Mended (Lucian & Lia #3) - Page 64/74

“I’m in love with that girl,” Aidan deadpans. “She’s gorgeous, smart, sweet, and direct. She’s the perfect woman. You should marry her today before someone steals her away.”

“Like hell,” I snap, ready to kick the ass of any man who should dare look her way—including my friend.

“All right,” Max intercedes, “before we get carried away here, let’s get back on track. Our court date is coming up in a few days and I need to know where we stand. Aidan, what have you decided?”

Aidan, suddenly serious for the first time since I entered the room, says quietly, “I’ve decided not to contest Monique’s request for guardianship.”

His answer floors me, and I can tell Max feels similarly. Turning to him, I say firmly, “I have your back on this. Max and I will do everything in our power to see that you remain in control of Cassie’s affairs if that’s what you want.”

“That’s right, Aidan,” Max agrees. “I’ve been honest with you about the uphill climb that this could turn out to be, but please know that I’m prepared to make that without question or reservation.”

“I know I have both of your support, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that,” he begins, “but even though this is fucking hard, I think it’s the right thing. Monique and I had a talk last night and she’s promised she will do nothing to stop me from seeing Cassie whenever I want to. You know how vindictive she is. If I drag this through the court and piss her off, then she’ll want to make me pay.”

“Well, if you retain guardianship, there’s nothing she can do,” I point out.

“Yeah, but what if I don’t?” he asks and I have to agree with his logic. Monique would use her position to make his life a living hell. If she’s holding any kind of power, then you probably don’t want to piss her off. “There’s a really big chance she’s coming out of this in control of Cassie. Right now, I think I need to remain on her good side while I ponder my next step. If I see that she has Cassie’s best interests at heart, then I won’t do anything. But I’ll go after her if that changes.” Given she went after Lia at Leo’s on her graduation night, I heartily agree with Aidan here. Something is not quite right, so he is wise to use caution with her.

Max gets to his feet and checks his watch. “Well, that’s it then. I’ll wait until tomorrow to notify the judge, so, Aidan, let me know before then if you change your mind. I have a meeting with the Kenson attorney. I’ll brief you on it later, Luc.”

When the door closes behind him, I turn to my friend and ask, “Are you all right?”

“You enjoy talking about feelings a lot more since meeting Lia, you know that?” he asks, looking vastly amused.

“Fuck you,” I say, but there is no heat behind it. He’s right, of course. I was a much colder version of myself not very long ago. When he stands, then walks away with a wave, I wonder if he has any idea of the type of power he’s giving Monique. I want to believe for his sake that there is goodness inside her, but at this point, I only see her as adding to his pain. But we’re missing an angle here—I feel it in my gut.


“But don’t you want a big wedding?” Rose asks, looking perplexed. “I can handle everything for you.”

Pointing to my rounded stomach, I say, “Look at me. Do you think I want to roll down the aisle in front of a bunch of Lucian’s business associates?”

“We just wouldn’t invite them then,” she insists.

Giving an exasperated sigh, I say, “Then who would be there? I don’t have many friends. Lucian and I want to get married at his parents’ home. The pool area is beautiful and it’s enclosed so the weather wouldn’t be a factor.”

Rose takes out her iPad and looks at me expectedly. “So, when and how many people are we talking here?” When I name the date we’d decided on, she shrieks, “Shit!” Do you know how long it takes to get stuff like this organized? At this rate, we’ll end up getting your catering from the Dairy Queen.”

“I’m almost seven months pregnant, Rose. If I don’t do it soon, the baby might pop out while I’m saying my vows. Besides, Luc said that Leo would be happy to handle the food. I think he’s already talked to him about it.”

Rose sits her iPad aside and folds her arms on top of the table. “I knew you’d end up with him.”

I eye her over my caffeine-free latte, trying to decipher what she’s talking about. “Hmmm?”

“Lucian. The first time I saw you two together, it was like witnessing a real-life fairy tale. He was so protective and possessive of you. That night we all had dinner together at Leo’s, I watched him watch you. He kept staring as if he couldn’t believe you were real. Then you would smile shyly at him and his eyes would go so soft and gentle. He might not have been able to admit it, but he loved you.”

“I loved him, too,” I admit. “The feelings were so overwhelming that they’d terrified me, but I couldn’t fight it. He was beautifully proud, but so broken inside. Just like me. He’s fixed parts of me that I didn’t think could ever be healed and I believe I have done the same for him.” I don’t tell her that I consider one of my greatest accomplishments to be that he rarely has nightmares anymore. They had become worse for a while after he’d stopped using cocaine, but now they rarely occur, and even then, never to the level they used to. I know he still struggles to handle extreme stress without his old crutch, but even with the Monique situation, his eyes are clear and his resolve stronger than ever. He occasionally smokes, but he hates it so much that I don’t see that becoming a regular occurrence.