The Law of Attraction (Lawyers in Love 1) - Page 33/63

“Then you’re my girlfriend. And I know that you deserve better than me too, but I don’t care, because I’m selfish and I want you.”

“Okay, since he’s my friend and you’re my boyfriend I want you to call a truce. That means no more snark, Braden.”

“I thought you liked my sharp tongue.” He gave me a wicked look that made my tummy flutter.

“You have no idea how much I like your tongue, Braden; there aren’t words to describe how much I like it, just primal noises, but I want to try to put all of this shit behind us, so work with me here.”

“Fine. Peace, Cameron. And thanks for giving me an excuse to break up with the harpy.”

“Peace, Braden. No problem. She’s here by the way.”

“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to distract…”

“Are you nuts?! I’m surprised my dick didn’t freeze off the first time.” I saw the two of them exchange amused looks. That was progress. Sort of. “So is this a bad time to tell you that the reason I thought it was interesting that you’re a public defender was that my firm is sending me to the Defender Association to learn how to do pro bono cases for them?” He looked at me with a smile.


“My firm…” Oh Jesus. That’s just what we needed, an associate from a big white shoe firm coming in to organize financial portfolios for drug dealers.

“Oh you’re going to love that, Cameron!” Braden laughed. “Just wait until you meet your new clients. Why don’t you tell him about Mr. Sanchez, Gabrielle? He was interested in making money.”

“I’ve been bored lately and I thought it would be kind of exciting,” Cam said naively and Braden laughed harder. This was going to be a bloodbath.

“Okay, Cameron. If you manage to make it through this I’ll consider that you’ve done penance and I’ll never mention the harpy to you again.” Braden smiled.

“It’s a deal!” Cam looked genuinely happy. He had been waiting a long time to be forgiven.

“If you want you can shadow my friend Jess and me,” I offered. What the hell. Maybe it would help us all get past the awkwardness. “We’re usually in the same courtroom with Braden and his friend Adam.”

“Really? Well, maybe they’ll let me.” He seemed really happy. He’d been waiting a long time for me to forgive him too. “Looking forward to it! I’m going to go say hi to Aunt Claire and Uncle Tyler.”

We said goodbye and when he had left Braden turned to me.

“I had a feeling it might possibly be Cameron you were with. People have always said we look and sound alike. He’s the right age and he went to Yale and to law school.”

“I honestly didn’t know, Braden. It was so long ago and he was younger. I swear that my being attracted to you has absolutely nothing to do with him. He was cute and I was eighteen. You get me big-girl excited.” I reached up and ran my finger along his jawline.

“Oh really?” He smiled.

“Really,” I said suggestively.

“Well, maybe we can…”


He never got to finish that sentence because a platinum blonde in a Valentino dress that probably cost enough to support a village in the Third World for a year, came charging up, and standing directly in front of me as if I weren’t there, proceeded to try to start a conversation with Braden. If you could call it that.

“Braden! There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

“Why? I have nothing to say to you. I had nothing to say to you when I was dating you.”

“Oh for Christ’s sake! Get over it already. I’m getting tired of your dramatics.”

“What the f**k are you talking about?” he demanded. I had backed up by this point and circled around to Braden’s side. Obviously this was Braden’s ex, the lovely Marla.

“Cut the bullshit. If you want to start thinking about running for office you’re going to need the right wife and lucky for you, I’m still available.”

“You’re out of your mind! I would never marry you. I don’t even like you.”

“My family has money and influence. We don’t have to like each other. We don’t even have to f**k each other although you had no problem f**king me before.”

“I was nineteen! I had no problem f**king anybody!”

“Yeah, okay, whatever. If you’re not careful you’re going to lose me.”

“Lose you? I can’t get rid of you! You can’t seem to get it through that empty, deluded, narcissistic head of yours that I have no interest in you. And why would you think I was interested in politics either?”

“Why else would you want to work for the DA? It’s not like they pay anything.”

“I have a trust fund. I could work for free if I wanted. How did you even get on the guest list?”

“By agreeing to donate a grand to your family’s f**king foundation.”

“Well Marla, thanks for the donation but I have a real girlfriend now, who I actually like.”

I must confess that up until then I had been feeling mighty awkward just standing there listening to this conversation while both of them completely ignored me. As soon as Braden made that little revelation, though, Marla seemed to notice me for the first time.

“Her?” she asked disdainfully, looking me up and down. “This mousy girl in the fake jewelry and the Carolina Herrera knock-off?”

“Hey! This is a Carlos Miele original and this is a diamond necklace from Harry Winston. You’re one to talk about fake with your bleach blonde hair, your spray tan and your plastic tits, lady.”

“Did you hear that, Braden?!” Marla screeched.

“Yes, I did,” he answered with obvious amusement. “You tell her, baby.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Now Marla, I think it’s best that you left. You’ve wasted more than a thousand dollars’ worth of my time and patience.” He signaled one of the security team and explained that Marla had overstayed her welcome. We walked off as she was being hustled toward the drive complaining loudly and threatening to sue.

“She’s a real sweetie.” I smiled.

“Yeah, she’s a charmer. I must have been insane. Oh shit,” he said looking up and trying a bit too late, apparently, to steer us in the other direction. I followed his gaze and saw a man who appeared to be somewhere in his late thirties or possibly early forties. He had “pretty boy” looks and blindingly white teeth with an expression that reminded me somehow of the Big Bad Wolf. (The better to eat you with, my dear!) Not far behind him was a woman who looked like she might be in her mid-forties. She might have been considered quite attractive if she just didn’t look so… mean. She had black hair streaked with iron gray and a cruel expression on her thin lips. She looked like someone who would have blended in well at a witch burning. They were closing in on us rapidly. Bringing up the rear were a painfully skinny and anemic-looking older man who might have been forty… or fifty… or sixty, and a sullen young woman with jet black hair and lily white skin. She was dressed all in black, including her lipstick. Those two looked like they would have preferred to have headed in the other direction, or anywhere else for that matter, other than after the first two.