Angel of Darkness - Page 8/109

A woman’s husky voice.

A man’s hungry mutters.

The heat inside of Keenan flared hotter.

He turned the corner, and he could see them half-hidden in the shadows. Kissing. Nicole’s hands were all over the man. She was up on her toes, and her head lowered as she began to kiss her way down the man’s neck.

Keenan crossed his arms over his chest. He cleared his throat. “Uh … sorry to interrupt.” No, not sorry at all.

Nicole glanced back at him. Same deep green eyes. But there was no surprise in her stare. So she’d known he was there? Well, it was pretty hard to disguise the smash and splinter of wood.

But Romeo must have been too far gone to hear because he whirled in surprise with his beady eyes narrowed. The guy’s shoulders blocked Keenan’s view of Nicole. The guy snarled, “Vete a la chingada!”

Right. Been there. He didn’t exactly plan to be taking another trip to hell. “You need to leave.”

The guy blinked.

“I want her.” Keenan’s voice rumbled too much when he spoke, but fury churned inside of him, demanding release.

So he was having trouble controlling his emotions. Getting slapped with all these feelings hadn’t really been part of his game plan.

“Too bad,” the guy snapped, his English tipped with his Mexican accent. “She’s busy tonight.”

Her fingers curved over the would-be-lover’s shoulders. “Let’s get out of here.”

Keenan shook his head. “No, Nicole, you’re not going anywhere.”


Then, slowly, her fingers unfurled from the man. She shifted her stance, took a step forward, and Keenan stared right into those green eyes—eyes that had haunted him for so many nights.

“How do you know my name?” She whispered.

He smiled. “You’d be surprised at the things I know about you.”

“I’ll take care of this cabron!” Romeo promised.

Cabron. Bastard. Keenan lifted a brow at the guy. “You should leave now.” Nicole didn’t glance at Romeo. Her stare stayed focused on Keenan. “Really fast. Leave.”

“What? No, we’re—”

Her head turned toward the man. “Leave.”

His eyelids flickered. “Puta. ”

“Yeah, great, call me whatever you want, but just go.” Her hand came up and pressed against the guy’s chest. He stumbled back about five feet. “Go.”

“How did you—” Romeo’s eyes widened and then he turned and ran back into the bar.

Nicole shoved her hair back over her shoulder. Then she braced her legs apart and kept her arms loose at her sides.

Interesting. When had the little schoolteacher learned to prepare for an attack?

“Who are you?” She asked him, her face showing no hint of fear.

“I’m someone who’s been looking for you.” True enough. “For a very long time.”

She gave a little shrug. “And here it is, your lucky night. Looks like you found me.”

No, he hadn’t found the woman he’d expected.

“So what are you going to do now?” She murmured as she walked closer to him. The moonlight spilled onto her face. His eyes narrowed. Her face was a little thinner. Her cheekbones were more defined. Her eyes were still as wide and dark, but her lips appeared redder and plumper than before. The woman was still beautiful, no doubt, but … a darkness seemed to cling to her.

Her body was as slender as he remembered. Her br**sts still round and firm and her hips—no. He shouldn’t be noticing that. Her body didn’t matter.

“Like what you see?” She whispered, and her slow drawling voice sounded like …


He backed up a step.

One black brow lifted. “Now, surely, you aren’t afraid of me.”

“I fear nothing.” After what he’d seen, what he’d done, there was simply nothing left to stir fear in his heart.

“Good for you,” she muttered and the words didn’t seem sexy. More … annoyed then. But then she blinked and the heavy-lidded mask came back. “Tell me how you know my name.”

She was almost close enough to touch right now, but he wouldn’t touch her. No, he never touched. Touching was far too dangerous.

You didn’t touch unless you were ready to kill. He wasn’t ready … yet.

“I’ve known your name for a long time.” No sense lying. Besides, lies weren’t possible for his kind. “Ever since you were put on my list.”