Fire & Brimstone - Page 23/82

This was the kind of kiss that most women fantasized about and here she was nearly groaning in frustration because it wasn’t enough. She wanted more, she wanted him and she’d do anything to have him. She’d-

“I hate to interrupt this incredibly awkward moment, but we came here to discuss something with you,” one of the men said, sounding amused while she stood there, holding onto Lucifer as her world spun out of control.

As Lucifer slowly pulled away from her and looked down at her as though he was just now seeing her, she realized that for the first time since she’d met him that she was in way over her head.

“Excuse me,” she mumbled, feeling a little lightheaded as she stepped away from him and started walking back towards the restaurant, deciding that it might be time to take another look at those want ads.


“Aw, what’s the matter, big guy?” Jason, the annoying bastard that his parents swore was related to them, asked mockingly while Lucifer forced himself to stay where he was, terrified of what he would do if he moved so much as an inch from this spot.

Christ, what the hell had she been thinking kissing him like that and why was Trevor watching him with that knowing look on his face?

Fuck, he just needed to stop thinking about how good it felt to hold Rebecca in his arms.

“Rejection hurts, huh, big guy?” Jason said with an exaggerated sigh that was going to get him killed.

“First kiss?” Trevor guessed with an anticipatory gleam in his eye that Lucifer really didn’t care for, not now when he felt like he was about to lose control.

“Fuck off,” he said, rubbing his hands roughly down his face as he tried to forget that fucking kiss.

“Sorry,” Jason said, not sounding sorry at all, “we can’t do that.”

“You really can,” he said, struggling to figure out how this just happened.

One minute he’d been dragging Rebecca to a grocery store to help her and the next he’d been seconds away from reaching down, cupping her ass and forcing her legs to wrap around him so that he could push her up against his truck and find out just how hard he had to fuck her to make her scream his name. God, this was bad. This was really fucking bad, because she’d actually ran away triggering something in him that he couldn’t explain and making him want to go after her.

He was definitely going after her, he decided, licking his lips as anticipation like nothing that he’d ever experienced before coursed through his veins, making him feel really alive for the first time in his life. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew that if she’d stayed here and shrugged their kiss off like it was nothing that he wouldn’t be feeling this way.

“She’s your neighbor, right? The one that Aidan had a look at?” Trevor asked as he leaned back against the truck that Lucifer couldn’t stop picturing Rebecca bent over.

“What do you want?” he bit out, knowing exactly where Trevor was going with this line of bullshit.

“Came to remind you about the barbeque this weekend,” Jason said while Trevor continued to watch him.

“You could have called,” he pointed out absently as he thought about just how good it was going to feel when he finally caught her.

He was in so much fucking trouble here, because as much as he wanted to believe that he couldn’t end up with a woman like Rebecca, he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to hear her moan his name in his ear as he slid deep inside her.

“We figured that in person was so much better. That way you could invite us in for a bite to eat as a thank you,” Jason, the devious bastard, said, but instead of fucking with his cousin’s head as he usually did when one of the intrusive bastards tried to get inside the Fire & Brimstone, he simply shoved the bastard aside and headed for his restaurant and the little demon that had triggered something deep inside him.

“That was unnecessary, you asshole!”

Yeah, it was, but at least it had managed to help him forget about the pain in the ass for a few seconds. He had absolutely no idea what he was going to do with her now, but he knew that he couldn’t keep pretending that there wasn’t something seriously fucked up going on between them.

Until he figured it out, he was going to have a little fun, because for the first time since they’d started playing this game, he was going to be the one calling all the shots.



Chapter 17

“Oh, God, Oh, God, oh, shit!” she whispered frantically as she struggled to punch her code in with fingers that refused to stop trembling.

The high-pitched beep when she hit the wrong numbers wasn’t helping. She tried to focus, tried to stop thinking about what just happened, but she couldn’t and so here she was, punching random numbers into the keypad like a madwoman, trying desperately to put a little space between her and the man that had looked at her as though she was the next best thing to lunch.

Since she’d seen exactly how much he loved to devour his lunch, she knew that was not a good thing.

She was an idiot for screwing with him like that. She should have known better. Hell, she had known better, but she’d stupidly let her pride talk her into crossing a line that she should never have been crossed.

God, that had been such an amazing kiss, she thought with something close to panic, because she really wanted to go back out there and kiss him again and there was no way that she was kissing him again.

This ended now.

She was going upstairs, double-locking the door, getting Mojo to lay in front of the door and start packing. She’d always heard that England was nice this time of year. The fact that she was broke, didn’t have a passport or a job didn’t matter. All that mattered was putting some space between her and Lucifer before she did something incredibly stupid like tackle him and rip all his clothes off.

It’s not that she didn’t do relationships, because she did. Badly, but she did try to make them work. No, the reason that Lucifer wasn’t a possibility was very simple, because she…well, he…

Okay, it wasn’t simple.

Why the hell wasn’t this door unlocking?

“Here,” the man that she was willing to flee the country from, said softly as he reached past her, making sure that his lips tickled the back of neck, and typed his code in for her.

As soon as the alarm beeped and she heard the door lock release with a click, she threw the door open and ran as fast as her short legs would carry her. In record time, she was in her apartment with the door slammed shut, the bolt slid into place and her back against the door to add extra security while she struggled to catch her breath.