Mai Tai'd Up - Page 60/71

“There’s my dirty girl,” he whispered—and sucked my clit into his mouth. My eyes shot open, every muscle in my body tensing. With his fingers thrusting inside, and a mouthful of me, I came so hard that I shook, my hands still in his hair, my mouth open in a silent scream. And when color came back into the world, he did it again, his free hand anchoring my hip as I thrashed and crashed and came apart.

But he wasn’t done with me. Before I could gasp thanks for the awesome, he wrapped my legs around his waist, stood with me, turned, and sat down on the ledge I’d just been perched on. Leaning in, he kissed me deep, and I shivered at the naughty that was all over his mouth. “So now I know,” he whispered into my ear, his voice gravelly and deep and full of wicked.

“You know what?” I sighed, boneless and punchy from the sizzle still coursing through my veins.

“What you taste like a second before you come.” He nipped at my ear and I squealed, nuzzling further into his neck.

“That was beyond,” I murmured into his skin. “Insane. Ridiculous,” taking the opportunity to give some tiny kisses of my own. “Ring a ding ding,” I purred as I continued to kiss along the side of his neck, his collarbone, down across his shoulder. He shifted as I rose up a bit higher on my knees, resting my hands behind his neck as he wrapped his hands around my hips. Which brought his Something Enormous in direct contact with my Still Tingling.

“Still think you’ll fit?” I asked.

“Hmm?” His voice was somewhat muffled by my left breast, which he was currently torturing with his tongue. If you defined the word as meaning exquisite and earth shattering.

“This,” I repeated, bouncing down a bit to illuminate. “Now that I’m all warmed up?”

“You sure about that?” he asked, raising his head to look at me. And something else was rising once more. Not that it had ever really—

“Mm-hmm,” I nodded, sliding against him, feeling how hard he was against my soft. And just like that, he picked me up, holding me close to his chest, legs still wrapped around, and we were out of the shower. Grabbing his bag off the counter, he carried me down the hall to my room, leaving big, wet footprints on the floor.

“Be careful! Don’t slip—ahhh!” I squealed, as he took a corner too quickly and bumped off the wall like a pinball.

“Oh, Christ, Chloe, do that again,” he groaned, hustling down the hallway.

“This?” I laughed, bouncing again.

“I need to be inside you. Now,” he growled as we tangled around each other, very close and slippery.

Tossing me onto the bed, he searched his bag, coming up with a package of condoms.

“Prepared, aren’t you?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.

“Chickie baby, I’m like a Boy Scout,” he said, grabbing one. Then grabbing a second one.

I squealed once more when he pulled me down on the bed, bringing me back into his lap and settling me on his thighs. I watched, eyes wide, as he tore the packet open and rolled on the condom. If it was possible for my eyes to widen further, they did. It really was an impressive sight. I looked up, smiled at his sweet face, and then leaned in and kissed him. And once more, every sense I had was filled with him.

I saw golden skin and glacier-blue eyes. I heard the rumble in the back of his throat as his tongue tangled with mine. I felt the heat of his skin, the strong muscles in his shoulders and arms. I smelled the salt and the woods and the surf inherent in his California DNA. And I tasted? Me. Mixed with mai tai.

“Go slow, okay?” I breathed as I raised my hips. I could feel him as he pressed himself just barely inside.

“Spread your legs a little more—just like that,” he murmured, his hands now on my hips. Our eyes met as he pushed up, and I sank down. Slow. Sweet. Solid.

And oh my, did he fit.

Once he was seated fully inside my body, I let my weight go, closing my eyes and sinking further onto my knees, feeling the sweet burn of being filled so completely. Ohhh.

When I opened them once more, his face was gloriously tense. His jaw was tight, his cheeks flushed, his eyes wild. I cupped his face gently as he leaned into my palm.

“It’s good, right?” he sighed, arching his back slightly and gaining somehow one more scrap of space.

“Mm-hmm,” I said, rocking slowly backward just once and gasping at the sensation. He was big, full, and thick, and exactly what I needed.

“Please do that again,” he asked, and a small smile crept over my face. Doing as I was told, I rocked forward, the movement creating a delightful friction where our bodies were connected, and just above. His hands still held my hips, twisting my body just enough to make it more than good.

“You feel unreal.” He groaned as I tilted my head back, rocking a little faster this time. He thrust up as I rocked, and if it was even possible, he hardened even more.

“This feels unreal,” I said, shaking a little at the sensation of having him inside me, thick and beautiful. “This whole thing feels unreal.”

“Chloe,” he whispered, and my name on his lips, while he was inside my body, was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. His eyes searched mine, primal, wanting, needing . . .

“Lucas,” I whispered back. And then he was moving, and I was grinding, and he was circling his hips in a way that was nudging something new inside, and it made me a little crazy. He kissed me, hard, and pressed my hips back a bit. I looked down, and could see him sinking into me again and again, and just like that . . . I came. Again.