Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street 5) - Page 77/89

She equated body modification with a deficiency of character.

Amanda finally caught sight of me standing behind the reception desk, and, ignoring the people sitting in the waiting area, she strode over to me with her eyebrow quirked. “This is the famous INKarnate?”

Feeling defensive, I stiffened. “Yes.”

She rolled her eyes. “Only you would think working at a place like this was cool.”

“No, actually hundreds of people would. It’s well respected for its art and it pays well because it gets a lot of business.”

She harrumphed and waved my comment away. “Look, I’m here because we all agree we want you back in our lives. You may have it in your silly little noggin that we could give a shit, but that’s not true, Shannon. We love you. We just . . . We know what you’re like. You have bad judgment. I’m here to make you see some sense.”

I’d gone from being amazed that she’d said the L-word to being indignant at her condescension. “I told you we’d discuss this. You can’t just walk in here, expecting to pass judgment on Cole. One, you just can’t. And two, he’s working. It’s a Saturday. We’re really busy.”

“I just want to meet him. I’m not going anywhere until I do.” She smirked. “Or don’t you want to make good on that promise to Logan?”

I gritted my teeth in frustration. Sometimes my sister was just pure evil. “Wait there.”

I hurried into the back, knocking on Cole’s door.

“Come in,” he called over the buzz of the needle.

I opened the door to find him tattooing a very detailed Minotaur onto a wannabe biker chick’s arm. Her name was Vik and she was a regular. She’d come in for a tattoo way back when I first started working at the studio, and she’d been three other times since then.

Cole looked up at me and stilled at the sight of my expression. “What’s wrong?”

“My sister is here.” I grimaced. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. And she won’t leave until she meets you.”

Cole’s features hardened. “I’ll be out when I’m finished with this tat. She can park her arse in the waiting area.”

I nodded and moved to hurry out when he called my name.

“Yeah?” I asked over my shoulder.

“Don’t offer her coffee, water, anything. She’s not welcome here, and the only reason I’m not throwing her out on her arse is you and your brother.”

Uneasiness moved through me, but I gave him a quick jerk of my chin in agreement and hurried out. I had a feeling this meeting wasn’t going to go too well.

*   *   *

Amanda made a face as I introduced Cole. I’d taken her into his room for some privacy. Cole hadn’t offered her his hand. He’d just given her a nod of his head and pulled me protectively into his side.

I scowled. “Amanda, you two haven’t even exchanged a word yet.”

“Look at him.” She waved her hand at me. “Like he’s going to stick around you for long.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Cole snapped.

Amanda snorted and shot me a pointed look. “Charming.”

Impatience sizzled in my blood. I stepped forward. “Amanda, quit it. You’re supposed to give him a fair chance.”

“I don’t need to. Look at him. I think your first instincts were right on this one, Shannon.”

Realization hit me. “You were never going to give him a chance. You like this. You like me being the black sheep.”

She rolled her eyes at me again. “You did that to yourself. You pick these losers. These big nothings—”

I shot toward her so fast she stumbled back in fright. “Don’t you ever call him that,” I hissed, fists clenched at my sides.

“Shannon,” Cole murmured, but I ignored the placation in his tone.

“You don’t know anything about him or me. Why?” I pleaded. “Why are you being like this? I’m trying to fix things because Logan wants his family back, and you’re playing your petty games.”

“I’m not playing. This is serious. This doesn’t look like trying to me.”

I shook my head, feeling immensely sad all of a sudden. “You said you love me, but I’m not sure I believe that. You and me . . . we’ve never gotten along and I still don’t know why you’ve always had it out for me—”

“Oh, for God’s sake! If only you’d been this paranoid about your boyfriends, maybe Logan wouldn’t be in prison.”

I felt Cole’s heat at my back and I pressed a hand out behind me to stop him from saying or doing anything in retaliation. “Cole does not need to prove himself to you or to anyone. Now, you’ve insulted him enough. I want you to leave.”

Face red, eyes suddenly filled with a surprising amount of emotion, Amanda whispered, “I don’t know what you think or why you think it, but I do care about you. I just don’t trust you and I’m trying to save you from making another huge mistake. I’ll never forget what you did to Logan, but I was willing to try to forgive. Please, Shannon. You let me walk out that door, then you’re cut off from this family.”

As I was almost paralyzed by her words, it was only the touch of Cole’s hands on my hips that reached me. Fear of disappointing Logan again kept me from saying anything.

Amanda took my silence as rejection and with wounded eyes and a disapproving grimace she hurried out of the studio before I could figure out how to make it all work.