Cole's Redemption - Page 19/34

I’m coming for you. I’m going to make you suffer because I want to and because I’ll enjoy it. You will pay for interfering with me, and you’ll wish you were dead.

Not very original, but certainly attention-grabbing. Especially since it appeared the asshole wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. He’d dug in and was making it plain he had an agenda—killing Nick. Fantastic. You’ll have to stand in line, fucker.

Behind his own daughter, no less. Though she didn’t seem quite as quick to go off on him as she had when she’d first arrived. Didn’t mean she wouldn’t kill him given half a chance, but . . .

Last night, she’d seemed different. A bit softer, though she’d hate being called that. There had been something in her eyes when she’d looked at him besides blind hate, and it gave him hope. Without hope, he had nothing. Because he wouldn’t be able to stand having his daughter returned to his life and then have her snatched away again.

His daughter wasn’t his only problem, either. He’d been on the phone all morning, dealing with the proverbial shit that hit the fan, and he had to call a meeting with the Pack, pronto.

Getting on the intercom, he paged the team to the conference room and then sent a group text just to be sure they’d all get the message. Then he walked down there to gather his thoughts and wait for their arrival. They started filing in right away, and within fifteen minutes, they were all assembled, even Kalen.

He addressed the Sorcerer. “You don’t have to be here. In fact, we have to go wheels up, but you’re on leave with your mate and new baby. That’s an order.”

“Understood, sir. But I do want to hear the briefing so I’ll know what’s going on, if that’s okay.”

“That’s fine.” As the group quieted, he got right to the point. “You’re all here for two reasons. The first item of business is we’ve had another rogue attack. This one is bad, so be prepared for what you’ll see when we arrive. It happened last night at a private residence outside of Branson, Missouri. There was some sort of family reunion going on, and the rogues killed more than twenty innocent people.”

“Jesus Christ,” Zan said, appalled. “No survivors?”

“I’m told there was a young man of nineteen who survived by crawling under the porch steps to hide after he was attacked. The Feds suspect he saw everything because he’s in shock. Hasn’t spoken a word since. As if there isn’t enough bad news, the boy was turned vampire.”

He let the team’s exclamations over that die down before he went on.

“So, we’re going there to see what, if anything, we can find at the scene. Then we’re taking the young man to the coven of Prince Tarron Romanoff, where we’re scheduled to have a meeting with him and his top soldiers about the rogues and how to stop them. Any questions?”

“When do we leave?” Jax asked.

He looked at his watch. “One hour. We’ll take the Hueys since I’m told there’s a place to land near the house. I’d like to wrap up at the murder scene and be en route to the prince’s stronghold in the Smoky Mountains by early this afternoon.”

“Will we be able to land the copters at the stronghold?” Aric asked. He was one of the pilots and needed to know.

“No, it’s too rocky. We’ll put down a few miles out, and then the prince will have an escort drive us the rest of the way. Any more questions?”

Nobody voiced any, so Nick let them go to take care of any last-minute business. No doubt a few of them would use that hour to spend with their mates, then return rumpled and happy.

What he wouldn’t give to have someone to fill that void in his soul. To care whether he came home or not.

But then again, fate had blessed him with Tonia, and he’d killed her. He’d blown his one chance at happiness. The image of the mystery woman from his vision flitted through his head. But there was nothing solid to grasp on to there. He would have to focus on what he did have.

It was the only way to get through tomorrow. And all the days after.

“Oh my God! Isn’t Kai cute?” Kira gushed, holding up her cell phone. Immediately, cell phones were whipped out and more oohs and ahhs followed.

Selene was sitting with Kira at breakfast in the dining room, where she’d been since Zan dropped her off on his way to the team meeting. Something was up, and she was afraid it meant he’d be sent into danger. She had to deal with that reality sooner or later, but she’d rather it be later.

Thankfully, fawning over pictures of the new baby had everyone suitably distracted. At least until her mate and several others came in to find their women. She knew her fears were confirmed when Zan and Jax headed straight toward them, expressions grim.

“What’s wrong?” Kira asked, putting down her cell phone. Her mate gave her a kiss.

“We have to leave in an hour. There’s been another rogue attack, this one outside Branson, Missouri.”

Zan sighed, then bent to give Selene a hug. “They slaughtered an entire family at a reunion, and there was only one survivor. A nineteen-year-old boy, and he was turned vampire during the attack.”

“That’s awful,” Kira said, shuddering.

Zan sat beside his mate, but made no move to grab breakfast. “More than awful. This is getting really bad. Nick has set up a meeting with Romanoff, the vampire prince of North America, so we’ll head there as soon as we’re done at the crime scene.”

“What will become of the boy?” Selene asked in concern.

Zan answered. “We’re taking him to the prince. He’ll help the kid adjust to his new life, with any luck.”

“That’s something, at least,” Selene said.

Zan looked at his mate, a small smile curving his lips. “On a lighter note, we have an hour before we leave. I’m thinking it would be a terrible thing to send your mate off all stressed and everything.”

“Same here.” Jax gave Kira a brilliant smile. “Got stress. Lots and lots of stress.”

“Good grief.” She rolled her eyes, but stood and took his hand. “Come on, big guy. Let’s go do something about your blood pressure.”

The couple headed out together, and Zan gave her a cute pout. “What about me?”

“I think I can help you out there, mate,” she murmured, leaning in to kiss his sexy lips.

“Did I mention that you’re the best mate in the world?”

“Glad you think so, since I’m the only one you’re getting.”

“You’re the only one I want or need.”

The heavy-lidded desire in his eyes was her undoing. One important thing she’d discovered was that besides him being a good man, he was a skilled lover. He never failed to fulfill her every pleasure. She couldn’t wait to make love with him again.

He pulled her to her feet. “I believe we have a date, baby.”

When they returned to their apartment, Zan paused only long enough to close and lock the door, then hurried through the living room, pulling her along behind him.

In his bedroom, he urged her gently onto his king-sized bed, then straightened. Quickly, he took off his shirt and slid off his jeans, kicking them aside. Selene drank in the sight of his naked body like a flower dying of thirst. Clothed, he was the sexiest man she’d ever seen. Wearing nothing except a grin, the man was perfection.

She studied the soft brown eyes set in his handsome, angular face. Thick hair the color of the night sky framing his wonderful face, brushing his neck. She let her gaze drift leisurely to his broad shoulders and strong arms and the wolf tattoo on his chest.

He wasn’t ripped, but perfectly formed of lean muscle and raw bone. Graceful as a jungle cat. A very light sprinkling of hair covered his chest, trailing downward past flat, hard male nipples. Finally, she allowed her attention to roam to his impressive erection, savoring the sight. Heat flamed low in her belly, between her legs. His engorged penis jutted proudly from a nest of dark curls, arching toward his washboard stomach.

“Like what you see?” His smile told her he knew the answer.

“I always do. I want to touch you.”

His eyes went dark, feral. “Please.”

Hands shaking with desire, Selene shed her clothes.

He climbed onto the bed to sit next to her. “God, you’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Selene’s face heated. She couldn’t help it, despite the fact that wolves weren’t typically shy about their bodies. Selene reached out to touch the broad head of his penis, swirling it with one finger as a drop of pre-cum beaded the tip. Encouraged by his moan of pleasure, she wrapped her hand around his cock and began to stroke.

“Yes.” He leaned back and closed his eyes, spread his long legs.

She pumped him slowly, enjoying the texture of silky, baby-soft skin over his rod. Next, she moved her hand to cradle his balls, enjoying the feel of his heavy sex. Marveling that such a powerful man could be reduced to jelly with a caress.

“Baby,” he gasped, removing her hand. “I’m not going to last. But I promise I’ll make it up to you next time.”

Zan lowered her onto the pillows and stretched his big body over hers, settling between her legs. His erection pulsed against her belly as he captured her lips in a sizzling kiss, tongue licking into the seam of her mouth. Teasing, tasting.

He broke the kiss, moved lower, repeating his attentions on her breasts. “You’re so perfect.”

His teeth grazed one nipple, tongue doing wonderful things to the hardened little pebble. Sending delightful shocks to every nerve ending. When he suckled the other nipple, she came undone, pulling at his shoulders.

“My mate, I need you inside me.”

Moving up to cover Selene, his gaze locked with hers. The raw, male heat, the possessiveness, on his face made her quiver in anticipation.

He slid a hand between her thighs, fingers brushing the pale curls there. Pushing one finger inside, he stroked in and out, spreading the dewy wetness to prepare her. Lengthening the strokes, he rubbed her clit, setting her on fire.

“Zan, please!”

He pushed in by inches, letting her adjust to him. He was always so gentle, and it brought a rush of tears to her eyes. The slight discomfort became a flame burning brighter. Pleasure unfurled, a joy she’d never known with anyone but her mate. She wrapped her arms around him, skimming her hands over the muscles in his back as he seated himself as deeply as possible.

“Feel me?” he whispered into her hair.


He began to move, slow, tantalizing strokes. “You’re mine.”

“Oh, Zan, yes!”

He held her against his chest, made sweet, beautiful love to her. Sheltered in the safety of his arms, his body covering her like a warm blanket, she’d come home. This wasn’t just sex with a handsome man.

This was so much more. She wanted to put a name to it, but didn’t dare.

His tempo quickened, his thrusts filling her harder. Deeper. Faster. But even as he drove into her, taking them to the edge, he was careful not to hurt her, while entering her with powerful strokes. Hurtling them higher, higher—

His release erupted, his big body shaking. She followed, the orgasm shattering her control, the waves pounding her senses. He shuddered again and again, until he lowered his forehead to hers, spent and breathing hard.

She lay unmoving, loving his weight on top of her, his musky, male scent teasing her nose. Loving . . . him.

Did she love him?

Selene wanted to say the words freely and longed to hear them returned. But she couldn’t. Not yet. Their mating was new, and she had to be sure. She didn’t know how to express what she was feeling, much less process it.

You’re mine.

Those words had come from the depths of his soul, and she cherished them.

For now, it was enough.