the dama’ting’s endless rhythm. The other girls were no less affected, all watching intently as the Bride stalked her hapless prey.

Finally, Qeva struck, moving to the pillows and tugging Khavel’s loincloth away to reveal his proud spear. She ran a finger along its length, and the tongueless eunuch moaned. Taking the vial from her waist chain, she dribbled oil into her palm and rubbed her hands together until both had a coating of the slick substance.

‘There are seven strokes laid down by the Damajah, as she told of the nights she lay with Kaji,’ the dama’ting said, reaching for Khavel’s member. ‘Watch closely as I demonstrate each one.’

Khavel soon threw his head back, moaning again, but the Bride squeezed tightly at the base of his mushroom-like tip, cooing softly as she waited for him to calm again. ‘Though Khavel is stoneless – the men you will lie with will not be. In their loins lie the future generations of Krasia, and the Evejah’ting commands that none of their seed be spilled or swallowed.’

Several more times, the dama’ting’s ministrations brought poor Khavel to the brink, but each time, she applied pressure and patience until he regained control.

‘Seven strokes,’ the dama’ting said, as she moved to mount the eunuch, ‘but there are seventy and seven ways to lie with a man. This is the first, Jiwah Superior. It is not enough to simply move up and down his spear. You must … twist.’ She demonstrated, using many of the same gyrations of her dance, now practically applied.

‘When you control a man’s loins in the pillows, you control him,’ the dama’ting said, ‘and you can ensure your own pleasure besides. Most men barely know where to put it, and will simply hump like a dog if given their liberty.’

As she stretched for morning sharusahk, Inevera’s muscles ached from countless hours spent practising the pillow dance. There were tiny calluses on her fingertips where the brass cymbals were held, and her feet were red with blisters. She would smooth them with pumice in the bath later.

But though she was stiff and sore, Inevera felt strong. Stronger than she had ever felt, even when hauling great stacks of baskets through the bazaar. She was ready to assume the sharukin, but Qeva did not remove her robe. Instead she beckoned the girls to form a ring around her, and summoned a muscular eunuch. It was not Khavel this time, but one named Enkido.

Like the other eunuchs, Enkido spoke with his hands in an intricate language of gestures that Inevera and the other nie’dama’ting learned as part of their studies. The dama’ting could give their servants complex commands with quick gestures, and receive equally detailed answers on the rare occasions when one was required.

But the similarity ended there. Unlike the other eunuchs, Enkido was always clad in black robes, though he still wore the gold shackles of servitude. His veil was red, meaning he had been a Sharum drillmaster before coming to the Dama’ting Palace, an expert in sharusahk and a master of the Maze. It was said that he had killed many alagai, fathered many sons, and taught many warriors before falling under a dama’ting’s spell and willingly allowing his stones and tongue to be cut from him.

Inevera heard he continued to wear the black to hide the terrible scars he incurred as a Sharum, but when the dama’ting clapped her hands, he pulled off the robe and she gasped aloud, as did several of the younger girls.