Kyland - Page 16/81

I put my arm around Shelly and pulled her closer to my body. She smiled up at me. "It's the twenty-fourth, Ky," she said. "Winter break started two days ago . . . did you not notice?"

I sighed. "No. I noticed. I was just kidding." And truthfully, getting out of my house later didn't sound half bad, and they always offered food at intermission. Some of it might even be more than cookies or cupcakes. Last year, they'd had these little pigs in a blanket . . .

"Yeah, all right, let's go see the play tonight. Sounds festive." We stopped in front of Rusty's.

"Good! My brothers are going, too, so I'll meet you there." She squeezed me tighter. "And if you're free afterward . . ." She let that idea linger, letting go of me and blowing me a kiss as she walked away.


I met Shelly outside the school, my boots soaked from walking through the snow. I stomped them off and brushed the snow out of my hair as Shelly grinned at me and pretended to shiver. "Brr!" she said, pulling her red wool coat around her. "Warm me up." She latched onto my arm and pressed herself into my body. Her strong vanilla fragrance filled my nostrils.

We went inside the warm lobby, a large decorated tree in the middle of the open space. The school went all out for the Christmas play. Most likely, I thought, because many of the parents from Evansly, the ones who worked in the executive offices of the mine, would be there. As I looked around, I saw several of them, their thick winter coats and fur-trimmed boots and hats giving them away. Shelly took my hand and led me inside to some empty seats near the middle of the auditorium. There was a low buzz of voices—chatter and laughter—and the room was dim and warm. I was suddenly glad I'd trudged through the weather to come here. I looked forward to the refreshments that would be served during intermission—it'd been a rough month. Heating my house, at least enough to survive, became as much of a priority as eating. When I was younger, I used to chip coal off the highway embankment. But it was illegal, and a very public illegal act at that, and I didn't think it was worth the risk. I was so close to everything I'd worked for . . . so close. I followed Shelly, scooting past the people already seated in the row she'd chosen.

We sat down, and Shelly removed her jacket and leaned back, letting out a sigh of comfort as she grabbed my hand. I looked over at her . . . and met Tenleigh's eyes sitting right next to Shelly. I jolted slightly, and couldn't help the smile that immediately took over my face. "Tenleigh," I said, leaning forward, and there was some sort of feeling of relief that moved through my chest as if I'd been waiting to see her for far too long. Had I? Tenleigh looked slightly stricken, but didn't say anything as her eyes moved from mine down to my lap where Shelly's and my hands were linked. I let go quickly as if I'd been caught doing something wrong and Shelly looked over at me, frowning. Then she looked next to her at Tenleigh and back to me, her frown growing. She grabbed my hand again just as the lights dimmed. I sat back, my heart beating more quickly. I felt uncomfortable, jittery, and I wasn't even sure exactly why. Tenleigh and I didn't have anything more than a friendship . . . if even that. And neither did Shelly and I, as a matter of fact. Although I'd certainly been more intimate with Shelly. So why did I feel as if I'd done something wrong to Tenleigh? Why did I suddenly feel guilty and distracted by her presence right next to us? Why did I suddenly feel the need to explain this to her?

The show started and I didn't hear a word of it. I tried to see Tenleigh in my peripheral vision, but she had leaned all the way back and Shelly was now blocking her. I glanced at her quickly when a kid started crying in the aisle down from us and saw that she was staring straight ahead, rigid.

Suddenly, Shelly took her jacket from behind her and spread it on her lap as if she were cold, moving it so it covered half of me as well. I felt her hand moving over my crotch and jumped slightly. She ran her palm over my dick and then squeezed it through my jeans, still looking straight ahead, a small smile on her lips. I reached under the jacket and removed her hand from my body and put it on top of her coat. She looked over at me and raised her eyebrows and I nodded my head to the stage, indicating what, I wasn't exactly sure.

I looked over at Tenleigh and her head was still facing forward, but I could see that her eyes were cast downward and to the side where Shelly's jacket covered us, and where our hands had been moving beneath the fabric.

I cleared my throat and her eyes darted to mine in the dim theater, her lips parting. Her eyes widened and then she whipped her head forward again, ignoring me.

Shelly grabbed my hand on top of her jacket and used her thumb to make slow circles on my skin.

I sat through the first half of the play tense and uncomfortable, trying my best to get into the performance, but to no avail. I was painfully aware of Tenleigh, as if she were some sort of magnet, not allowing me to feel anything other than the pull of her mere presence.

Relief swept through me when the lights came on and flashed for intermission. I stood up and looked next to Shelly at Tenleigh, but she was already turned and headed out the other side of the row we were in, moving with the crowd toward the lobby.

I followed the people in front of me out the other side of the aisle, Shelly right behind me, and looked around in every direction, peering over the heads of those in front of me when we flowed out into the lobby.

Shelly was saying something behind me, but I wasn't paying attention.

The smell of coffee and sweets filled the open space and Shelly pulled me over to a line at a table. "Are you hungry?" she asked.